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Thursday 30 July 2015

非主流VPN方案  创建vpn的软件

Tinc VPN:
(sigmavpn config files:
BadVpn: ,
Embedded VPN:
QuickTun:, ,

LogMeIn Hamachi:
  • OpenVPN

    OpenVPN 是一个基于 OpenSSL 库的应用层 VPN 实现。和传统 VPN 相比,它的优点是简单易用。 【以下深蓝色字体部分来自维基百科:】 OpenVPN允许参与建立VPN的单点使用共享金钥,电子证书,或者用户名/密码来进行身份验... 更多OpenVPN信息
    最近更新: OpenVPN 2.1.0 发布 发布于 1年前
  • VPN解决方案 tinc

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  • SSL VPN解决方案 SSL-Explorer

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  • 免费VPN软件 Remobo

    Remobo 是零配置的虚拟专用网络 (VPN) 免费软件 直接地连接用户的计算机的应用,好象他们在同一个局域网,即使他们是在NAT 防火墙之后. Remobo内置VNC远程控制软件,在苹果系统下也可以直接操作远程的windows机器。 它与其他普遍的VPN软件不同的是:连接被... 更多Remobo信息
  • VPN服务器 OpenVPN ALS

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  • Linux自带VPN设置 IPsec Tools

    IPSec tools 是用户空间上的不同 IPSec 的实现,移植自 KAME 的 libipsec 、setkey 和 racoon,也支持各种 BSD 系统。 更多IPsec Tools信息
  • VPN客户端 kvpnc

    KVpnc 是一个运行于 KDE 下的 VPN 客户端软件,支持 Cisco VPN、IPSec、OpenVPN、Vtun、OpenSSH 等。 更多kvpnc信息
    最近更新: kvpnc 0.9.6 发布,VPN客户端 发布于 1年前
  • Linux下的IPSec VPN Openswan

    OpenSWan是Linux下IPsec的最佳实现方式,其功能强大,最大程度地保证了数据传输中的安全性、完整性问题。 OpenSWan支持2.0、2.2、2.4以及2.6内核,可以运行在不同的系统平台下,包括X86、X86_64、IA64、MIPS以及ARM。 OpenSWan是开源项目FreeS/WAN停止开发... 更多Openswan信息
  • VPN证书生成工具 StoneVPN

    StoneVPN 是一个用来简化 OpenVPN 服务器的证书和配置文件的工具,支持 Windows 和 Linux 两个系统的用户配置生成。它可以将这些文件打包并通过email发送个用户。StoneVPN 使用的是 pyOpenSSL 来创建证书文件。... 更多StoneVPN信息
    最近更新: StoneVPN 0.4.11 发布,OpenVPN配置工具 发布于 7个月前
  • Campagnol VPN

    Campagnol 是一个分布式基于IP的 VPN程序,可以无配置的直接透过防火墙和 NATs,使用的是传输层的 UDP., 不支持mac desktop os.
  • OpenVPN Control

    OpenVPN Control 是一个支持多平台的 OpenVPN 服务器的图形界面的管理工具。 更多OpenVPN Control信息
  • VPN解决方案 CloudVPN

    CloudVPN 是一个 VPN 的解决方案,It can create secured networks with special or weird topologies. All nodes of the network are equal and can connect in any way, so it's very easy to create connection schemes with (for example) clustered s.
    最近更新: 2.0的前哨 -- CloudVPN 1.99 版本发布 发布于 2年前
  • Linux的IPsec项目 strongSwan

    strongSwan是一个完整的2.4和2.6的Linux内核下的IPsec和IKEv1 的实现。它也完全支持新的IKEv2协议的Linux 2.6内核。结合IKEv1和IKEv2模式与大多数其他基于IPSec的VPN产品。重点项目是strongSwan强认证机制,使用X.509公 开密钥证书和可选的安全储存私钥对智... 更多strongSwan信息
    最近更新: strongSwan 4.5.1 发布,Linux的IPsec项目 发布于 8个月前
  • VPN 路由助手 chnroutes

    因为一些众所周知的原因, 来自中国大陆的网民想要访问非本国资源时总会那么的不方便, 这促使了海外vpn供应商在中国的繁荣. 使用海外vpn访问已经成为一些需要经常访问海外资源的中国网民的必要装备. 但通常这些vpn都是有流量限制的, 除此之外一些中国内部的... 更多chnroutes信息
  • 拨号业务的VPN VPND

    VPDN是拨号业务的VPN,指利用公共网络的拨号及接入网实现的虚拟专用网,可为企业、小型ISP、移动办公人员提供接入服务。VPDN能够充分利用现 有的网络资源,提供经济、灵活的联网方式,为客户节省设备、人员和管理所需要的投资,降低用户的费用,所以必将得到... 更多VPND信息
  • Linux下的VPN软件 vtun

