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Sunday, 1 June 2014

X2O sample recipe application

This is the source code to the X2O sample recipe application described in the X2O documentation site. X2O is a web-based data modeling platform for rich internet applications. Visit to signup for our free beta release.
In order to set up the sample recipe application, you'll need to sign up for your own X2O account. Once you've signed up for X2O, here are the steps to setup the sample recipe app...
For Adobe® Flex®:
You'll need to use a Flex IDE (we recommend Adobe® Flex® Builder™ 3) to run this application.
  1. Generate the sample recipe application project that's in your X2O client. The data model has already been pre-built for you.
  2. Once generated, follow the link to the generated CMS to create records as shown in the docs here. Make sure you create the same recipe styles ("French", "Italian", and "Thai") as shown in the sample application. That's because these are defined types. Their IDs are referenced as static integers in the source code.
  3. Generate the sample recipe application project once more (the new code will create the defined types class based off the Recipe Styles records you made).
  4. Create a new Flex project in your Flex IDE.
  5. Download the source code: Download the zip provided in the Downloads section. The MXML and CSS file should be placed in the /src folder of your Flex project.
  6. Download the generated SWC: From your X2O client, download and drop the generated SWC file from Step 3 into the /libs folder of your Flex project.

You should then be able to run the project.
For JavaScript 1.x:
  1. Generate the sample recipe application project that's in your X2O client. The data model has already been pre-built for you.
  2. Once generated, follow the link to the generated CMS to create records as shown in the docs here. Make sure you create the same recipe styles ("French", "Italian", and "Thai") as shown in the sample application. That's because these are defined types. Their IDs are referenced as static integers in the source code.
  3. Generate the sample recipe application project once more (the new code will create the defined types class based off the Recipe Styles records you made).
  4. Create a folder on your machine.
  5. Download the source code: Download and extract the JS-version zip provided in the Downloads section into this folder.
  6. Download the generated JS library: From your X2O client, download and extract the generated JS Zip file from Step 3 into the /JS folder of the zip file you extracted in step 5 above.

You should then be able to run the test.html file.
