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Friday, 31 May 2013





Tw2other是由@ cluries开发的基于php主机的Twitter同步程序,具体可以查看项目主页(,。另外,插一句,如果没有耐心折腾的话,这一篇就直接无视吧,那么好的免费主机浪费了也怪可惜的。



可能由于中国地区的滥用,000webhost是不对中国地区的IP开放申请的。所以,申请000webhost的免费空间时,最好使用高匿代理或者VPN,否则申请是不会予以通过的。网上所说的Submit Ticket这一招也早就不管用了。






1. twitteroauth文件夹下的twitteroauth.php
修改很容易,原则就是把所有含有“”的链接换成二级域名,具体如何修改见下图。这里有我已经修改好的 (,其中oauth验证用的是@ LonelySwan的itap,当然自己搭建的itap也可以。

2. config.php
define ( 'INTERVAL', 50 );——是同步延时,不建议修改
$twitterSyncLevel = 0;——是用来设置是否过滤@、RT推的,视需要自己修改

3. cron.php




Cron Job设置

000webhost是支持cron job的,只有设置了cron job才能实时同步。



第三步,进入Cron Jobs,并按下图设置即可,方框内要填上“/public_html/tw2other/cron.php”,即cron.php的绝对路径。




当看到Tw2other文件夹下,有tweet.id和update.time文件时,证明oauth成功,并且cron job正常工作。



Thursday, 30 May 2013

提升 网站访问速度之设置HTTP缓存





缓存的作用有多大?如果用户不会打开你网站的第二个页面,那缓存就没有作用。但是对于一个大型网站来说,缓存则是必不可少的。比如百度,首页日均PV约为10亿,在首页上加载的百度logo(,size:1.54KB)在每次访问时都会显示出来,假如关闭缓存并忽略304命中,那么每天将产生1.54*1000000000 (KB)=1468.66(GB)也就是约1.5TB流量,假如全天24小时跑满,那么需要至少:(1503906.25*8)/86400=140MBps这么大带宽的主机,生产环境流量不可能24小时均衡的,并且这只是这一张LOGO图片的流量需要这么大的资源,而其它的资源并未考虑到。所以,百度明智地对这张图片配置了长达10年的缓存。



# Image and Flash content Caching for ONE Year

Header set Cache-Control "max-age=3156000"



location ~* \.(flv|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|ico|swf)$ {
expires 1y;
access_log off;
break; }













四、2012年“敢动中国”和“中国敢动”名单新鲜出炉:敢动中国奖获名单:1日本、2菲律宾、3朝鲜、4韩国、5泰国、6帕劳、7印尼、8缅甸、 9索马里海盗、10尼日利亚。中国敢动获奖名单:1临时工、2拆迁户、3外来务工人员、4乡村医生、5流动商贩、6游行群众、7薄熙来、8捐款、9公积 金、10养老保险。

五、在中国最牛逼的事情:1、车“超载”了,车胎没爆,桥却压塌了。2、出动万人,击毙一逃犯,数百人立功。花18亿,塌一大桥,无一人负责。3、 据说在中国能安全过桥的只有云南米线了!4、每个倒塌的桥面上,必然趴着数不清的蛀虫。管你塌不塌,捞完走人。5、过个车,大桥坠毁;打个雷,高铁追尾;下个 雨,满城泡水;开个会,全国戒备;生个病,债台高垒;读个书,全家受累;眨个眼,肉价飙飞;上个访,有去无回;喝个奶,时间不对;摆个摊,城管砸毁;炒个股,终生后悔。

六、记者:“大娘,您捡垃圾幸福吗?”老人:“啥?”记者提高声音:“您幸福吗?”老人:“我耳聋你大点声”。记者声嘶力竭:“您幸福吗?”老人继 续:再大点声!记者无奈离去。老人自语:“早tm听见了,累死你个龟孙!钓鱼岛和腐败的事你不问,拎个破JB玩意满大街问穷人幸福吗?我83了还在捡破烂 你说我会幸福吗?”







6、这一年,高铁恍如一夜之间长满祖国各地,人们用高于普车数倍的价格向铁道部购买时间,而那些时间充裕的人因普车的取消也不得不买几个小时,然后 在目的地玩,来消磨时间。号称世界领先的动车出轨了,人们悲怆的发现,吃的、住的、坐的竟没有一种让人蛋定。对于善良的中国人来说,打酱油比抢碘盐还来得 更轻松和毫无风险。


8、这一年,几万元的校车,装60多个学生。几十万元的公车,装一个领导干部。他们对医疗不重视,因为他们有高干病房;他们对教育不重视,因为他们 的孩子留洋;他们对食品安全不重视,因为他们有特供食品;他们对堵车不重视,因为他们出行警车开道;他们对国家未来不重视,因为他们妻儿已经移民美国!他 们对维稳很重视,因为他们怕失去这些!这就是我们的领导!能买光全世界的飞机,却买不起一辆校车;能把卫星送入太空,却造不一座小桥;能给别国花数亿,却 不肯多几所小学;一年能吃掉几十艘航母,却逼着孩子捐出午饭钱。

9、这一年,灰太郎对喜洋洋说:我咬你,你不要动,我们要和谐。这一年的总结我们以一个吃牛肉面的故事结束,某男子去面馆要了一碗牛肉面,可是面上 来后没看到一块牛肉。就气得把老板叫来,牛肉面怎么没有牛肉?老板淡淡地说:“别拿名字当真,难道你还指望从老婆饼里吃出老婆吗?你什么时候看见人民大会 堂里面坐过人民?凡是门口挂“人民”二字招牌的地方,均岗哨林立,充分体现了“人民”的崇高。这些地方一般都是人民无法随意进出的,像“人民政府”、“人 民法院”等等……好不容易找到一个“人民银行”,还不办理储蓄业务。只有“人民医院”的门可以随意进出,却是人民不愿意进去的地方!!!


