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Wednesday 7 September 2016


Elixir version of ruby-build.

elixir-build is an exenv plugin that provides an exenv install command to compile and install different versions of Elixir on UNIX-like systems.
You can also use elixir-build without exenv in environments where you need precise control over Elixir version installation.
elixir-build is the Elixir version of ruby-build. Thanks to @sstephenson!


Erlang, version R16B or later.


Installing as an exenv plugin (recommended)

Installing elixir-build as an exenv plugin will give you access to the exenv install command.
git clone git:// ~/.exenv/plugins/elixir-build
This will install the latest development version of elixir-build into the ~/.exenv/plugins/elixir-build directory. From that directory, you can check out a specific release tag. To update elixir-build, run git pull to download the latest changes.

Installing as a standalone program (advanced)

Installing elixir-build as a standalone program will give you access to the elixir-build command for precise control over Elixir version installation. If you have exenv installed, you will also be able to use the exenv install command.
git clone git://
cd elixir-build
This will install elixir-build into /usr/local. If you do not have write permission to /usr/local, you will need to run sudo ./ instead. You can install to a different prefix by setting the PREFIX environment variable.
To update elixir-build after it has been installed, run git pull in your cloned copy of the repository, then re-run the install script.


Using exenv install with exenv

To install a Elixir version for use with exenv, run exenv install with the exact name of the version you want to install. For example,
exenv install 0.7.0
Elixir versions will be installed into a directory of the same name under ~/.exenv/versions.
To see a list of all available Elixir versions, run exenv install --list. You may also tab-complete available Elixir versions if your exenv installation is properly configured.

Using elixir-build standalone

If you have installed elixir-build as a standalone program, you can use the elixir-build command to compile and install Elixir versions into specific locations.
Run the elixir-build command with the exact name of the version you want to install and the full path where you want to install it. For example,
elixir-build 0.6.0 ~/local/0.6.0
To see a list of all available Elixir versions, run elixir-build --definitions.
Pass the -v or --verbose flag to elixir-build as the first argument to see what's happening under the hood.

Keeping the build directory after installation

Both elixir-build and exenv install accept the -k or --keep flag, which tells elixir-build to keep the downloaded source after installation.
Source code will be kept in a parallel directory tree ~/.exenv/sources when using --keep with the exenv installcommand.

Installing Elixir of specified revision (Advanced)

You can install Elixir of specified revision by specifying the sha1. For example,
exenv install --add v0.9.3-9-g7d22146
exenv install v0.9.3-9-g7d22146

Version History


  • Add --add option (@khia)


  • Add install_git_sha1

