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Saturday 8 June 2024


 Apache BookKeeper - a scalable, fault tolerant and low latency storage service optimized for append-only workloads

Apache BookKeeper is a scalable, fault-tolerant and low latency storage service optimized for append-only workloads.

It is suitable for being used in following scenarios:

  • WAL (Write-Ahead-Logging), e.g. HDFS NameNode, Pravega.
  • Message Store, e.g. Apache Pulsar.
  • Offset/Cursor Store, e.g. Apache Pulsar.
  • Object/Blob Store, e.g. storing state machine snapshots.

Get Started

  • Checkout the project website.
  • Concepts: Start with the basic concepts of Apache BookKeeper. This will help you to fully understand the other parts of the documentation.
  • Follow the Installation guide to set up BookKeeper.


Please visit the Documentation from the project website for more information.

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BookKeeper installation

You can install BookKeeper either by downloading a GZipped tarball package, using the Docker image or cloning the BookKeeper repository.



You can download Apache BookKeeper releases from the Download page.


To build BookKeeper from source, clone the repository from the GitHub mirror:

$ git clone

Build using Maven

Once you have the BookKeeper on your local machine, either by downloading or cloning it, you can then build BookKeeper from source using Maven:

$ mvn package

Since 4.8.0, bookkeeper introduces table service. If you would like to build and tryout table service, you can build it with stream profile.

$ mvn package -Dstream

You can skip tests by adding the -DskipTests flag when running mvn package.

Useful Maven commands

Some other useful Maven commands beyond mvn package:

mvn cleanRemoves build artifacts
mvn compileCompiles JAR files from Java sources
mvn compile spotbugs:spotbugsCompile using the Maven SpotBugs plugin
mvn installInstall the BookKeeper JAR locally in your local Maven cache (usually in the ~/.m2 directory)
mvn deployDeploy the BookKeeper JAR to the Maven repo (if you have the proper credentials)
mvn verifyPerforms a wide variety of verification and validation tasks
mvn apache-rat:checkRun Maven using the Apache Rat plugin
mvn compile javadoc:aggregateBuild Javadocs locally
mvn -am -pl bookkeeper-dist/server packageBuild a server distribution using the Maven Assembly plugin

You can enable table service by adding the -Dstream flag when running above commands.


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