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Tuesday 28 May 2013

Public DNS Server Tool

Public DNS Tool 是一款用于简单快速更换本机 DNS 配置的工具,其中内置了 Google Public DNS 、 Comodo Secure DNS 、 Open DNS 等常用公共 DNS 地址列表,可以方便的进行切换,此外也可以方便的更换为自定义的 DNS 地址。

Public DNS Server Tool is a small utility for changing the DNS servers in Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 on the fly.
In the past few years, many public DNS servers have been made available for everyone's use. Some of them are OpenDNS, Google, Norton, Comodo Secure etc. These DNS servers offer many security and protection layers in addition to being very fast. Even though these public DNS servers are available for everyone's use, setting up DNS servers in Windows is not an easy task. Therefore, I have created this little tool Public DNS Servers Tool, using which you can easily set your DNS servers in Windows.
It has been tested to work in Windows XP Professional SP3 (32-bit), Windows Vista SP2 (32-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit) and Windows 8 (32-bit).
You can use a Public DNS Server Tool to quickly switch to a preset pair of public DNS servers. Currently, it has eleven preset pair of DNS servers —
  1. Google Public DNS
  2. OpenDNS
  3. OpenDNS FamilyShield (blocks sites inappropriate for family)
  4. Norton ConnectSafe A (blocks malicious sites)
  5. Norton ConnectSafe B (blocks malicious sites + pornography sites)
  6. Norton ConnectSafe C (blocks malicious sites + pornography sites + non-family sites)
  7. Comodo Secure DNS (blocks malicious sites)
  8. Scrub It Unfiltered
  9. Scrub It Filtered (blocks sites inappropriate for family)
  10. DNS Advantage
  11. Tunlr

Backup and Restore

Public DNS Server Tool allows you to backup your DNS server settings. To backup, select Backup → Backup from the menubar. It would ask you a location where you want to save the backup file. The backup file is automatically named with current date and time in the DD-MM-YYYY HH-MM-TT format. The backup file is in the standard Registry script (.REG) format, so you can just double-click on it to restore the DNS server settings inside it. However, it also allows you restore DNS setting from within the Public DNS Server Tool. To restore, select Backup → Restore from the menubar. It would ask you to select a backup REG file. The entries inside the reg file would be automatically inserted into the Windows Registry and DNS servers would be updated.

Setting up public DNS servers

  1. Download Public DNS Server Tool to your computer.
  2. Unzip it to any folder you want on your hard disk.
  3. Run Public DNS Server Tool by double-clicking on PublicDNS.exe. Since this tool makes changes to your DNS server settings, it requires administrator privileges. If you are running Windows XP, then you should be logged in as an administrator. If you are running Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, then you will be shown UAC (User Account Control) and would be asked to provide administrator login.
  4. First of all backup your current DNS servers by selecting Backup → Backup from the menubar. This is very useful, if you later want to restore your original DNS servers.
  5. Choose your Network Interface Card (NIC) from the dropdown listbox. If you have only one NIC, then it will be pre-selected. As you select an NIC card, the current DNS server configured for the selected NIC would be shown in big blue text. You can select the checkbox labeled Select all to select all the NIC cards in your system.
  6. Choose a set of public DNS servers from the list. As you select a DNS server, their description would be visible below the list. From the description, you can learn about what benefits a DNS server provides. The website of the selected DNS server is also given.
  7. Finally, click on the Change button at the bottom of the window. It would take a few seconds to change the DNS servers. If even after changing the DNS servers, you see your browser using previous DNS servers, then either press Ctrl + F5 to reload the webpage or restart your web browser.
Please note that DNS server settings are changed only for the selected network interface card. If you have more than one network interface cards, then you should choose the one you use to connect to the internet. You can also choose all the NIC cards, by selecting the checkbox labeled Select all. This way you can change the DNS servers for all the NIC cards in a single click.
If even after changing the DNS servers, you see your browser using previous DNS servers, then close and restart your browser again. If even after restarting the browser, changed DNS servers are not being used, then you may have to restart the Windows.