    VTun 是一个功能很强的软件,可以利用它来建立 TCP/IP 上的虚拟通道,而且通道的数目可以不受限制,完全依照机器的能力而定,并且在应用上可以作为 VPN、Mobil IP、Shaped Internet access、Ethernet tunnel 与 IP address saving 的基础。 目前所支持的通... 更多vtun信息
  • 图形化 OpenVPN 客户端 gOpenVPN

    gOpenVPN 是一个 Ubuntu 上的图形化 OpenVPN 客户端,方便用户连接 OpenVPN 服务器。 更多gOpenVPN信息
  • OpenVPN认证插件 eurephia

    eurephia 是一个为 OpenVPN 提供基于用户名和密码认证功能的插件。 更多eurephia信息
  • Linux的PPTP服务器 Poptop

    Poptop 是一个 PPTP 服务器的开源实现,采用 C 预言开发,可运行在 x86 或者是摩托罗拉嵌入式ColdFire体系。可与微软的 PPTP VPN 客户端进行完全互操作。 关于 PPTP 的更多信息: 点对点隧道协议(PPTP)是一种支持多协议虚拟专用网络的网络技术。通过该协...

    VPN 解决方案 Hypersocket

     Hypersocket 是一个跨平台的 VPN 解决方案,适合所有类型的远程访问场景。功能强大,但使用简单。Hypersocket 使用一个简单安装的客户端连接到任意数量的网络资源。其强大的访问粒度意味着你可以细粒度控制整个网络和远程用户。访问通过安全的 HTTPS 端口。,


    • 加密VPN软件 CIPE for Windows

      这是 CIPE 这个 Linux 下的 VPN 软件在 Windows 系统的移植版本。 更多CIPE for Windows信息
    • OpenVPN前端界面 LiliVPN

      LiliVPN 是一个类似于 gOpenVPN 的 OpenVPN 跨平台前端界面,它支持 FreeBSD 、Linux 及 Win 平台。 安装及运行: wget tar zxvf LiliVPN.tar.gz chmod +x LiliVPN ./LiliVPN 接下来你就可以配置... 更多LiliVPN信息
    • Linux下的加密VPN软件 CIPE

      CIPE(Crypto IP Encapsulation)是一种对IP数据包进行封装以实现通信双方安全传输的技术,可以应用于包括VPN(Virtual Private Network)在内的许多领域。目前,IPv6环境下的CIPE还没有具体的软件实现,这使得在IPv6环境下进行CIPE基本过程的研究变得很有意 义。... 更多CIPE信息
    • Linux下实现IPSEC的工具 FreeS/WAN

      对于客户端与服务器 之间的通讯用SSL进行加密是一个很好的选择,但是很多情况下需要建立一种企业级的通讯通道。在两个网关之间的 Internet上点到点的传递极其私密的数据,出于这种加密和认证的需要,IPSEC 应运而生。 IPSEC 是 Intenet 协议安全 ,它使用 ... 更多FreeS/WAN信息
    • 虚拟网络 GVPE

      提供一个安全的通信信道涉及许多不同的问题,比如如何提供一个能够处理多个信息流的有效通信信道。通过有效地模拟整个网络堆栈并允许您在这个虚拟环境上构 建 TCP、UDP 和其他网络技术,GNU Virtual Private Ethernet (GVPE) 提供常规单通道或多通道解决方... 更多GVPE信息
    • 轻量级 VPN 软件 SigmaVPN

      SigmaVPN 是一个轻量级的 VPN 软件,可用于创建多个低开销的安全通道,无需复杂配置。SigmaVPN 是高度模块化的设计,易于扩展对新协议和新加密策略的支持。, IPOP(IP-Over-P2P)是开源 VPN 项目。由美国国家科学基金会赞助、佛罗里达大学 ACIS 实验室的教授和学生开发。IPOP 项目有多年历史,初衷和现在的路线并不是为了反审查和封锁。目前第二代 IPOP 旨在为个人之间、个人与家庭、团队内部以及更复杂的云间网络建立信任的 P2P VPN。
  • 其他一些VPN解决方案:
    • Amrita VPN
    • CIPE
    • CloudVPN
    • FairVPN
    • FreeS/WAN
    • GVPE
    • l2tpd
    • Nest
    • OpenSWAN
    • Poptop
    • QuickTun
    • SocialVPN
    • VPMN
    • vpnd
    • VTun
    • Yavipin
    • ,Freelan 是一个免费、开源,支持多平台的高科配置的点对点 VPN 软件,主要设计用来轻松连接到远程主机,侧重于安全性和性能。可用于创建小型到大型的 VPN 虚拟专网,并且可动态修改。Freelan 基于 UDP 实现一个简单但是非常安全的 VPN 协议,支持 IPv4 和 IPv6.
      Freelan 提供二进制包和 C++ 开发库,可方便集成到其他软件。

