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Thursday 12 April 2018

CompaSSH-the OpenSSH VPN

Claiming to be the OpenSSH VPN, but without the VPN, CompaSSH manages a set of preconfigured SSH tunnels and enables connecting to hosts on private networks by switching on a publicly reachable SSH gateway, using the SSH ProxyCommand feature. The private host name does not need to be publicly resolvable.
CompaSSH is configured by the ~/.compassh.conf file:

our $debug = 1;

# Set a list of gateways to be used while forwarding connections
# Each gateway has a label which is later pointed by %patterns hash.
# Each gateway is formed by a proxy account (user@host:port) and
# a local_port which will be used as argument for -D ssh switch.
our %VPN = (
    home => {
        proxy => '',
        local_port => "1090",
    mycustomer => {
        proxy => 'root@',
        local_port => "1082",
    bigcorp => {
        proxy => '',
        local_port => "1083",

# Each pattern here is a regular expression to be matched by
# the host name the user is connecting to. Each pattern points
# to a gateway listed in %gateways hash.
our %patterns = (
    '^customer-mail' => 'mycustomer',
    '^customer.*$' => 'mycustomer',
    '^jdoe-desktop$' => 'bigcorp',

# /etc/hosts equivalent
our %hosts = (
    'jdoe-desktop' => '',
    'customer-mail' => '',
VPNs can be started by compassh start <VPN name> and stopped by compassh stop <VPN name>. If a name is not provided, CompaSSH will start or stop all the VPNs. Configured VPNs can be listed by:
$ compassh 

   VPN name               SSH connection                   Port  PID
   bigcorp                       1083  -
   home               1090  -
 + mycustomer             root@                     1082  1280 
Here mycustomer is running (see the + sign on the left and the assigned PID). Each VPN can have its SSH configuration file in the ~/.ssh directory, with the VPN name appended. For example: ~/.ssh/config.bigcorp. In this file a set of prefowarded ports can be specified.
After starting the mycustomer VPN, the user can:
  • connect to host customer-mail just by ssh customer-mail, even if the host is on a private remote network to where no direct routing is provided
  • connect to web resources inside the remote private network by setting up a SOCKS proxy in its browser at localhost:1082 (the Port column reports the right port) and forwarding DNS requests across the SOCKS proxy
To install CompaSSH, just execute the provided script.
More information can be found at
CompaSSH documentation can be read at


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