在知乎上看到这个问题,某匿名用户的回答非常有喜感,主要有 7 点。转过来供自己参考和一乐:
- 东北部的人瞧不起其他所有人。因为美国东北是老工业基地,还有华尔街,有长青藤,很容易理解。就算是东北内部的话,新英格兰人民瞧不起扭腰暴发户,扭腰人民不喜欢泽西的吊丝们,基本上都是老富人瞧不起新富人,新富人瞧不起穷人。
- 北方的人瞧不起南方人,南方人瞧不起北方人。主要还是北方富人瞧不起南方穷人,南方穷人觉得北方有钱人都是傻逼,以及北方阴冷的天气让富人都变态了。华尔街有钱,whatever,我们有阳光……
- 中西部和西部州经常被各种调侃,包括 MN,ID,WY 等,基于的理由各异。推荐看一下 The Onion 出版的搞笑版美国地图和介绍,可怜的 MN 经常被拿来讽刺,主要原因是在湖区的几个州中明尼苏达算是最没有可说的(除了冷),Ohio 有 Cleveland,Illinois 有 Chicago,Michigan 有 Detroit,Wisconsin 有 Milwaukee,明尼有什么?双胞城么……
- 德州人民瞧不起其他所有人,其他所有人觉得德州的 Redneck 土。看 Youtube 上各种(就是那个著名的高富帅开跑车被开 truck 的德州屌丝围追堵截,然后高富帅亮家伙,屌丝就被吓跑),就知道了。看看 Austin 人民都被逼疯了,要 Keep Austin Weird。
- 加州人民共和国瞧不起其他所有人,临州的人也觉得加州人民都是 2B。请查看 CA 临州 Craigslist 上面各种二手车交易贴。 即便是加州人民共和国也是有内讧,北加的 IT 行业雅痞基友果断看不起南加的各种矫情的娱乐工业做着明星梦的餐厅服务生。
- Delaware 每次选举年都要被涮很多很多次(因为选举人票只有3票……),还有一个著名的无聊的笑话,就是 What Della wear? New Jersey!
转给 Liz 看,她说从某个程度来说是这么回事,「通常来说人们觉得南方人更愚蠢、更有偏见」(我怎么觉得这种想法才是偏见),不过现在其实没什么人在意。一些年纪大的人可能更在意、一些小心眼的人也可能更在意。
这个是美国各地的「劣迹图」,原博客下边跟帖达 400 +,可见地域攻击在米国一样热闹.
Rationale and statistics:
Most stats taken from http://www.americashealthrankings.org/ and http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/rankings.html (unless otherwise noted)
1. Alabama: highest rate of stroke (3.8 percent) (tied with Oklahoma)
2. Alaska: highest suicide rate (23.6 suicides per 100,000 people in 2004)
3. Arizona: highest rate of alcoholism
4. Arkansas: worst average credit score (636)
5. California: most air pollution (15.2 micrograms per cubic meter)
6. Colorado: highest rate of cocaine use per capita (3.9 percent total population)
7. Connecticut: highest rate of breast cancer
8. Delaware: highest abortion rate (27 per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44)
9. Florida: highest rate of identity theft (122.3 reports per 100,000 people)
10. Georgia: sickly based on highest rate of influenza
11. Hawaii –highest cost of living (tied with California)
12. Idaho – lowest level of Congressional clout
13. Illinois: highest rate of robbery (284.7 incidences per 100,000 people)
14. Indiana: rated the most environmentally unfriendly by NMI solutions
15. Iowa: highest percentage of people age 85 and older (1.8 percent) (tied with three other states)
16. Kansas: poorest health based on highest average number of limited activity days per month (3.5 days)
17. Kentucky: most cancer deaths (227 per 100,000 people) (BONUS fact: Kentucky also has the highest rate of tobacco smokers – 25.6 percent)
18. Louisiana: highest rate of gonorrhea (264.4 reported cases per 100,000 people)
19. Maine: dumbest state claim based on lowest average SAT score (1389)
20. Maryland: highest rate of AIDS diagnosis (27.6 people per 100,000 people)
21. Massachusetts: worst drivers claim based on highest rate of auto accidents
22. Michigan: highest unemployment rate (13.6 percent)
23. Minnesota: highest number of reported tornadoes (123 in 2010)
24. Mississippi: highest rate of obesity (35.3 percent of total population)
BONUS facts: Mississippi ranks last in the most number of categories. These include highest rate of child poverty (31.9 percent), highest rate of infant mortality (10.3 percent) lowest median household income ($35,078), highest teen birth rate (71.9 per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19) and highest overall rate of STDs.
25. Missouri: highest rate of bankruptcy (700 out of every 100,000 people)
26. Montana: highest rate of drunk driving deaths (1.12 deaths per 100 million miles driven)
27. Nebraska: highest rate of women murdered annually
28. Nevada: highest rate violent crime (702.2 offenses per 100,000 people). BONUS fact: Nevada also has the highest rate of foreclosure (one in 99 houses)
29. New Hampshire: highest rate of corporate taxes
30. New Jersey: highest rate of citizen taxation (11.8 percent)
31. New Mexico: antisocial claim based on lowest ranking in social heath policies
32. New York: longest average daily commute (30.6 minutes) http://www.statemaster.com/graph/lab_mea_tra_tim_to_wor-labor-mean-travel-time-work
33. North Carolina: lowest average teacher salary
34. North Dakota: ranked last in ugliest residents report as chosen by The Daily Beast
35. Ohio: nerdiest state claim based on highest number of library visits per capita (6.9)
36. Oklahoma: highest rate of female incarceration
37. Oregon: highest rate of long-term homeless people
38. Pennsylvania: highest rate of arson deaths (55.56 annually)
39. Rhode Island: highest rate of illicit drug use (12.5 percent of population) http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/08/11/drug-use-across-the-united-states-or-rhode-island-needs-more-rehab/
40. South Carolina: highest percentage of mobile homes (18.8 percent)
41. South Dakota: highest rate of forcible rape 76.5 per 100,000
42. Tennessee: chosen most corrupt state by The Daily Beast
43. Texas: lowest high school graduation rate (78.3 percent)
44. Utah: highest rate of of online porn subscriptions
45. Vermont: infertility claim based on lowest birth rate of any state (10.6 births per 1,000) (tied with Maine)
46. Virginia: highest number of alcohol-related motorcyle deaths
47. Washington: most cases of bestiality (4 reported in 2010)
48. West Virginia: highest rate of heart attack (6.5 percent of population)
49. Wisconsin: highest rate of binge drinking (23.2 percent of population)
50. Wyoming: highest rate of deadly car crashes (24.6 deaths per 100,000)
from http://www.pleated-jeans.com/2011/01/24/the-united-states-of-shame-chart/