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Tuesday 21 February 2012


李叔同(1880—1942),学堂乐歌作者,音乐、美术教育家,早期话剧(新剧)活动家。原名文涛,又名岸,字惜霜,号叔同,别署甚多。祖籍浙江平 湖。生于天津的一个进士、盐商家庭。少年时已擅长吟诗作画,写字刻印。1901年就学上海南洋公学。1905至1910年间,在日本东京上野美术专门学校 学习西洋画和音乐。与曾孝谷、欧阳予倩等在日本创立了我国最早的话剧演出团体“春柳社”,在话剧《茶花女》、《黑奴吁天录》中扮演主要角色。1918年到 杭州虎跑寺出家,法名演音,号弘一。1942年病逝于福建泉州开元寺。其代表作还有《送别》、《西湖》、《春景》等。所作乐歌后来大部收入丰子恺所编《李叔同歌曲集》。
《送别》:这首歌词清新淡雅,情真意挚,“晚风拂柳笛声残,夕阳山外山”两句周而复始,与回环往复的旋律相配合,加深了魂牵梦绕的离情别意。曲调婉转 流利,幽扬入妙。他的作品充满了哲人的智慧、忧思和悲悯,充满了对生命的思索。歌词通篇用白描手法,而且第一段全部是用来写景的;第二段里时空的交错,以 现在时“今宵别梦寒”来总括全篇。它的妙处就在于“一切景语皆情语”,长亭、古道、芳草、晚风、夕阳……都是离人眼中所看到的景物,景物依旧,人在别时, 听起来就备感凄凉。歌词紧扣主题,充满了对人生的无奈。它的审美效应,就在“酒尽梦寒”的无言中回荡不已。 后来此歌被放入1983年的电影“城南旧事”。
The story is as such: Around 1920, six year old little girl named Yingzi Lin lived in a small alley at south side of old Beijing. The first friend that Yingzi met was a woman named Xiuzheng whom everyone thought was crazy. Xiuzheng was in a secret love with a college student. Her lover later was arrested by police. Xiuzhengs new born daughter was abandoned by her relatives also. Xiuzheng did not know her daughters whereabouts since then and was missing her dearly. One day Yingzi met a little girl whose situation was very much like XiuZhengs daughter. Yingzi took the little girl to Xiuzheng. The birthmark of the little girl helped the daughter and mother reunited. So they decided to head to find the daughters father, the college student. Sadly, they were both killed by a train. Later Yingzi moved to another alley. Yingzi met a young man with a thick lip in a deserted garden.Yingzi found he was a nice person, but he was a thief. He stole things to change for money to help his younger brother to go to school because his family was very poor. So Yingzi was confused and did not know whether he was a good person or a bad one. One day Yingzi found a small copper statue which led police to arrest the young man. Yingzi was very sad about this. The world was too complex for her little mind to understand. She was confused about a lot of things and did not understand why was that. The above information is gathered from the internet。
乐曲源自美国歌曲《梦见家和母亲》,曲子的作者是 约翰奥德威 John Pond Ordway(1824-1880).曲子是由美國的一位哈佛醫學院畢業的醫生 John P. Ordway (1824-1880) 在1851年作的:"Dreaming of Home and Mother"。後來李叔同(宏一法師)填了詞,於是就從大陸唱
Outside the pagoda, ancient roadside grass meets the sky, night breeze blows the willow, keeps the sound of the flute, sunset behind mountain after mountain, to the edge of the world, not many best friends, drink alone tonight no dreams. 

李叔同是著名音乐家、美术教育家、书法家、戏剧活动家,是中国话剧的开拓者之一。他从日本留学归国后,担任过教师、编辑之职,后剃度为僧,法名演音,号弘一,晚号晚晴老人,后被人尊称为弘一法师。《送别》,曲调取自约翰·P·奥德威作曲的美国歌曲《梦见家和母亲》。《梦见家和母亲》是首“艺人歌曲”,这种歌曲19世纪后期盛行于美国,由涂黑了脸扮演黑人的白人演员领唱,音乐也仿照黑人歌曲的格调创作而成。奥德威是“奥德威艺人团”的领导人,曾写过不少艺人歌曲。李叔同留日期间,日本歌词作家犬童球溪采用《梦见家和母亲》的旋律填写了一首名为《旅愁》的歌词。而李叔同作于1915年的《送别》 ,则取调于犬童球溪的《旅愁》。如今《旅愁》在日本传唱不衰,而《送别》在中国则已成骊歌中的不二经典。沉心工也曾根据《梦见家和母亲》写过一首《昨夜梦》,但最终没有抵得过李叔同《送别》的光芒。