在git bash 面板建立一个应用
或者在Openshift 网站上建立一个DIY 的环境
然后用PuTTY 登录到你刚才建的环境
看到$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR 下有个setuptools-1.1.6.tar.gz
接下来就可以用pip 安装各种东西了。注意,调用的路径是
参考 https://github.com/giulivo/openshift-hellotornado
I created a quickstart a few weeks ago that had Django running on Python 2.7 in "DIY" mode. This will use some of that, but be a more "step-by-step" approach for newcomers. This example will use the Flask micro-framework as well as the uWSGI application container for a true, production ready environment.
** See here if you have trouble getting the tools installed.
You will see something similar to:
Run the following to show your application config (enter your account password when prompted):
You should see something similar to this:
We will build everything in the OpenShift application tmp directory.
Navigate into the "tmp" directory:
Download the latest Python 2.7.x release:
Configure (to put the custom Python into the OpenShift runtime dir):
Make and install:
You can now check that Python was successfully installed:
You should get
Download and install setuptools:
Download and install setuptools:
First we will create the Flask application. Logout of your OpenShift environment and navigate into the Git repository that was created for your app.
Create a file named
BTW, the
Create a
Deploy to OpenShift:
You should now be able to browse and see your application running:
Should return:
Should return:
在git bash 面板建立一个应用
依次敲入下面命令1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Python 2.7.3
官方的示例装不了,用下面的方法1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
这里有个较简单的方法1 2 3 |
,python 的路径是$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/bin/python
,如果单敲python -V 会看到 Python 2.6.6安装Tornado
可通过pip 安装1
1 2 |
Enabling Python 2.7 on a PaaS with the OpenShift DIY App Type
I have been using OpenShift for a few months now and have to say that I still love it. I've sampled most of the other PaaS solutions and feel most comfortable with OpenShift. One of the features I enjoy most in the service is the "do-it-yourself" application. With this, you can run just about anything in a "minimal-hassle", scalable environment.I created a quickstart a few weeks ago that had Django running on Python 2.7 in "DIY" mode. This will use some of that, but be a more "step-by-step" approach for newcomers. This example will use the Flask micro-framework as well as the uWSGI application container for a true, production ready environment.
Diving In
The first thing you will need to do is get an OpenShift account (it's free).Client Tools
Install the OpenShift client tools:gem install rhc
** See here if you have trouble getting the tools installed.
Application Setup
Once you have the toolchain setup, we will create the application environment in OpenShift. For this example, we will name our application "py27".rhc app create py27 diy-0.1
You will see something similar to:
Creating application: py27 in ehazlett
Now your new domain name is being propagated worldwide (this might take a minute)...
Confirming application 'py27' is available: Success!
py27 published: http://py27-ehazlett.rhcloud.com/
git url: ssh://uuid1234567890@py27-ehazlett.rhcloud.com/~/git/py27.git/
Disclaimer: This is an experimental cartridge that provides a way to try unsupported languages, frameworks, and middleware on Openshift.
You can view the bootstrapped application at http://py27-[namepsace].rhcloud.com
Python 2.7
Now that the application environment is created, we will build and install the latest Python 2.7.x release. To do that, we will first need to get the application SSH credentials.Run the following to show your application config (enter your account password when prompted):
rhc app show -a py27
You should see something similar to this:
Application Info
Framework: diy-0.1
Creation: 2012-05-15T22:54:09-04:00
UUID: 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv
Git URL: ssh://1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv@py27-ehazlett.rhcloud.com/~/git/py27.git/
Public URL: http://py27-ehazlett.rhcloud.com/
Log into your OpenShift application using the SSH credentials from above (in the Git URL line):ssh 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv@py27-[username].rhcloud.com
We will build everything in the OpenShift application tmp directory.
Navigate into the "tmp" directory:
Download the latest Python 2.7.x release:
wget http://python.org/ftp/python/2.7.3/Python-2.7.3.tar.bz2
tar jxf Python-2.7.3.tar.bz2
Configure (to put the custom Python into the OpenShift runtime dir):
cd Python-2.7.3
./configure --prefix=$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR
Make and install:
make install
You can now check that Python was successfully installed:
You should get
Python 2.7.3
Supporting Tools
We now have Python installed, but we can't do much. Part of the common Python toolchain is PIP for Python package management.Setuptools
Change into the OpenShift "tmp" directory:cd $OPENSHIFT_TMP_DIR
Download and install setuptools:
wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz
tar zxf setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz
cd setuptools-0.6c11
$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/bin/python setup.py install
Change into the OpenShift "tmp" directory:cd $OPENSHIFT_TMP_DIR
Download and install setuptools:
wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pip/pip-1.1.tar.gz
tar zxf pip-1.1.tar.gz
cd pip-1.1
$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/bin/python setup.py install
Okay, so now we have all of the parts needed to run the app. We now need to create the Flask application and configure OpenShift so that it knows how to start and stop it.First we will create the Flask application. Logout of your OpenShift environment and navigate into the Git repository that was created for your app.
Create a file named
in the repo, for example - in the diy
folder:??? README ??? diy ? ??? index.html ? ??? testrubyserver.rb ? ??? application.py ??? misc
and testrubyserver.rb
are not longer necessary and can be removed anytime.Edit
with the following:from flask import Flask import platform application = Flask(__name__) @application.route("/") def index(): return 'Hello from Flask' @application.route("/info") def info(): return platform.python_version()
in the root application directory with the following:uWSGI==1.2.3
Directory structure should look like:??? README ??? diy ? ??? application.py ? ??? index.html ? ??? testrubyserver.rb ??? misc ??? requirements.txt
We will now create the hooks that are needed for deployment as well as for starting and stopping the application. In your application Git repository, there is a hidden directory called ".openshift" that contains stubs for the action hooks. We will be editing these.Edit
to have the following:$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/requirements.txt
Edit .openshift/action_hooks/start
to have the following:$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/bin/uwsgi -s $OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP:$OPENSHIFT_DIY_PORT --socket-protocol http --pp $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/diy --module application -d $OPENSHIFT_DIY_LOG_DIR/app.log --pidfile $OPENSHIFT_TMP_DIR/uwsgi.pid
Edit .openshift/action_hooks/stop
to the following:kill `cat $OPENSHIFT_TMP_DIR/uwsgi.pid`
Commit all of the changes to the repository:git add .
git commit -am "initial commit"
Deploy to OpenShift:
git push
You should now be able to browse and see your application running:
curl http://py27-[namespace].rhcloud.com
Should return:
Hello from Flask
And to verify that your application is using Python 2.7:curl http://py27-[namespace].rhcloud.com/info
Should return:
from https://www.openshift.com/blogs/enabling-python-27-on-a-paas-with-the-openshift-diy-app-type