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Wednesday 9 August 2017


Yet Another Proxy powered by Golang.
Linux Build Status Go Report Card Apache License Version 2.0
Yap is a HTTP1.1/HTTP2 proxy which forked and refactored from branch vps of Goproxy


First of all, download the latest Yap program from Release page according to your os and arch.

Prepare for Server

  • A domain:
  • Certificate for the domain:
  • Key of the certificate for the domain:

Create a config file : yap.toml

reject_nil_sni = false

listen = ":443"
# server name for http2 proxy
server_name = [""]
# cert file
cert_file = ""
# key file
key_file = ""

listen = ":8088"


Start Yap Server:

git clone yap-dir

cd yap-dir

root@gcv:~/yap-dir# ls
auth.go  cli         Gopkg.toml  handler.go  pwauth    yap.go      yaputil
cert.go  Gopkg.lock  hack     LICENSE    yap.toml
root@gcv:~/yap-dir# wget

root@gcv:~/yap-dir# tar zxvf yap_linux_amd64_v0.1.0.tar.gz 


root@gcv:~/yap-dir# mv yap_linux_amd64_v0.1.0 yap


root@gcv:~/yap-dir# ls
auth.go  cert.go  cli  Gopkg.lock  Gopkg.toml  hack  handler.go  LICENSE  pwauth  yap  yap.go  yap_linux_amd64_v0.1.0.tar.gz  yap.toml  yaputil

root@gcv:~/yap-dir# cp yap.toml yap.toml.bak

root@gcv:~/yap-dir# rm yap.toml

root@gcv:~/yap-dir# nano yap.toml


reject_nil_sni = false

listen = ":9443"
# server name for http2 proxy
server_name = [""]
# cert file
cert_file = "/path/to/cert.pem"
# key file
key_file = "/path/to/key.pem" )

root@gcv:~/yap-dir# ./yap yap.toml &

不过命令:./yap yap.toml &仍然容易退出运行,我们可以利用systemd,来把该命令运行为service:
nano  /etc/systemd/system/yap.service

ExecStart=/root/yap-dir/yap /root/yap-dir/yap.toml



systemctl start yap
systemctl enable yap

安装chrome的插件switchyomega后,点击chrome的右上角的switchyomega图标,然后点击“选项”-“新建情景模式”-“情景模式名称”取名为https proxy by yap(名称可以随便取)-点击“创建”- 代理协议”选择https,"代理服务器"栏填写你所绑定的域名,“代理端口”填写9443-点击“应用选项”。


Use Yap

1. Use HTTP2 Proxy in Chrome or Firefox

Create a new pac proxy configuration for you browser and setting:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
  return "HTTPS";

2. Use Yap in Proxy Chains

listen = "localhost:8088"
upstream_proxy = ""
./yap yap.toml
Config HTTP Proxy localhost:8088 for you application.

Enjoy you life


Yap supports multiple format configuration files such as toml, yaml and so on.

Section - default


Section - http2

http2 section contains a list for HTTP2 proxy.
  • network - optional
    The network must be a stream-oriented network:
    "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6", "unix" or "unixpacket".
    Currently, only support tcp, tcp4, tcp6.
  • listen
    The syntax of listen is "host:port", e.g. ":443"
  • server_name
    The server name for http2 proxy, should be a list, such as ["", ""]
  • proxy_fallback - optional
    The fallback URL for non-proxy request
  • pem - optional
    The pem file location for key pair contains cert and key, if pem is setting, the cert_file and key_file will be not used.
  • cert_file - optional
    The certificate file location
  • key_file - optional
    The key file location
  • upstream_proxy - optional
    The upstream proxy URL, used for proxy chain.
  • proxy_auth_method - optional
    The proxy authenticate method, currently contains 3 options: "pam", "htpasswd", "build-in".
    Leave it blank for disable proxy authenticate
  • proxy_auth_htpasswd_path - optional
    The htpasswd file location.
    Only used when proxy_auth_method is set to htpasswd.
  • proxy_auth_buildin_credential - optional
    The build-in authentication credential. Only used when proxy_auth_method is set to build-in.

Section - http

  • network - optional
    The network must be a stream-oriented network:
    "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6", "unix" or "unixpacket".
    Currently, only support tcp, tcp4, tcp6.
  • listen
    The syntax of listen is "host:port", e.g. ":443"
  • upstream_proxy - optional
    The upstream proxy URL, used for proxy chain.
  • proxy_auth_method - optional
    The proxy authenticate method, currently contains 3 options: "pam", "htpasswd", "build-in".
    Leave it blank for disable proxy authenticate
    Please reference Authentication section.
  • proxy_auth_htpasswd_path - optional
    The htpasswd file location.
    Only used when proxy_auth_method is set to htpasswd.
  • proxy_auth_buildin_credential - optional
    The build-in authentication credential. Only used when proxy_auth_method is set to build-in.


Yap supports two auth methods.

Build-in Authentication

Set proxy_auth_method to build-in. Set proxy_auth_buildin_credential to username:password.

Basic Authentication - htpasswd file auth

Set proxy_auth_method to htpasswd. Set proxy_auth_htpasswd_path to htpasswd file path.
# ...
proxy_auth_method = "htpasswd"
proxy_auth_htpasswd_path = "/path/to/htpasswd"
# ...
Generate htpasswd:
htpasswd -bc /path/to/htpasswd username passwd

PAM Authentication

Install python for PAM authentication. Set proxy_auth_method to pam.

Use Yap in Docker

Quick start:
docker run -d \
    -v /path/to/yap.toml:/yap.toml \
    -v /path/to/example.cert:/example.cert \
    -v /path/to/example.key:/example.key \
    -v /path/to/htpasswd:/htpasswd \
    -p 443:443 \
    -p 8088:8088 \
You can find more details from Yap in Docker hub.


它这里的top域名在第二年的费用才7usd多。然后再到这里,购买一个Comodo PositiveSSL证书,8usd/年(如果一次购买3年,才15usd.平均5usd/年


如果想使用let's encrypt的免费证书,请看: 

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