      What to do if you need to use VPN in a flexible way rather than in the way offered by VPN services? … Or using third-party servers is not allowed or inefficient? What if you need to create your own protected network? In such cases, configuring your own VPN based on its infrastructure may be helpful.
      FreeLAN can be the solution to that task.
      FreeLAN is free all around VPN open-source software for Windows, Linux, and MacOS that can be used to create three types of VPN:
    • Client-server
    • Peer-to-peer
    • Hybrid that includes the two types mentioned above.
    In this review, I’ll tell you what features are offered by FreeLAN, what its pros and cons are, describe the peculiarities of its configuring and using, and finally, I’ll give you some recommendations.
    FreeLAN is different from other VPNs as there is no any UI. You won’t be able to use the OpenVPN client with this VPN. That’s why I don’t recommend using it if you just need to hide your IP or unblock sites. For these tasks, you can find VPN apps that are easier to use and more or less efficient.
    FreeLAN is good for creating your own flexible Virtual Private Network, including the one without a VPN server, using only client computers.
    So, you’ll know about:
    • FreeLAN features
    • Its pros
    • Why FreeLAN is not user-friendly
    • The alternatives to FreeLAN
    Use the quick navigation below to access the necessary chapters:

    FreeLAN features

    Rating for free VPNs Low
    Platforms Windows, Mac, Linux
    Speed Depends on users’ opportunities
    Encryption 128/256-bit
    VPN protocols FreeLAN (FSCP)
    Logging policy Depends on the user
    Ads -
    Support service E-mail, slowly
    Price Completely free
    Main functions
    • Reliable traffic encryption
    • Creating of the client-server tunnel
    • Creating of the client-client (pear-to-pear) tunnel
    • Creating of the network that consists of several computers andserver in different combinations
    • Masking of IP addresses
    • Unblocking websites
    Additional functions and opportunities:
    • Invisibility when the use of VPN is monitored
    FreeLAN is multiplatform software to create a VPN tunnel without using VPN services. But it’s not a multifunctional VPN such as OpenVPN. The network operated by FreeLAN is used in a command mode and requires additional routing configurations. Besides, you need the C++ compiler to set it up and OpenSSL to create certificates and keys. Thus, FreeLAN is software for encrypting connections between devices, but it doesn’t offer GUI apps and convenient routing.
    The characteristics mentioned above make it different from VPN services that offer fully-functional easy-to-use client apps and configurations for the OpenVPN client.
    You can download and set up FreeLAN on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. You need to configure at least two devices to create a VPN network as FreeLAN doesn’t offer its own servers.
    FreeLAN applies the FSCP (FreeLAN Secure Channel Protocol) protocol that allows you to create both traditional a client-server VPN and direct coaction between clients who use the PP technology. The possibility to use P2P and a client-server connection simultaneously makes FreeLAN different from OpenVPN, for example.
    The protocol is based on UDP and has a lot of settings:
    • in-built function of launching the https server,
    • port forwarding,
    • support of the back-end DNS,
    • functioning on the IP and Ethernet levels,
    • IPv6 support,
    • 3 kinds of elliptic curves to use for the sessions,
    • Opportunity to choose 128- or 256-bit encryption keys,
    • Tap/tan,
    • switch/hub.
    It’s impossible to set up FreeLAN on MacOS in a standard way as the software is not signed by the verified developer. But it’s being solved. I’ll tell you more in the ‘’Specifications of use’’ chapter.
    At Centos, there are difficult conflicts of the system libraries versions and Python, which is necessary to set up FreeLAN with the help of C++.
    I also faced some problems with the intervisibility of devices within the FreeLan network.
    Keep on reading and I’ll tell you about other bugs of FreeLan, but first of all, I’ll enlarge upon its pros.

    FreeLAN pros

    One of the major FreeLAN pros is the possibility to create local networks. Using it as a traditional VPN is reasonable just because it is invisible for the systems monitoring the use of VPN, for example, for countries with censorship. But there is a disadvantage as well – FreeLAN apples the UDP protocol and port 12000 which aren’t available in many cases.
    Nevertheless, I’ll tell you about its advantages which were known from the very beginning and the ones that were proved after I tested the service.

