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Sunday 29 October 2017

Key Value Store

Cassandra-like, distributed key-value store with replicas and consistency level support.
An in-RAM Cassandra-like distributed key-value store with replicas and consistency level support.


Configuration and settings.json should both appear in dist/conf folder, the first one is log4j config file, and the second one is for the standalone server configuration. Here is a sample server config file:
    "numReplicas": 3,
    "servers": [
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 50023,
            "delays": [50, 5000, 1000, 2000]
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 50002,
            "delays": [5000, 50, 1000, 1000]
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 50003,
            "delays": [6000, 1000, 50, 2000]
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 50004,
            "delays": [3000, 1000, 99000, 50]


After configuration, execute the following to bring up 4 standalone servers:
cd dist
java -Dlog4j.configuration="conf/" -cp kvstore-standalone.jar me.zfei.kvstore.Standalone SERVER_INDEX
If we are to use the sample configuration, we'll just need to execute the following:
cd dist
java -Dlog4j.configuration="conf/" -cp kvstore-standalone.jar me.zfei.kvstore.Standalone 0
java -Dlog4j.configuration="conf/" -cp kvstore-standalone.jar me.zfei.kvstore.Standalone 1
java -Dlog4j.configuration="conf/" -cp kvstore-standalone.jar me.zfei.kvstore.Standalone 2
java -Dlog4j.configuration="conf/" -cp kvstore-standalone.jar me.zfei.kvstore.Standalone 3
each in a separate terminal.
Each standalone instance acts as both client and server. You can interact with each of them to bring change to the entire cluster.


There are four types of commands deletegetinsert and update, and the format is as follows:
delete Key # delete the Key from all replicas
get Key Level # get the value for the Key, using specified consistency level 
insert Key Value Level # add a new key
update Key Value Level # modify
Key and Value have to be String, and Level is either ONE or ALL.
Additionally, there are two utilities:
show-all # list all key-value pairs on the standalone datastore
search Key # list specific key-value pairs across the cluster

Operations & Implementation

P2P Network

All nodes know each other by bootstrapping from the config file. After that, they will build a Distributed Hash Table with a Consistent Hashing Function to determine whether to store/lookup a specific entry.


Key value pairs will be replicated in several nodes, the number of which can be configured in the config file.

Consistency Level

When consistency level is set to ONE, client returns as long as one node responds; when it's set to ALL, the client has to wait till all nodes respond to the query.

Read repair with last-write-win strategy

Each time when get is invoked, the client will spawn another thread in background to check whether all responding nodes have the same result. If not, the latest result will be sent to other nodes to overwrite conflicting values.

Randomized delay

Delays between nodes are independently configurable in the config file. It's uniformly distributed between 0 to 2 * avgDelay.

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