“刚柔相济”习近平 作者-何清涟


习近平的强硬,从2009年墨西哥一番讲话后就闻名于世。有人就其强硬性格作了种种畅想,比如畅想他强硬对外,弘扬国威;畅想他重拳治腐,整顿吏 治。还有人干脆将习总与普京相比,写了篇“习近平的铁腕与普京的强硬有何异同”,盛赞“从重拳反腐到厉行节俭,从南巡广东力推改革开放,到屡赴艰苦地区访 贫问苦,从强势治军到和平外交,从依法治国,到经济发展注重质量效益,……习近平都展示出张弛有度,刚柔相济的治国风范。”
先说“反腐”。习总最著名的反腐语录莫过于“老虎苍蝇一齐打”。“老虎”、“苍蝇”的级别并无中央文件予以规定,在一般传媒眼里,省部级就算得上 “大老虎”了。最近,一篇题为“习近平下手又快又狠、连打三只省部级‘老虎’”的文章,就将四川省委副书记李春城及湖北省人大副主任吴永文、国家发改委副 主任兼国家能源局局长刘铁男列为“老虎”。其实,这一等级的“老虎”,中共一直在打。2012年5月11日,国家预防腐败局副局长崔海容在香港廉政公署第 五届国际会议上的发言透露,过去30年,中国共有420余万党政人员受处分,其中有90余名省部级官员因贪腐被追究司法责任。更何况刘铁男等三人出身均为 平民,在红色政权的老板们——各大红色家族成员眼中,本不属于“八旗亲贵”,充其量算“包衣奴才”,奴才利用职权贪污腐败,坏我祖宗江山,该抓该判——这 是习总反腐的“有所为”。
我为什么要用“八旗亲贵”与“包衣奴才”这等词汇?那是因为在专制与等级制上,如今中国与大清并无本质不同。中共红色政权骨子里还是家天下,只不过 不是皇帝一家所有,而是众多红色家族共同所有,权力授受模式非常重视血缘关系。即使在社会主义国家大家族里,也只有两个半政权如此:一是北韩父死子继,二 是古巴兄终弟及,剩下那半个是中国,由红色家族代际传承。中国没有弄成北韩古巴模式,乃是因为毛泽东无合适的男性继承人,经过30年折腾,绕了一个大弯, 经过两代管家,权力之棒又回到了红色家族手中。为了不再发生管家摄政,现在已开始培养红色家族的第三代、第四代。
“红色政权守护人”这一角色的功能首先是对红色家族负责,习近平当然很清楚自己的职守。因此,去年权斗虽然厉害,但对“八旗亲贵”圈人物还是“黄带 子阿哥”待遇。 薄熙来权斗失意后,“高墙圈禁”。与薄案有关的太子党成员如陈元,虽然从国家开发银行放了数百亿款给薄,以支持其问鼎大业,但给予的惩罚不过是将其从肥职 国家开发银行董事长位置上调离,与此同时还赏赐一顶“全国政协副主席”荣衔恩养。去年因卷入高层权斗的红色家族成员,许多人的财富不幸被曝光,习近平知 道,“不瞎不聋,做不得当家翁”,一律不予追究。因为这江山本就是红色家族集体打下来的,只是当初打着“革命”旗号,不便建立世袭爵位制以慰功臣,如今就 让他们拿点财富回家,这也算是理所当然之事。这点分寸,作为掌门人心中应该有数——这叫做“有所不为”。
对谁该严?以下例子供读者参考。据报载,2010年至今,共发生7起因为征地导致工程车碾死村民事件,其中有3起发生于今年3、4月:3月27日, 河南中牟县农民宋义和在自家承包地里被闯入的开发商铲车碾压致死;3月30日,湖北巴东农妇张如琼在与当地高速公路施工方交涉时,被施工人员驾驶水泥罐车 碾头而死;4月3日,四川西昌市村民宋武华被重钢西昌矿业有限公司的推土机碾压致死。上述事件的发生,缘于权力、资本与农民个体利益发生冲突。主导事件发 展及其结局的当然是权力。权力如何对待这些骇人听闻的事件呢?最后都是赔偿谈判,在权力眼中,没有用人民币摆不平的事情。农民们虽然以死相抗,但在与权力 的较量中总是败北。
国内媒体总说,这是地方官员为了政绩,却不知这种情况是中共政府蜕变成自利型政治集团的逻辑后果。当中国的自然资源被所谓经济发展消耗殆尽之后,就 剩下土地这一实体财富成为地方政府财源之时,让老百姓活还是让政府活,就成了最后选项。在权力面前,农民其实没有选择,胡星斗最近曾说,他受委托主持江苏 连云港灌云县陆庄村征地拆迁研讨会,据协商维权专家周鸿陵提供的资料,该村6000余人,因为征地发生了100 次以上的群体性事件,有1000人次以上被判刑、劳教、拘留、进学习班——为了保住那点活命的地,这个村六分之一的人成了“国家的敌人”。
英明的中央不知道吗?我可不这样认为。为了维持红色政权,当政者已将中国资源金木水土掠夺殆尽,如今新城镇化成为唯一的经济发展之策,不征地,地方 政府何以维持?没有地方官员这些“包衣奴才”效忠,红色政权不就成了光杆司令部?所以,发展经济大计所系,压死几个人算什么?该征还得继续征。
对于红色政权当家人来说,治国难,不在治民而在治官。中国政府对付民变有两手,一是武力镇压。前不久,中国政府发布《中国武装力量的多样化运用》白 皮书, 其中提到,武警部队是国家处置公共突发事件、维护社会稳定的骨干和突击力量,2011─2012年累计用兵160多万人次。此数量相当于一场大规模战争所 用兵力。二是用钱摆平,比如最近北京安徽女子袁莉亚跳楼事件,最后以给袁家40万元了结。
习慕普京,无论是对普京的行事作风还是治国方式,他都甚为欣赏。但普京有些做法习近平却不敢仿效。比如,普京要求官员在今年4月1日以前申报财产, 并在6月 1日以前清理自己的海外资产;即使那些离开国家岗位的人员,在正式离职3年之内也不能拥有海外资产;违反规定者将被课以500万至1000万卢布罚款,或 被判处5年以下有期徒刑,3年内不得担任公职。
习不敢效仿普京反腐,其原因就在于他无法惩治拥有巨额财富的红色家族。既然无法惩治红色家族之腐,仅仅约束官员就是无用之举。在腐败方面,榜样的力 量是无穷的。中国的国家资源既然号称“全民所有”、“国有”,凭什么只有红色家族能够巧取豪夺?红色家族能将公共财据为己有,官员为何不能?所以,中国形 成了不规则的矩形腐败,即上下都贪,底层官吏只要有足够的事权,照样可以上亿地捞,比如广东那几个贪腐逾亿的小小村官。
习总书记的“宽严有度”胸怀再次显现:既然不能让官员公布财产并清理他们的海外资产,就清理呼吁官员公开财产的人士;既然没办法阻止权贵资本主义肆 虐,就不让国民讨论权贵资本主义;没办法管住权贵与官员的贪婪之手,就管住老百姓的思想,让老百姓不知世界上还有普世价值、公民意识与新闻自由这等事物。
中国人曾满心盼望经历过“文革”之痛与上山下乡之苦的习近平体恤民情,刷新吏治,重整河山,最后终于盼来了颇显铁腕风格的“9号文件”。体现9号文 件精神的“七不讲”,即不许讲普世价值、新闻自由、公民社会、公民权利、党的历史错误、权贵资产阶级、司法独立等等,全是针对老百姓那正在觉醒的权利意 识。也就是说,在习总书记眼中,官吏的腐败未必导致红色政权垮台,国民的权利意识觉醒那才真是要了红色政权的命。
原载《中国人权双周刊》第104期 2013年5月3日—5月16日(,
( 自以为是太子党就了不起了?最终一样是collapse的结局,时间问题而已)






  阿尔达布拉岛是世界上第二大珊瑚环礁,总面积达到155平方公里,由4个独立的岛屿构成。数百年前,人类便知道这座岛屿的存在,岛上为何无人居住成为 一个难解之谜。阿尔达布拉岛是世界上其中一种数量最多的巨龟的家园。大约有15万只阿尔达布拉巨龟生活在这座环状珊瑚岛,













































  从视觉效果上来说,高1844英尺(562米)的柏尔的金字塔可能是世界上最令人印象深刻的小岛,它位于太平洋上,1965年确实有人第一次成功爬上 这座「小尖塔」的顶部。攀爬柏尔的金字塔在1982年被完全禁止,不过1990年的攀爬活动是个特例,这是美国政府申请的结果。




监测io读写 的命令-iostat


iostat -x -d -m /dev/sdb 3

-x 显示额外信息
-d 去除cpu信息(官方的解释是显示设备利用率),其实去除这个flag后cpu信息就出来了,可我又不需要它。
-m 以MB/s来显示
3 每3秒自动刷新一次。
其他的具体查询man iostat

phpjsrsa与WP插件-“WP No Keyword”

encrypt text from php in rsa then decrypt by javascript.