    FreeLAN is absolutely free

    The FreeLAN software is distributed according to the GNU GPL license, which means that it’s a free open-source one that can be modified, but you can’t develop paid product on its base.
    It’s convenient for creating your own infrastructure based on the FreeLAN technology. I didn’t find any detailed descriptions of those systems, but on specialized forums I saw the discussions related to the specifications of their configurations.
    An open source code allows you to create your own graphics-based environment based on the FreeLAN technology if it’s necessary.

    Opportunity to create networks without a server

    The main technical advantage of FreeLAN is that it can work directly between the clients of the network, without servers. There’s even no server or it may be used to connect to another network (for example, the Internet) and/or to monitor the work of the network and its logging/administration.
    I tested the work of FreeLAN in a Peer-to-Peer mode in the network of computers operated by Windows for 1 day with different configurations. The background work of the network was stable, the processor load was minimal. Each computer of the network was visible for the others, and no servers were used.
    Still, it was hard to get the stable work of the network and it was likely to have problems related to intervisibility when turning on/off the network’s computers.


    FreeLAN is compatible with:
    • Windows
    • Linux Debian (I failed to set up FreeLAN on Centos because of the malfunction of g++ with the FreeLAN source code)
    • OSX
    • Docker
    • Sailfishos
    The  easiest setup process is for Debian (you can find it in the repository), Windows (the setup file is available) and MacOS (there’s a setup file as well, but you need to allow the installation from an unverified source.
    Thus, you can create both singleplatform and multiplatform networks based on FreeLAN. For example, you can connect a Windows-based computer to the one that’s based on Mac and then connect them to a Linux-based server configured as a VPN server.

    High security standards

    FreeLAN offers AES-128-GCM and AES-256-GCM encrypting standards with the RSA cryptosystem and SHA 256 algorithm. Today AES 128/256 encryption standards are the most widely-spread and reliable ones. By the way, AES-128 is recognized as the official encryption standard for protecting the national data of the USA, and AES-256 – highly sensitive data.
    Here is the extract from the FreeLAN configuration file with choosing of the encryption parameters:
    FreeLAN encryption parameters
    You can choose the length of the authentication key when generating certificates with the help of OpenSSL, for example, 4096.
    So, it tells of the advanced level of data protection in the FreeLAN tunnel. The network is almost invulnerable when applying a professional protection of client computers and a server (if there is).
    Thus, the pros are quite essential. Let’s turn to its cons.

    FreeLAN cons

    The pros are related to the use of FreeLAN as a traditional VPN. At the same time, that will entail the cons related to using it as a traditional VPN and creating an isolated network, including the problems I faced while testing it.

    No detailed documentation

    At first sight, looks professional and has credibility. And it seems to be right until you turn to technical details and instructions.
    There is little information about the opportunities of the FreeLAN technology, setup procedure and the way you can use it. There are no real examples of using it.
    There are no specifications of the software configurations but only the links to the source code and technical specifications of the FSCP protocol.

    No real examples of using

    There is a short example of configuring a client-client connection with the use of certificates and without them (using a login and password). But this information won’t help you to understand how to configure a client-server connection, including for using it as a traditional VPN.
    For all ‘’further questions’’, you have to contact the developer by email. But it’s mentioned on the website that the developer undertakes the project only in his free time as it’s free and doesn’t produce a profit. So, you’ll probably wait for the reply more than one day:
    Notice on the website, no quick replies
    There is also some information on GitHub and other forums, but there is no definitive manual for using FreeLAN.

    Complicated and unpredictable setup

    Absence of the structured and detailed information made it difficult to test the opportunities of FreeLAN. For example, I failed to solve the conflict of the setup script and C++ version on Centos. Besides, the installer doesn’t check the versions of Python and gcc installed. This causes unexpected errors which you can’t use to define the reason of the problem if you aren’t experienced enough.
    For instance, , you can’t set up FreeLAN 2.2 and 2.3 if Linux Centos applies the Python version earlier  than 2.7 and g++ version which is earlier than 4.7. Moreover, even after all the discrepancies were fixed, the installation wasn’t successful for an unknown reason:
    Setup error of FreeLAN on Centos
    Probably, C++ specialists will be able to solve this problem.
    As far as other platforms are concerned, I faced some problems with them as well.
    For example, when installing it on Mac OS, I had to look for the way to set up without the verified digital signature. Here are the steps to follow:
    1. Find freelan_{your version}.pkg on Finder.
    2. Holding Ctrl, click on it.
    3. Choose “Open”.
    Probably, in your case it will work. But on my MacOS High Sierra, I saw an unknown error:
    FreeLAN on Mac: error setup
    That’s why I failed to test FreeLAN on Mac.
    In fact, using a short configuration example from the official website, I managed to set up and launch the network only on Windows-based computers.
    This network didn’t have a server that’s why I failed to configure a full-fledged VPN as well.
    But even if I had managed to set up FreeLAN on Centos (or I had had a server with Debian which is used to set up FreeLAN from the repository), to launch a full-fledged VPN I would have had to configure the routes on the server and client computers manually. For this procedure, you need to be experienced enough in the administration of networks for different platforms. In fact, without a detailed manual, only experienced sysadmins can do it.

