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Sunday, 3 January 2016



Generate action file for privoxy from gfwlist, inspired by clowwindy's gfwlist2pac and modified from it.
pip install gfwlist2privoxy

usage: [-h] [-i GFWLIST] -f ACTION -p PROXY -t TYPE [--user-rule USER_RULE]

detail arguments:
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit

  -i GFWLIST, --input GFWLIST   path to the gfwlist, ignore to download from Internet

  -f ACTION, --file ACTION      path to the output action file

  -p PROXY, --proxy PROXY       the proxy in the action file, for example, ""

  -t TYPE, --type TYPE          the proxy type in the action file, should be one of the followings,
                                "http socks4 socks4a socks5 socks5t"

  --user-rule USER_RULE         user rule file, which will be appended to gfwlist

Please set https proxy in your system if you ignore the argument GFWLIST.

Example Action File

An example of generated action file is here.