WordPress Plugin: “WP No Keyword”防关键字屏蔽




当前版本:V1.4 WordPress官网下载 (2010-03-30更新)
适用版本:WordPress 2.5或更高版本。



激活插件后,到后台设置中的“WP No Keyword”页面,填入你想要防屏蔽的关键词,每行一词。我们提供多种加密模式,如果你想启用更高级的加密模式,请在页面内勾选非默认模式的选项。保存后自动生效,有效范围是日志内容及评论内容。


默认模式(V1.0加入): 用<span>标签将关键词中的每个字分隔开来,并将每个字转换成unicode编码,使得关键词并不连续且难以辨别,从而增加了机器关键词匹配的难度,进而减小页面被关键词屏蔽的概率。


  • 插件仅对日志内容及评论内容进行处理,不会对日志标题、标签、评论者姓名、RSS输出等内容进行过滤。
  • 插件不会对RSS内容进行高级加密,即只进行默认模式的加密。如果你选择的是非默认加密模式,那么RSS不会进行加密。
  • 日志内容中的HTML标签的大多数属性,如图片的alt、title,都不会进行加密。
  • 默认模式仅能防止最简单的关键字匹配屏蔽,面对高级的过滤(如搜索引擎)无能为力。
  • 非默认模式加密的效果最好,但这将增加服务器的消耗,也将增加客户端的消耗(需要等待时间,而且在页面载入完成前关键字不会被解密),同时搜索引擎无法识别加密的内容,请慎用。
  • 使用此插件后基本可以避免机器式的关键词匹配,但面对直接到页面内浏览的人肉审核无能为力。
  • 插件将用<span>来分割关键字,因此在某些主题中可能会影响排版。解决方法是修改主题的css样式或者修改本插件将<span>改成其他标签。
  • 当页面内包含复杂的或不规范的HTML标签,并且标签内容符合关键词时,插件有可能会将其加密从而时HTML失效、页面混乱。我们已尽量避免这一结果,但还是请小心使用英文关键词。
  • 当页面内关键词较多时,大量的<span>标签可能会增加页面的消耗。
  • 由于某些问题,在某些主机上启用非默认模式可能会产生错误,这时请切换回默认模式。


  • 2010-03-30 V1.4 修复在RSS中依进行非默认模式加密的BUG,即此后在RSS中只会进行默认模式的加密(如果开启了默认模式的话)。
  • 2010-01-02 V1.3 加入符文之语模式,修复了phpjsrsa在某些配置环境下无法运行的Bug。
  • 2010-01-01 V1.1 加入phpjsrsa模式,并加强了默认模式的加密方式。
  • 2009-12-31 V1.0 插件发布。


Wednesday, 29 May 2013


一个集路由器、DNS服务器、NAT、上网日志记录、上网限制于一身的代理服务器软件,用于实现局域网内的所有计算机共享一个 Internet 连接(连接方式包括MODEM、xDSL、宽带等),防止单位重要资料机密文件等的泄密;监督审查限制网络使用行为。主要功能有:
3.禁止某些电脑在指定时间段使用指定的聊天工具(包括QQ、MSN、Yahoo Messenger、ICQ、网易泡泡、E话通、UC等);并可以自行增加聊天行为控制列表;
2.跨平台监控;被监控电脑也可以是Unix 、Linux 等其他操作系统;



能超强的NAT,Proxy Server,POP3,SMTP,DNS Server,DHCP Server,Firewall程序.程序不大,但功能都应有尽有.最实用的就是通过设置软网关在局域网共享MODEM,还能多人共享同一个email帐 号而不互相干扰。 

吴思:政改的预测框架(与其苦等ccp垮台,还不如尽早 go abroad)


  民众群体性事件引发的危机带来的社会压力,从不同的角度可以做不同的分类。从诉求内容看,有涉及经济权利的、政治权利的、社会福利的、司法公正 的、环境安全的、信息公开的,等等。从挑战的层级看,有针对核心制度的、某项法规的、某项政策的、具体决策的,等等。从抗争手段看,有非法的、合法的、暴 烈的、温和的,等等。这些分类各有价值。这里采用的分类标准是危机规模及其后果,可分为五级。
  传统的维稳思维是努力把危机消灭在萌芽状态,以堵为主。不过,危机爆发之后,往往迅速让步,以堵为主转为以疏为主,并且就事论事,降低冲击的制 度意义。2003年,孙志刚事件导致国务院废除了收容审查制度,制度变迁的价值相当高,其背景是:法学界高调申请违宪审查,人大常委会有意介入。
  两者可以合并使用:在契约分析之外,再加上对强行规定的分析——有平等协商自由选择的领域,也有不容商量强行规定的领域,有规训,有契约,份额 不同,比例可变,这就是规约分析。中国政治的核心领域由于欠缺能够充分体现契约关系的民主选举,因此,规约分析的基础更多的不是契约,而是强行规定。
  强制容易造成剥夺感。剥夺感越重、越普遍,危机的引爆点越低。相比之下,契约关系安稳得多。对当事人来说,在契约关系和强制关系之间,还存在一 块利益。受益者努力扩大并保护这块利益,受害者努力压缩这块利益。这方面的博弈,涉及蒙蔽与启蒙,反抗与压制,本身也要消耗大量资源。政改成功即可节省这 类维稳费用。
  每个社会集团的权利/权力边界,都有扩张、维持或受损三种可能。权利/权力还有名义和实际之分。官员的实际权力往往大于名义权力,民众的实际权 利往往小于名义权利。一般说来,权利受到保护,合乎契约,就有秩序稳定;权利受到侵犯,被强制剥夺,就可能造成危机。名义权利/权力和实际权利/权力的差 异也可能造成危机。对这些集团的权利状态可做规约分析。
  (2)农民。农民处于历史上的最好时期。农业税、特产税等彻底取消,种粮还有补贴。新农村合作医疗和养老保障体系基本建立。九年制义务教育基本 实现。村委会可以海选。农民的基本要求都得到了满足。从契约的角度看,农民付出较少,却得到了基本的公共服务,农民在交换中有盈余。
  农民是中国最大的社会集团,农民满意,中国就没有大规模暴力革命的土壤。但对城市郊区的部分农民来说,低价征地属于严重剥夺。一亩地补偿几万 元,政府转手就卖几十万元甚至上百万元,这种剥夺造成大量的群体事件,不断引发五级危机。不过,征地所涉及的农民比例并不高。按照现行标准,征地补贴相当 于耕种土地30年的收益,与种地相比并不吃亏,剥夺只是相对的。在官方让步之前,这个领域仍将是五级危机的多发点。
  第二代农民工,中学毕业就进城市打工,缺乏长期独立的种田经历。他们不想回乡,种田收入低,回去也难以生活;但是房价太高,又很难在城市安家落 户。他们正在进入婚龄,前途不明,这几年工资连年提高,问题不大,倘若经济减速,失业增加,这是非常不稳定的群体。这个群体还没有提出明确的政治经济主 张,不过,考虑到房价的一半以上进了政府的腰包,他们与政府的关系中潜伏着重大矛盾。
  (8)大学生。中国有学生运动的传统。1989年以后,在严密控制和市场就业的引导之下,大学校园基本平静。2012年在校大学生约有2536 万人,每年600多万大学生毕业,虽然就业机会不平等,“拼爹”、拼关系,但就业率还没有低到酿成危机的程度。如果经济状况不佳,就业困难,平等机会被剥 夺的感觉就可能强化,校园将难以保持平静。
  4.未来十年,如果经济增速下行导致的问题处理妥当,各种危机应对顺利,中国经济跃居世界第一的梦想成真。但10年到20年之间中国经济增速总 要降到常规水平,财政的好日子终将过去。那时,政府手里的好牌不多了,权力的寻租空间越来越小,麻烦越来越多,失业增加,财政危机,穷人保福利,富人抗税 费,官僚集团将追逐最后剩余的利益:生命和财产安全。他们将以此为条件,开出和平转型的高价,尽力在自己的掌控下向民主宪政过渡。
一、以上没有讨论外部环境的影响。按照中国和世界历史的惯例,外部压力对变革的影响很大。但是,在中国的体量日益壮大的今天,外部压力相对变弱,不足以成 为决定因素,于是采用国际环境大体不变的假定。当然,从长远考虑,中国发生的所有变革,背后都有外部影响的因素:中国人看到了另外一种低风险高收益的制度 是如何运作的,并且追求这种制度,由此形成趋利避害的历史大势。



