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Saturday 8 June 2024



Pulsar is a distributed pub-sub messaging platform with a very flexible messaging model and an intuitive client API.

Learn more about Pulsar at

Main features

  • Horizontally scalable (Millions of independent topics and millions of messages published per second)
  • Strong ordering and consistency guarantees
  • Low latency durable storage
  • Topic and queue semantics
  • Load balancer
  • Designed for being deployed as a hosted service:
    • Multi-tenant
    • Authentication
    • Authorization
    • Quotas
    • Support mixing very different workloads
    • Optional hardware isolation
  • Keeps track of consumer cursor position
  • REST API for provisioning, admin and stats
  • Geo replication
  • Transparent handling of partitioned topics
  • Transparent batching of messages


This repository is the main repository of Apache Pulsar. Pulsar PMC also maintains other repositories for components in the Pulsar ecosystem, including connectors, adapters, and other language clients.

Helm Chart



Dashboard & Management Tools




Pulsar Runtime Java Version Recommendation

  • pulsar ver > 2.10 and master branch
Components Java Version
Broker 17
Functions / IO 17
CLI 17
Java Client 8 or 11 or 17
  • 2.8 <= pulsar ver <= 2.10
Components Java Version
Broker 11
Functions / IO 11
CLI 8 or 11
Java Client 8 or 11
  • pulsar ver < 2.8
Components Java Version
All 8 or 11

Build Pulsar


  • JDK

    Pulsar Version JDK Version
    master and 2.11 + JDK 17
    2.8 / 2.9 / 2.10 JDK 11
    2.7 - JDK 8
  • Maven 3.6.1+

  • zip


This project includes a Maven Wrapper that can be used instead of a system-installed Maven. Use it by replacing mvn by ./mvnw on Linux and mvnw.cmd on Windows in the commands below.

It's better to use CMD rather than Powershell on Windows. Because maven will activate the windows profile which runs rename-netty-native-libs.cmd.


Compile and install:

$ mvn install -DskipTests

Compile and install individual module

$ mvn -pl module-name (e.g: pulsar-broker) install -DskipTests

Minimal build (This skips most of external connectors and tiered storage handlers)

mvn install -Pcore-modules,-main -DskipTests

Run Unit Tests:

$ mvn test

Run Individual Unit Test:

$ mvn -pl module-name (e.g: pulsar-client) test -Dtest=unit-test-name (e.g: ConsumerBuilderImplTest)

Run Selected Test packages:

$ mvn test -pl module-name (for example, pulsar-broker) -Dinclude=org/apache/pulsar/**/*.java

Start standalone Pulsar service:

$ bin/pulsar standalone

Check for documentation and examples.

Setting up your IDE

Read for setting up IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse for developing Pulsar.



Kafka-on-Pulsar - A protocol handler that brings native Kafka protocol to Apache Pulsar。

Kafka-on-Pulsar (KoP)


KoP is now archived. It's recommended to try KSN (Kafka on StreamNative), see

KoP (Kafka on Pulsar) brings the native Apache Kafka protocol support to Apache Pulsar by introducing a Kafka protocol handler on Pulsar brokers. By adding the KoP protocol handler to your existing Pulsar cluster, you can migrate your existing Kafka applications and services to Pulsar without modifying the code. This enables Kafka applications to leverage Pulsar’s powerful features, such as:

  • Streamlined operations with enterprise-grade multi-tenancy
  • Simplified operations with a rebalance-free architecture
  • Infinite event stream retention with Apache BookKeeper and tiered storage
  • Serverless event processing with Pulsar Functions

KoP, implemented as a Pulsar protocol handler plugin with the protocol name "kafka", is loaded when Pulsar broker starts. It helps reduce the barriers for people adopting Pulsar to achieve their business success by providing a native Kafka protocol support on Apache Pulsar. By integrating the two popular event streaming ecosystems, KoP unlocks new use cases. You can leverage advantages from each ecosystem and build a truly unified event streaming platform with Apache Pulsar to accelerate the development of real-time applications and services.

KoP implements the Kafka wire protocol on Pulsar by leveraging the existing components (such as topic discovery, the distributed log library - ManagedLedger, cursors and so on) that Pulsar already has.

The following figure illustrates how the Kafka-on-Pulsar protocol handler is implemented within Pulsar.

Version compatibility

The version of KoP x.y.z.m conforms to Pulsar x.y.z, while m is the patch version number. KoP might also be compatible with older patched versions, but it's not guaranteed. See for details.

KoP is compatible with Kafka clients 0.9 or higher. For Kafka clients 3.2.0 or higher, you have to add the following configurations in KoP because of KIP-679.


How to use KoP

You can configure and manage KoP based on your requirements. Check the following guides for more details.


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