代理是指用户的手机网络请求可以通过一个中间服务到达远程服务器,在某些情况下以此实现穿越局域网防火墙的作用。Potatso 支持自定义代理,需要由用户自行提供(自己架设或购买成品服务)。
from http://vpn.liruqi.info/ios/
Mume is an iOS client that implements custom proxies with the leverage of Network Extension framework introduced by Apple since iOS 9.
Currently, Mume is compatible with following proxies:
Join Telegram Group to chat with users.
See Setup Guide for details.Acknowlegements
We use the following services or open-source libraries. So we'd like show them highest respect and thank for bringing those great projects:Services:
Open-source Projects:
- Potatso
- KissXML
- MMWormhole
- CocoaAsyncSocket
- Cartography
- AsyncSwift
- Appirater
- Eureka
- MBProgressHUD
- CallbackURLKit
- ISO8601DateFormatter
- Alamofire
- ObjectMapper
- CocoaLumberjack
- AlamofireObjectMapper
- YAML.framework
- tun2socks-iOS
- shadowsocks-libev
- Antinat
- Privoxy