想起《人民日报》近日刊发的一篇评论——《莫让青春染暮气》中涉及的话题,文章称,80后一代青年少了年轻人应有的朝气和锐气,本该朝气蓬勃的他们 现在却变得暮气沉沉。不管党报文章以及目前正在其版面上开展的大讨论是否切中了问题的要害,它提出的现象却是真实存在的,而且的确相当值得深思和讨论。
从“大学生就业难”到“年轻人凡事拼爹”,再到“80后一代暮气沉沉”……这一系列相互关联的社会现象折射出一个令人担忧的问题:在改革开放30多 年以后,中国社会中的普通人通过自身的冒险精神、聪明才智和辛苦努力——可能也不能遗漏一些运气成分——来寻求上升的机会之路正变得越来越窄。
按理说,这是非常难以理解的矛盾现象——一方面,过去30年的中国经济经历了世界经济史上从未有过的一次长期高增长阶段;与此同时,人类历史上最大 规模的工业化和城市化进程又在中国引发了空前的人口流动。然而,恰恰是在这样的高增长、大变动(意味着应当孕育数不清的重大机遇)时代,中国却反而出现近 来人们常说的所谓“社会阶层固化”的尖锐问题。
其实,用“阶层固化”来概括目前的社会流动状况,多少是有些不准确的。一个农民的儿子想要成为一名建筑工人、一个小生意人的女儿想要当上一位幼儿园 教师……这样的身份流动不仅完全可能,而且事实上每天都在成千上万地发生着,这与改革开放前那种生老病死统统由国家规定的僵化格局还是有根本性区别的。
然而,一个不争的事实是:如今,一个没有任何“关系”的普通人想要像80年代那样仅仅靠敢于冒险、不怕吃苦就成为令左邻右舍羡慕嫉妒恨的“先富起 来”的“万元户”,那种机会已经一去不复返了。相反,在今天的中国,越是需要冒风险、越是干着格外辛苦的活儿,挣得越少;而少数另一部分人则既不需要承担 任何风险、付出多少智慧和汗水,又可坐享无穷收益。
的确,中国经济仍在以每年7%以上的速度增长,也就是说,“蛋糕”仍然在迅速做大。然而,普通中国老百姓在不断增大的蛋糕中所能够分到的部分却越来 越少。因为各级政府以及以国有企业为代表的利益集团通过行政力量和市场垄断,轻易地拿走了其中的大部分。这也就是为什么务实(《人民日报》文章称之为“暮 气”)的年轻人如今找工作首选政府机关和国有企业的经济根源——今日中国的社会财富分配规则告诉他们:如果你想要多分得一些蛋糕,最好成为那个执掌切蛋糕 刀的人,而不是做蛋糕的人。
更加令人担忧的还在于,正是由于行政垄断之下的利益格局日益固化,创业和创新,在当代中国也变得越来越艰难、新的机会日益稀缺。近来,从“微信收 费”到“禁止打车软件”……政府部门和国有垄断企业假借“规范市场”之名,对社会上的创新活动行打压之实的事情,我们实在已是屡见不鲜。这是因为,创新必 然要动到既有利益格局的“奶酪”,而感受到威胁的利益集团则必然先下手为强,将这种威胁扼杀在萌芽阶段。
改革开放前半段,由于寄生于政府行政力量的垄断利益集团尚未形成,或者说它们本身也在快速地流动变化之中,所以,小到街边小饭馆这样的自主创业,大 到门户网站这样的经济科技创新……新的机会层出不穷,造就了众多成功故事。换句话说,那时还有一些头脑灵活的人在体制边缘或干脆在体制之外凭一己之力做出 了一块新的蛋糕。但在今天,这样的美梦也正在被无情地掐灭。
这就使得我们的社会在整体上显得如此不公平,但又令人无可奈何。我相信,这才是“80后一代暮气沉沉”的根源。从我这样一个“60后”的眼睛里看出 去,历史仿佛开了一个巨大的玩笑:他们原本属于让我们这代出生于文革中的人羡慕并寄予厚望的“改革开放一代”,但他们中的绝大部分却没有能够享受到改革开 放的丰硕成果,更未能站在进一步更大力度的改革开放的潮头,反而未老先衰了。


You could try reading about wingates, socks and proxies (oh before i forget, turn off java, javascript, cookies, what's related, and smart update ... if you are using IE you're not very smart). Also try installing a firewall, or DHCP or you can learn from me!
There are situations in which you may want to visit a site without leaving a trace of the visit. For instance you want to check what's going on at your competitor's site. Your visit will generate a record in the log file. Frequent visits will generate many records. Do you want to know what kind of records? See in YOUR REQUEST, YOUR WHOIS RECORD, GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION and MAP, Privacy Analysis of your Internet Connection, Another Privacy Investigation Report, BrowserSpy Info, ShowMyIP - will tell you some scary info about what can be told about your computer via the internet.
Note that these tests are not very sophisticated. A dedicated "snooper" can often learn much more. Once I came across a server that tried to connect to my computer's disk while I was browsing ... that was an exciting experince. You should also remember about things like cookies, hostile applets and java scripts, browser security holes and so on. So why don't we send someone instead of ourselves? Good idea.
Remember that simple owner of Web server may collect information about requests you had performed in search engines, keywords you had typed, your browser and language, date, time, your operating system, physical and geographical position, pages from which you had clicked links and so on. See below some records generated by our server users (real IPs are slightly changed).. Note that large internet companies such as doubleclick, google, government institutions have tremendous possibilities to collect much more information about you and your behaviour.. - - [17/Oct/2006:07:03:22 +0000] "GET /proxy/howto.htm HTTP/1.1" 200 33104
 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/" - - [17/Oct/2006:07:03:25 +0000] "GET /proxy/ HTTP/1.1" 200 37361
 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/"

Step #1-Determine your IP Address:

Every computer connected to the Internet has a unique identifier called an IP Address. On many networks, the IP Address of a computer is always the same. On other networks, a random IP Address is assigned each time a computer connects to the network. This is what we are referring to when we ask if you have a static or a dynamic IP Address. If a system uses dynamic addressing, the IP can change quite often. Look into REMOTE_ADDR row in THIS LINK to determing your current IP Address.

Step #2-Get Anonymous:

Method #1: Anonymizer

One can surf anonymously and easy with the help of a nice services called CGI/Web proxies. Simply type a URL you want to visit -- the Page does the job for you, selecting random CGI/Web proxy from a hundreds of available services, securing you from many potential dangers. When you follow a link on a page viewed via CGI proxy you get there via the this proxy again, so you don't have to type a new URL.
CGI/Web proxy has two more nice features. Firstly, there are WWW sites that are inaccessible from one place, but easily accessible from another. Once I was trying to load a page located in Australia for 20 minutes, all in vain. Using CGI/Web proxies immediately solved the problem. Secondly, there are certain sites that give you information depending on where you are "calling" from. Let's take an example. I was at Encyclopedia Britannica site, trying to check the price for their products. Clicking on Order Information button gave me the list of Britannica's dealers all over the world, no price info. Going to the same place via the Anonymizer led me to a different page, where I found the price list. As it turned out the local dealer's price for Encyclopedia Britannica CD was several times higher than the one at which it's sold in USA. Good savings!
Some CGI/Web proxies are able to encrypt URLs (uniform resource locator) in a way that these can be used as reference for a server. If a request with an encrypted URL occurs, they are able to decrypt the URL and forward it to the server, without enabling the user to get knowledge about the server address. All references in the servers response are again encrypted before the response is forwarded to the client.
Some CGI/Web proxies are able to use secure HTTPS protocol for exchanging data between proxy and your computer, even if original server is not secure. This option excluding possiblility to sniff a data flow between your computer and this proxy is very useful in some cases, for example, when you are forced to work in possibly scanned/sniffed insecure public network.
To get your personal CGI/Web/FTP proxy simply download free James Marshall CGIproxy script and install on your Web server (Apache as a rule, Perl or mod_perl support is required), Glype proxy is another CGI script written in PHP which allows webmasters to quickly and easily set up their own proxy sites or PHProxy. Our ProxySite Perl script allows to run your own Web proxy on any computer (Linux, Windows, ..) with only Perl interpreter installed.