    Low popularity

    The FreeLAN project was launched in 2013, but it has been under development since 2007. Nevertheless, it hasn’t become popular yet, no matter it is potentially flexible and all-round.
    Probably, it’s connected with the absence of a detailed manual for installing, configuring and using the technology. … Or the reason for its low popularity is in a complicated installation for some popular platforms.
    Anyway, FreeLAN’s low popularity should be taken into account when choosing your network solution, and especially, when choosing software for VPN.

    Specifications of use

    In this chapter, I’ll share my experience of using FreeLAN.
    As I have already mentioned, I failed to configure FreeLAN either on Mac or Centos Linux. That’s why I managed to test its work in a Peer-to-peer mode only o PC. Taking into account the fact that I didn’t find much information about the practical use of FreeLAN, even these test results may be useful.
    So, there are two ways to launch the FreeLAN nectwork:
    • Using a login/password combination
    • Using certificates
    There is an example of a simple connection of two clients with a login and password:

    As root on computer 1:
    freelan --security.passphrase "my_secret"
    And on computer 2:
    freelan --security.passphrase "my_secret" --tap_adapter.ipv4_address_prefix_length $IP1:12000
    But this solution is appropriate only for connecting of two computers that’s why if you need to create network of more than two devices, you have to configure certificates and write them  in configurations files on all the computers. I won’t describe the procedure as there is a detailed instruction and an example of a simple configuration on the official website.
    But in order to generate the certificates, you need to set up OpenSSL. If you do according to the instructions on, you may face some problems. It is easier and more efficient to install it from the setup file, which can be downloaded here.
    The link to OpenSSL setup file
    Besides, you need to add the following line the system variable PATH:
    C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin;
    After it’s done, you can generate the certificates as it’s said in the FreeLAN instruction. The procedure won’t cause any troubles. It’s just important to follow the instructions and not to forget to copy the full set to each computer of the network.
    You may face unexpected troubles when launching the network. The fact is that in my case there was no error, but the ping didn’t change from to In fact, the network didn’t work. But there were no errors in the log. The problem was solved only after following the steps to launch the FreeLAN service. In other words, the succession of launching the clients is very important.
    What’s more, each time I restarted the client on the computer, I had to repeat the procedure on another computer as well. Otherwise, the ping disappeared no matter the automatic reconnect was successful. It’s quite strange and inconvenient. In fact, the problem caused more inconveniences when testing the network, and I failed to solve it.
    Taking into account my experience of using FreeLAN, that’s everything I can share with you. I tried several times to configure the routing to simulate the practical use of VPN via FreLAN, but I failed to do it. Without a good manual with real examples of use, it was an overwhelming task to test the opportunities of FreeLAN. Of course, you can contact the developer by email, but it’s dead inconvenient.

    Information about the owner

    The developer of FreeLAN is Julien Kauffmann from Canada.
    Today he is a Project Manager and Agile Coach at BRED IT Ltd (Thailand). It’s mentioned on the official website that he undertakes the project only in his free time.
    The official website:


    Thus, it’s impossible to call FreeLAN a traditional VPN. It’s not a VPN provider that’s why there are its own servers. Its software doesn’t have a graphics-based environment. In order to install and use FreeLAN, you need to be good at configuring networks on different platforms.
    That’s why I don’t recommend using it as a VPN when you can use traditional paid and free VPN services to get more efficiency. The cases include:
    • Hiding your IP and traffic on the internet
    • Unblocking websites
    • Bypassing censorship
    • Torrenting
    • Bypassing geo-restrictions for video content
    • Using VPN on mibile devices
    For these tasks, it’s easier and more efficient to use VPN services or OpenVPN.
    Besides, taking into account numerous problems, FreeLAN is not the best solution for creating private secure networks, including P2P. For this task, other solutions are better, and I published the link to one of them in the next chapter.

    The best alternatives

    Alternative to the P2P VPN software

    Cjdns – cross-platform network protocol that allows you to create a scaling P2P network with traffic encryption. It works only with the IPv6 protocol. It is regularly 
    •  from