Method #2: Proxy Servers

What is proxy?
  • Proxy - a server setup designed to offer either firewall security or faster access to cached content normally accessible only through slower connections.
  • Proxy server - is the software installed on some network server. The main purpose of this software is to relay traffic between two network hosts (client and server), sometimes this software does some data caching (usually this is performed by HTTP proxies). If your browser is configured to work through the proxy server then all your network traffic will go through that proxy server.
The main purposes of proxy servers:
  • Transfer speed improvement (in case of caching proxies). You may use your ISP's proxy to access the internet - usually you have better connection to your ISP's proxy than to other hosts, if this proxy has the resource you requested from the internet you will get a copy of it from proxy (from its cache).
  • Security and privacy (for HTTP). Anonymous proxies hide information about your computer in the request headers, so you can safely surf the net and your information will never be used in any way.
  • LAN interconnection (or LAN to WAN connection). Sometimes you experience some problems while accessing the server located in the other network (for example in the internet).
There are 3 types of HTTP proxies:
  • Fully anonymous (elite or high anonymous) proxies. Such proxies do not change request fields and look like real browser. You real IP is also hidden of course. People that administrating internet servers will think that you are not using any proxies.
  • Anonymous proxies also do not show your real IP but change the request fields, so it is very easy to detect that proxy while log analyzing. Nothing really matters, but some server administrators restrict the proxy requests.
  • Transparent proxies (not anonymous, simply HTTP) change the request fields, also they transfer real IP. Such proxies are not applicable for security and privacy while surfing on net. You can use them only for network speed improvement.
When Web Proxy Servers are Useful?
  • Permitting and restricting client access to the Internet based on the client IP Address.
  • Caching documents for internal documents. - Selectively controlling access to the Internet and subnets based on the submitted URL.
  • Providing Internet access for companies using private networks.
  • Converting data to HTML format so it is readable by a browser.
One can also anonymize one's web surfing by using a proxy server. Proxy servers are similar to the Anonymizer, i.e. web pages are retrieved by the proxy server rather than by the person actually browsing the Web (you). But there are several important distinctions: proxy servers don't help with cookies, hostile applets or code. In most of the cases they do just one thing: they conceal your real geograhic location.
Most of proxy servers restrict access based on the IP Address from which a user connects to them. In other words if you have an account with Bluh-Bluh-Com, you can't use La-Di-Da-Net's proxy server, access will be denied. Fortunately you can always find a "kind-hearted" proxy server on the Net the owners of which openly state that the service is publicly available, or a proxy server that doesn't restrict access that due to whatever reason, but the fact is not known to everyone.
How do you find a "kind-hearted" proxy server? Good news for lazy people: there are many lists of available proxy servers with periodic updates: RSS feeds are also available for proxy lists syndication and to keep up with proxy lists in an automated manner that can be piped into special programs or filtered displays, such us Google Reader, Bloglines, etc.: RSS in browser, RSS in Google Reader, RSS planetlab in browser, RSS planetlab in Google Reader.
For those who are not so lazy: find your own proxy server, it's real easy. Go to your favorite search engine ( for example) and type something like +":8080" +":3128" +":1080" filetype:txt OR filetype:html, and you'll get the list of Web pages where ISPs give complete instructions to their users of how they should configure their browsers. Try every proxy address and after 5 or 7 failures you will surely find a proxy server that works for you. So let's say you have found a proxy, e.g.:, HTTP port 8080. To make your browser use a proxy server fill out the corresponding fields in Manual Proxy Configuration tab (hope you can find it yourself).
Custom Search
Testing proxy lists you have found.
As a rule a quality of proxies from proxy lists you have found by such ways is sufficiently low because of large number of requests to these proxies by many users which have found that lists in search engine, number of professional abusers and robots using these proxies very intensive for network adverising, spamming, flooding forums, bulletin boards, blogs and so on. Number of working proxies from such lists varies from 0.00% to 10-20%. Therefore manual selection of operable proxies is not possible. Fortunately, a few of proxy testing software exists such as our ProxyCheck Java application, Proxyrama for Windows with source code available, Charon for Windows and others. See our Related Links for more examples.
Misconfigured Servers
Often, a PUBLIC proxy server is open because it has not been configured properly. Most of open proxy servers are not supposed to be public. The person that configured the server was not aware of the potential problems and security risks. It is very common to for a novice administrator to set up a proxy with access rights that allow anyone to connect. To close a proxy server it is necessary to force users to connect from one IP Address or a range of IP Addresses. An alternative is to require users to use a user name and password.
'Honey Pots' or 'Honey Proxies'
Everything that is done on or through the open proxy server can be logged and traced. A honey pot is an open proxy server intentionally deployed by security professionals to lure hackers and track their every move. A honey pot can also be installed by a hacker. A hacker can put a proxy server up on his, or a victim's computer and wait for a scanner to find it. Sending spam e-mail trough a honey pot proxy exposes the sender's activity. When a spammer uses the proxy to send bulk email, it is possible to collect the content of the spam and report the spammer to his ISP.
Educational, academic public proxy systems: Planetlab, CoDeeN
The CoDeeN (a suite of network services, including a CDN, that provides users with more robust access to network content) proxies are big, fast, logged and cached proxy servers cluster based on PlanetLab (a global platform for testing and deploying an emerging class of planetary-scale network services) global research network which was founded in 2002 in Princeton, Berkley and now consists of more than 700 nodes located in many educational and research institutions in the world opened for public use. These proxies are often placed in many "anonymous proxy lists" such as "high anonymous" and "elite", HOWEVER everything you do online is thoroughly tracked. As a rule these proxies are configured on 3124,3127,3128,8888 TCP ports. Some limitations for these proxies usage also exist, for example HTTP POST method is disabled.
Security Risks
When you use an open proxy server, your computer is making a direct connection to another computer. You do not know who is in control of the remote computer. If you are using proxy servers from open proxy lists, you could be trusting your email messages, passwords or other sensitive information to a person running the server. Someone can be watching the unencrypted information you are transferring over the network.

Configuring your browser to easy switch between multiple proxy configurations

There are many different software that could be used to set up a proxy for your system. For example small and free SwitchProxy Tool Extension for Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird. SwitchProxy lets you manage and switch between multiple proxy configurations quickly and easily. You can also use it as an anonymizer to protect your computer from prying eyes. Text proxy lists in host:port format are very flexible and can be used with most proxy software for Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, Opera and other browsers.

Configuring your browser with "Proxy Auto-Config File" proxy.pac


The proxy auto-config (.pac) file defines how user agents can automatically choose the appropriate access method for fetching a given URL. See Wikipedia article for more detailed description.


Go to Tools -> Options -> General -> Connection Settings. Select the option to enter an automatic proxy configuration URL. Enter and click OK twice.

Firefox 2

Go to Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Network -> Settings. Select the option to enter an automatic proxy configuration URL. Enter and click OK twice.

Internet Explorer

Go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections. If you use a dialup connection, select it and click Settings. Otherwise, click LAN Settings. Select the option to use an automatic configuration script. Make sure no other options are selected. Enter and click OK twice.

only SOCKS, CONNECT or HTTP selection

Configuring your browser manually


Tools - Options - General - Connection Settings - Manual proxy configuration - View, and for HTTP and FTP type name of your proxy server (example: and port number (example 3128).

Mozilla, Nestcape Navigator 6.x, Nestcape Navigator 4.x, Netscape Communicator

Edit - Preferences - Category - Advanced - Proxies - Manual proxy configuration - View - Set proxy for following protocols: HTTP, FTP, etc.


Setting - Configure Konqueror... - Proxies - Enable "Use proxy" - Set proxies for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or other protocols.

Internet Explorer 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x

Service - Internet Options - Connections - Choose your connection and click "Settings" button for dial-up connection or click "LAN Settings" button in the "Local Area Network (LAN) Settings" group box - Enable "use a proxy server - type proxy name and proxy port - If nessesary, enable/disable "bypass proxy server for local addresses" - OK

Internet Explorer 4.x, Internet Explorer 3.x

View - Internet Options - Connection - mark "Access the Internet using a proxy server". At ADDRESS type name of the server (example: and at PORT type port number (example: 3128), click on advanced button and mark "Use the same proxy server for all protocols".

Opera 8.x, Opera 9.x

Tools - Preferences - Advanced tab - Network - "Proxy servers" button - set Proxy Server address and proxy configuration port - OK.

Mozilla Thunderbird proxy settings

Tools - Options - Advanced - "Offline and Connections Settings" -"Connection Settings" - "Set up Proxies for accessing the Internet" - select radio button for "Manual proxy configuration" - set Proxy Server address and proxy port - OK.


Tools - Options - Open Connect - Firewall - in "protocols" combo box select SOCKS4, SOCKS5 or Proxy (for HTTP, HTTPS) - set Proxy Server address and proxy port - OK.


Options - Proxy tab - enable check box "Enable proxy" - choose the SOCKS4, SOCKS4a, SOCKS5 or HTTP 1.1 - enter "Proxy host" and "Proxy port" - OK.


Tools - Options - "Firewall" tab - select "Use SOCKS5 Proxy Server" - set proxy addres in "Hostname" field and proxy port in "Port" field - OK.

AOL Instant Messenger

"Setup" button - "Connections" button - "Connect using Proxy" box - set Host and Port - select protocol type - OK.

Yahoo Messenger proxy settings

Login menu - Preferences - "Connection" tab - 'Use proxies' - set your proxy address and port - OK.

MSN Messenger

Tools - Options - "Connection" - "Advanced Settings" - set proxy address and port - OK.

Windows Media Player 9.x, 8.x, 7.x

Tools - Options - Network tab - in the Proxy Settings area click protocol you going to configure - select 'Use browser proxy settings' or change this setting to manually configured proxy - OK.
Once you have carried out this simple operation, you can start surfing the Web leaving traces as if you are from Bulgaria, USA, North Korea (that would be fun!) or somewhere else, but ...there is one more very important privacy concern, "Is My Proxy Anonymous?".

Is My Proxy Anonymous?

Not all proxy servers are truly anonymous. Some of them let the system administrator of the site that you visit via a proxy server find out the IP Address from which the proxy server is accessed, i.e. your real IP Address. You can perform an anonymity check test: DETECT PROXY
If you get the message: Proxy server is detected! - then there is a security hole in your proxy, and information about your real IP Address will be listed. If the message is Proxy server is not detected - everything should be OK. In any case, carefully study the list of IP Addresses that is returned by this online tool. None of them should belong to you. You can also use alternative tests to check if your browser is anonymous. Such tests can give a complete list of the parametrs your browser passes to a remote server (this is called Environmental Variables).

Where are these proxies from?

Sometimes is required to determine Country, City or even geographical latitude and longitude to select from proxies list or servers list. Now it possible HERE, due to bulk interface to geoiplookup utility. Paste HERE your public proxies or simply hosts list in simple text format and press "Lookup GeoIP info" button. As a result you'll get your bulk proxies list opposite to corresponding Country, City, Longitude and Latitude and even link to Google Map of this server geographical location.

Test My Proxy Speed

Anonymity and Caching for speedup surfing are priority aims of Proxy servers. But not all proxy servers sufficiently fast for comfortable surfing due to high server load, bad/slow client-server connection and so on. To determine does proxy you have selected have sufficient speed for you CLICK HERE to measure your connection speed twice, first, without proxy configured, second, with proxy configured. If you'll have received sufficiently similar results for measured speed in both cases, so the configured proxy has speed capabilities sufficient for your connection speed. Otherwise try to select and to test another proxy.

Final Considerations

In spite of all of the the above said ... use proxies only when it's necessary. Working via proxy servers slows down data transfer rate and is an additional load on the network and the servers. Another important thing that is often forgotten by many people: use proxies for legal purposes. Hiding you identity is ok (at least in the free world) as long as you want to visit a site that offers, say, pornography. But if you use a proxy server for purchasing CDs or software with a bogus credit card number there is a good chance that you'll end up in prison, let alone the moral aspects. Remeber, all the connections are logged, and if you violate the law you can be tracked down. The site administrator can check the logs and contact the proxy's administrator, he can in turn check his own logs and find your real IP Address, then they both will contact your ISP, and your ISP keeps logs too ... Anyway, I hope you got it.

Specially for paranoiacs

Look, different tools described above can be chained! For example you set up your browser to use Proxy A, and you know the addresses and port numbers of 2 more servers Proxy B and Proxy C. The URL that you type should look something like that: http://proxyB:port/http://proxyC:port/ As the result you go to the site via 3 servers: A,B and C. One of them can be the Anonymizer. WARNING: Not all the proxy servers allow chains like that. Such capabilities exist ONLY for CGI/Web proxies (pay attention to chaining CGI proxy combobox), HTTP proxies with CONNECT capabilities (additional software is required for chaining, usually such software supports both SOCKS and CONNECT proxies, see examples for SOCKS) and SOCKS proxies (such software is required as Prtunnel, Proxyrama and others).

Anonymity and Myths

Anonymity is derived from the greek word ανωνυμία, meaning without a name or name-less. In colloquial use, the term typically refers to a person, and often means that the Ppersonal identity, or personally identifiable information of that person is not known.
The main question is of course, what are you trying to hide? Closely following that is how important is it? The precautions you take have to weigh up to the value of the data you are trying to protect, in this case, you are trying to protect your anonymity. In the recent years privacy and anonymity have become big issues with CCTV cameras everywhere, and projects like Echelon reading all your e-mails and reporting back to the Orwellian ‘Big Brother’. So just for normal surfing, or if you are planning on hacking a foreign governments personnel database (not that we recommend that of course), you need to protect yourself in different ways.
Remember Anonymity is not an absolute, there are varying degrees.
The Myths
Using a proxy I found on the web in my browser is enough.
People have been using proxies for years, normally open proxies found from scanning large IP ranges on the internet, what you have to think though, is this proxy open for a purpose? Is this purpose to listen to what you are doing? To collect your passwords? Also it’s not infallible, remember the traffic has to go from your computer to the proxy, and come back in, those records can be corelated in your country alone and need to external aid. Plus the proxy may keep records of who access what and when, it make be a honeypot and keep full packet logs of all completed TCP/IP sessions. The problem is you just don’t know.
If I chain proxies no one can find me.
Also not true, it doesn’t matter if you cross through Taiwan, Korea, Russia and Iraq, your ISP just needs to see the packets going out and coming in at the right times to your machine from the last proxy hop in your chain.
The Reality
It can be said, pretty much whole heartedly, there is no such thing as real anonymity online, if you do something bad enough, the people in power can find you. IP Spoofing is misunderstood in 9/10 cases and is no protection against anything (I’ll write an article about this later). And web proxies, as above, offer little or no protection. They are good enough if you just want to stop your school/parents/office from tracking your surfing habits, but they won’t protect you from doing time if you commit a federal crime. The next best thing from this is Onion Routing, the common peer to peer implementation known as Tor.
Onion Routing prevents the transport medium from knowing who is communicating with whom — the network knows only that communication is taking place. In addition, the content of the communication is hidden from eavesdroppers up to the point where the traffic leaves the OR network.
Source: Onion Router
Tor is a toolset for a wide range of organizations and people that want to improve their safety and security on the Internet. Using Tor can help you anonymize web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, SSH, and other applications that use the TCP protocol. Tor also provides a platform on which software developers can build new applications with built-in anonymity, safety, and privacy features.
You can read more at the Tor site, the Wikipedia articles Onion routing and Tor (anonymity network).
Getting Tored Up
For most people Tor is enough, I recommend getting the Tor Bundle, which includes Tor, TorCP and Privoxy. All you need to do is set your applications to use a proxy, host is localhost and port is 8118. Instructions with screenshots are here: Linux/BSD/Unix, Windows. Then you’re done, it works for most applications. Just remember though it’s encrypted from your machine to the end point, not from the end point to wherever it’s going, so that Tor node can see whatever traffic you are sending through Tor.. So make sure you encrypt (POPS, SMTP with TLS etc).
The h07 unix research team recognized that people paranoid enough to use tor are still dumb enough to use plaintext-authentication protocols like pop3 and telnet. They might think it’s “secure because tor encrypts it”. This isn’t the case. It’s encrypted, but …… communication from client to entry node and exit node to server will still remain as is. POP3, telnet and others will still be plain-text and thus subject to sniffing.
Freenet p2p software
Freenet project is free software which lets you publish and obtain information on the Internet without fear of censorship. To achieve this freedom, the network is entirely decentralized and publishers and consumers of information are anonymous.
Freenet can be thought of as a large storage device. When you store a file in it, you receive a key which can be used to retrieve the file. When you supply Freenet with a key, it returns the appropriate file (if it is located). The storage space is distributed among all connected nodes on Freenet.
Freenet is a Peer-to-peer network, which is both decentralized and anonymized. The nodes that you connect to only knows its nearest neighbours and has no idea about how the network as a whole is structured.
Freenet is built on the principle of small world networks. By connecting to nodes of people you already know, and the people you know in turn connect to people they know, one should be able to reach all nodes in a Freenet network.
XeroBank (aka Torpark) Browser and XeroBank anonymity network
xB Browser is an commercial anonymous web browser designed to run on both the Tor and XeroBank anonymity network. xB Browser was originally forked from Portable Firefox web browser with Tor access built into it, but was redesigned from scratch in 2007. It is designed for use on portable media such as a USB flash drive but it can also be used on any hard disk drive. The XeroBank network routes traffic through at least two multi-jurisdictional hops. In contrast to Tor, the XeroBank network is immune to 3rd-party traffic injection, supports both TCP and UDP protocols, and performs channel multiplexing for low observability, however it is run by a single entity.
True Anonymity?
It may not be totally legal, but it’s pretty much bulletproof (Unless of course you get caught in a car parking jacking off to porn downloaded from an open Wireless Access Point). When you do this, you should make sure you are using an anonymous operating system, so what better than a bootable distro especially for this purpose, called Anonym-OS, You can check it out here.
kaos.theory’s Anonym.OS LiveCD is a bootable live cd based on OpenBSD that provides a hardened operating environment whereby all ingress traffic is denied and all egress traffic is automatically and transparently encrypted and/or anonymized.

Using SocksCap client and SOCKS proxy for anonymity in non HTTP applications without build in SOCKS protocol support (telnet, ftp, IRC and so on)

What is SocksCap?
SocksCap automatically enables Windows-based TCP and UDP networking client applications to traverse a SOCKS firewall. SocksCap intercepts the networking calls from WinSock applications and redirects them through the SOCKS server without any modification to the orginal applications or to the operating system software or drivers. It is a great difference in situation with built-in SOCKS support from the years of SocksCap debut. Most network applications now have SOCKS protocol built-in support. Only few of the legacy applications need SocksCap type standalone application for SOCKS servers usage.
Where do I get SocksCap? Is SocksCap free? Is the source code available?
SocksCap now as a matter of fact is out-of-date and not supported software, but there are a lot of SocksCap clones and successors, see Related List for alternate SOCKS capable servers (SS5, Dante, 3Proxy etc.) and clients (Socks5, FreeCap etc.).
What do I enter for SOCKS server and port in SocksCap Setup?
Enter the address and port of the SOCKS server you need to traverse. If you are not sure what those are, contact your ISP, network administrator, or firewall administrator for your site or consult a lists: SOCKS LIST 1, SOCKS LIST 2.

Using HTTPort software and CONNECT/SSL/HTTPS proxy for anonymity for HTTP and non HTTP applications and bypassing of your local HTTP proxy filtering

HTTPort allows you to bypass your HTTP proxy, which is blocking you from the Internet. With HTTPort you may use various Internet software from behind the proxy, ex. e-mail, instant messengers, P2P file sharing, ICQ, News, FTP, IRC, etc. The basic idea is that you set up your Internet software in such a manner, that it connects to your own local PC as if it was the remote server it needed. HTTPort then intercepts that connection and runs it through a tunnel through the proxy.
HTTPort doesn't really care for the proxy as such, it works perfectly with firewalls, transparent accelerators, NATs and basically anything that lets HTTP protocol through. HTTP is the basis for web surfing, so if you can freely surf the web from where you are, HTTPort will bring you the rest of the Internet applications.
HTTPort performs tunneling using one of two modes. The following schemes will give you the idea.
In SSL/CONNECT mode HTTPort can make a tunnel through a proxy all by itself. It requires that the proxy supports a certain HTTP feature, specifically CONNECT HTTP method. Most of the proxies have this method disabled by default, and administrators don't readily enable it, so if you find that this tunneling mode works for you, you must be lucky. SSL/CONNECT mode much faster, but encryption can't be used in this mode and as described here, your proxy tracks all your actions easily.
Remote host method is much more capable for tunneling through just about any proxy. In this mode HTTPort uses a special server software called HTTHost installed somewhere outside of your proxy-blocked network. HTTHost is basically a web server with a twist. When HTTPort is doing tunneling, it sends series of HTTP requests to the HTTHost. The proxy sees it af if you were surfing to some web site, and consciously allows you to. HTTHost in turn performs it's half of tunneling and talks to the target servers. This mode is much slower, but works in most cases, and it features strong data encryption which makes proxy logging useless.

Using Proxifier to tunnel any Windows/Mac network application through SOCKS/HTTPS proxy server

Proxifier is a Windows/Mac program that allows network applications that do not support working through proxy servers operate through a HTTPS or SOCKS proxy server or a chain of proxy servers.
With Proxifier you can easily tunnel all connections on the system or separate applications. You can work with any Internet client (browsers, FTP, IRC, BitTorrent, messengers, telnet, SSH, video/audio, games...) through a network that is separated from Internet by a firewall (only one open port is required for a proxy tunnel to bypass firewall). Proxifier will provide you with added privacy in all your Internet activities. An example is sending and receiving email through a proxy server or by chaining multiple proxy servers together. Proxifier supports all mail clients while allowing you to remain anonymous.

Related links related links list
Assorted list of links related with site with brief descriptions (proxy lists, howto's, forums and so on)
Proxy related code Perl
Perl sources and examples for proxy servers, clients, tuneling, tools, scanners, list convertors, etc.
CGI proxy judge for Apache webserver C language
Simple, small and fast proxy judge CGI environment tester to determine proxy request anonymity
PROXY SITE server fast, small, simple and easy to use Perl script Perl script
Perl script run as small, simple, fast, standalone HTTP daemon (HTTP SITE) and acts as HTTP, FTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, other protocols PROXY
HTTP/FTP Proxy in a CGI Script by James Marshall Perl CGI script
Retrieves the resource at any HTTP or FTP URL, updating embedded URLs in HTML and other resources to point back through this script
Glype proxy, web-based proxy script written in PHP PHP script
Free PHP script for anonymous browsing and bypassing censorship restrictions which allows webmasters to quickly and easily set up their own proxy sites
PHProxy is a web HTTP proxy to bypass firewalls and blocks PHP script
PHProxy is a web HTTP proxy programmed in PHP meant to bypass firewalls and access otherwise inaccessible resources (i.e. blocked websites)
Privoxy web proxy Linux, Unix, Windows, source
Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data, managing HTTP cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet junk
Squid Web Proxy Cache Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD etc. sources and binary
Full-featured Web proxy cache, the result of many contributions by unpaid (and paid) volunteers, proxying and caching of HTTP, FTP, and other URLs; proxying for SSL; cache hierarchies; ICP, HTCP, CARP, Cache Digests; transparent caching; WCCP (Squid v2.3 and above); extensive access controls; HTTP server acceleration; SNMP; caching of DNS lookups
Aladdin Knowledge Systems Windows/Linux
eSafe gateway based content security providing protection against malicious software and spam/url filtering. Also offer USB smart card for token authentication and hardware dongles for software copy protection purposes.
Chutney Technologies Windows, Unix
Offers caching solutions for arbitrary application objects such as HTML/XML fragments and session objects.
Offers content filtering, load balancing and caching features. Firewall add-on available. Integrates with anti-virus and anti-spam software. Includes evaluation software and documentation.
Dante Unix
Circuit level proxy with firewall, supports SOCKS, msproxy and http proxy. Port redirection and bandwidth usage control available through add on modules.
DeleGate Windows, OS/2, Unix
Offers caching, filtering and proxy support for most common protocols. Free downloads and reference manuals.
EServ Windows
Offers mail and news server hosting, web caching and activity logging. Trial downloads, online ordering and PDF documentation.
SOCKS5 Unix, source
This is NWSL (previously CSTC) version 5.0 of SOCKS, a package that allows Unix hosts behind a firewall to gain full access to the internet without requiring direct IP reachability. It does require a SOCKS server program being run on a host that can communicate directly to hosts behind the firewall as well as hosts on the Internet at large.
ProxyChains - HTTP and SOCKS any app proxifier Linux, source
ProxyChains allows you to use SSH, TELNET, VNC, FTP and any other Internet application from behind HTTP(HTTPS) and SOCKS(4/5) proxy servers
TSOCKS, transparent SOCKS proxying library Linux, source
TSOCKS allows non SOCKS aware applications (e.g telnet, ssh, ftp etc) to use SOCKS without any modification. It does this by intercepting the calls that applications make to establish network connections and negotating them through a SOCKS server as necessary
FreeCap Windows
transparent redirect connections through SOCKS/HTTPS server (SocksCap analog) and SOCKS/HTTPS servers chain (SOCKS Chain analog). Supports SOCKS v4, SOCKS v5, HTTPS /CONNECT/ protocols, supports Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Trillian, Opera, MS Outlook Express, others as clients.
Configurable IRC proxy.
ftp.proxy Unix, Windows
Offers application layer FTP service proxying to facilitate use of service through firewalls. Supports various access control options.
iMimic Networking, Inc. Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD
Offers web caching and multimedia streaming caching functionality. Also offer content filtering software.
JanaServer Windows
Offers connection sharing, monitoring and user level access control. Also offers http, email, ftp and news server functionality.
602 LAN SUITE Windows
Offers mail server, spam filtering, antivirus, web caching, access control, firewall and activity logging.
micro_proxy Unix
HTTP/HTTPS proxy that runs from inetd, and uses less than 1kb of diskspace.
NetProxy Windows
Offers web caching, site filtering, firewall, activity logging and access control.
Netscape Proxy Server Unix, Windows
Offers web caching, content filtering, access control and activity reporting. Volera
Website acceleration and content caching systems.
Philtron PHP, platform independent
Filtering HTTP proxy that rewrites the HTML of the web pages that pass through it; removing unwanted/hostile content from the pages and providing enhanced user anonymity.
Proxy+ Windows
Offers web caching, firewall, mail server, access control and activity logging.
PServer Java, platform independent
Offers connection sharing, content filtering and activity logging.
Wingate Windows
Wingate offers connection sharing, caching, access control, usage monitoring and firewall services. Content filtering, anti-virus and VPN options available as extras.
Spoon Proxy Windows
Offers connection sharing and logging.
Surfer Protection Program Windows
HTTP proxy that enhances user privacy by deleting (or faking) eight data elements, including the Cookie field and Referrer fields, from web browser responses.
TcpIQ Windows
Offers connection sharing, bandwidth throttling and realtime graphical and data analysis of proxied traffic. Supports HTTP, FTP and POP3 traffic.
Tinyproxy Unix
HTTP proxy with low system resource requirements. Offers http header blocking.
Tircproxy Linux
IRC proxy, access control available via standard Unix hosts file configuration.
Vicomsoft Ltd MacOS, Windows
InterGate software offers web caching, stateful inspection firewall, content filtering and network management services. Anti spam module also available.
Open source caching Web proxy for offline use and low-bandwidth connections. Supports ad blocking and security filtering.
AnalogX proxy Windows binary
supports HTTP (web), HTTPS (secure web), POP3 (recieve mail), SMTP (send mail), NNTP (newsgroups), FTP (file transfer), and Socks4/4a and partial Socks5 (no UDP) protocols
WinProxy Windows binary
proxifying, caching, filtering, antivirus and antispam modules. Supports HTTP, HTTPS, NNTP, etc.
CCProxy Windows binary
Small proxy server with SOCKS protocol support, in china
Proxyrama Windows binary, source code
Tool for finding and testing proxy servers for anonymity, speed, gateway or not proxy, 'connect' method support (chainability), socks 4/5 support and geographical location. Furthermore, Proxyrama can be used as a local proxy server that redirects your traffic through chain of anonymous 'connect' method proxies. Source code also available.
Charon Windows binary
Proxy finding and testing tool. Crawls search engines for open proxies, test proxies anonymity.
SS5 Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD
SS5 is a socks server for Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD environment, that implements the SOCKS v4 and v5 protocols.
3Proxy Cross-platform (Win32 and Unix)
3[APA3A] tiny proxy 3Proxy is really tiny cross-platform (Win32&Unix) proxy servers set. It includes HTTP proxy with HTTPS and FTP support, SOCKSv4/SOCKSv4.5/SOCKSv5 proxy, POP3 proxy, TCP and UDP portmappers. GNU/GPL license.
Nylon BSD, Solaris, HP-UX and Linux
Nylon is a proxy server, developed on OpenBSD. It supports SOCKS version 4 and 5, as well as a mirror mode so that services can be mirrored directly.
Prtunnel Unix
Prtunnel is a program that can tunnel TCP/IP connections in a variety of ways, including through HTTP and SOCKS5 proxy servers.
HTTPort Windows, source
HTTPort allows you to bypass your HTTP proxy, which is blocking you from the Internet by using remote tunnel server and local client for wide range of not only HTTP applications, such as e-Mail, instant messengers, P2P file sharing, ICQ, News, FTP, IRC, etc. clients applications.
Freenet Linux, Windows, OSX, source
Freenet is free software which lets you publish and obtain information on the Internet without fear of censorship. To achieve this freedom, the network is entirely decentralized and publishers and consumers of information are anonymous. Freenet is a Peer-to-peer (p2p) network, which is both decentralized and anonymized. The nodes that you connect to only knows its nearest neighbours and has no idea about how the network as a whole is structured.
XeroBank Windows
XeroBank's internet privacy software suite gives you the tools to anonymously access the internet. The XeroBank Installer includes xB Browser, xB Mail, and xB VPN. Interet privacy software evades tracking, logging, cookies, spyware, and does not leave personally identifiable information.
SOCAT, a relay for bidirectional data transfer package Linux, Unix, source
a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (serial line etc. or a pseudo terminal), a socket (UNIX, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), an SSL socket, proxy CONNECT connection, a file descriptor (stdin etc.), the GNU line editor (readline), a program, or a combination of two of these
Proxifier Windows, Mac OSX
Proxifier allows network applications that do not support working through proxy servers operate through a HTTPS or SOCKS proxy server or a chain of proxy servers.
Charles Proxy Java: Windows, Mac OSX, Linux
Charles Proxy HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet. This includes requests, responses and the HTTP headers (which contain the cookies and caching information).
SPIKE Proxy Windows, Linux
SPIKE Proxy professional-grade tool for looking for application-level vulnerabilities in web applications. SPIKE Proxy covers the basics, such as SQL Injection and cross-site-scripting, but it's completely open Python infrastructure allows advanced users to customize it for web applications that other tools fall apart on. 