Sandboxie is a light and compact free software that blocks error prone programs and web based malware from affecting your PC. The security software creates a virtual sandbox and allows you to install new software, your browser and other browser based apps in a secure environment, shielded from the deeper layers of the OS. Sandboxie helps you test out new unproven applications and decide to keep ‘em or trash ‘em.
Install and Run Sandboxie
Sandboxie is a 2 MB download. It runs on all 32-bit versions of Windows. On first install, Sandboxie may display a software compatibility box which on confirmation enables it to make some configuration changes to its own settings and the sandbox it creates.Sandboxie can be run from the context menu. Right-clicking on the software allows you to select the Run Sandboxed command. You can also open a program in the sandbox by using the Send to command from the context menu. You can also use the default Sandboxed Web Browser which is a sandboxed clone of your default browser to browse the web in protected mode.
Also if you open Sandbox Control, you can open any program from the following menu command.
The Safety of a Virtual Environment
Let’s test out Sandboxie by opening Firefox and downloading a software. All ‘sandboxed’ instances of a program are identified by a ‘#’ symbol on the title bar. The sandboxed program (in this case, the Firefox browser) is also highlighted by a yellow border. Any apps (e.g. Firefox add-ons) you install within this sandboxed instance of the browser will also be contained within the sandbox. In case of Firefox, the restarted browser after the installation of an add-on also opens within the sandbox.Sandboxie Control shows the running status of programs that are running in the vault in the current sandbox. You can create more than one sandbox.
Any file downloaded while browsing is also saved within the sandbox. Sandboxie gives you an option to recover the file and move it to the unboxed part of Windows in case you decide to keep it.
Closing Sandboxie Control terminates all programs and restores the order of Windows that existed before you sandboxed the program. You can also delete all contents from the Sandbox after you are done with it.
It is a good precaution to use Sandboxie with your download programs and your email client in case you are downloading something you are not too sure of. Sandboxie can also be used to run multiple instances of the same program. For instance, you can run your browser in the normal mode and also in the sandboxed mode.
Sandboxie comes with a full-fledged tutorial which walks you through the steps of setting it up and using it to keep your PC in the pink of health. Run it and give us your take on the utility of a sandboxing application.
Sandboxie let u Safely Execute Programs
- Secure Web Browsing: Running your Web browser under the protection of Sandboxie means that all malicious software downloaded by the browser is trapped in the sandbox and can be discarded trivially.
- Enhanced Privacy: Browsing history, cookies, and cached temporary files collected while Web browsing stay in the sandbox and don’t leak into Windows.
- Secure E-mail: Viruses and other malicious software that might be hiding in your email can’t break out of the sandbox and can’t infect your real system.
- Windows Stays Lean: Prevent wear-and-tear in Windows by installing software into an isolated sandbox.
Sandboxie Plus & Classic
Sandboxie-Plus.comNote: This is a community fork that took place after the release of the Sandboxie source code and not the official continuation of the previous development (see the project history and #2926).
System requirements | Release notes | Contribution guidelines | Security policy | Code of Conduct |
Windows 7 or higher, 32-bit or 64-bit. | | | | |
Sandboxie is a sandbox-based isolation software for 32-bit
and 64-bit Windows NT-based operating systems. It creates a
sandbox-like isolated operating environment in which applications can be
run or installed without permanently modifying local & mapped
drives or the Windows registry. An isolated virtual environment allows
controlled testing of untrusted programs and web surfing.
Sandboxie allows you to create virtually unlimited sandboxes and run them alone or simultaneously to isolate programs from the host and each other, while also allowing you to run as many programs simultaneously in a single box as you wish.
Sandboxie is available in two editions, Plus and Classic. They both share the same core components, this means they have the same level of security and compatibility. What's different is the availability of features in the user interface.
Sandboxie Plus has a modern Qt-based UI, which supports all new features that have been added since the project went open source:
- Snapshot Manager - takes a copy of any box in order to be restored when needed
- Maintenance mode - allows to uninstall/install/start/stop Sandboxie driver and service when needed
- Portable mode - you can run the installer and choose to extract all files to a directory
- Additional UI options to block access to Windows components like printer spooler and clipboard
- More customization options for Start/Run and Internet access restrictions
- Privacy mode sandboxes that protect user data from illegitimate access
- Security enhanced sandboxes that restrict the availability of syscalls and endpoints
- Global hotkeys to suspend or terminate all boxed processes
- A network firewall per sandbox which supports Windows Filtering Platform (WFP)
- The list of sandboxes can be searched with the shortcut key Ctrl+F
- A search function for Global Settings and Sandbox Options
- Ability to import/export sandboxes to and from 7z files
- Integration of sandboxes into the Windows Start menu
- A browser compatibility wizard to create templates for unsupported browsers
- Vintage View mode to reproduce the graphical appearance of Sandboxie Control
- A troubleshooting wizard to assist users with their problems
- An Add-on manager to extend or add functionality via additional components
- Protections of sandboxes against the host, including the prevention of taking screenshots
- A trigger system to perform actions, when a sandbox goes through different stages, like initialization, box start, termination or file recovery
- Make a process not sandboxed, but its child processes sandboxed
- Sandboxing as a unit of control to force programs to automatically use the SOCKS5 proxy
- DNS resolution control with sandboxing as control granularity
- Limit the number of processes in the sandbox and the total amount of memory space they can occupy, and You can limit the total number of sandboxed processes per box
- A completely different token creation mechanism from Sandboxie's pre-open-source version makes sandboxes more independent in the system
- Encrypted Sandbox - an AES-based reliable data storage solution.
More features can be spotted by finding the sign =
through the shortcut key Ctrl+F in the file.
Sandboxie Classic has the old no longer developed MFC-based UI, hence it lacks native interface support for Plus features. Although some of the missing features can be configured manually in the Sandboxie.ini configuration file or even replaced with custom scripts, the Classic edition is not recommended for users who want to explore the latest security options.
A GitHub copy of the Sandboxie documentation is currently maintained, although more volunteers are needed to keep it updated with the new changes. We recommend to check also the following labels in this repository:
future development | feature requests | documentation | build issues | incompatibilities | known issues | regressions | workaround | help wanted | more...
A partial archive of the old Sandboxie forum
that was previously maintained by Invincea is still available. If you
need to find something specific, it is possible to use the following
search query: site:
Sandboxie's functionality can be enhanced with specialized tools like the following:
- LogApiDll - adds a verbose output to Sandboxie's trace log, listing invocations of relevant Windows API functions
- SbieHide - attempts to hide the presence of SbieDll.dll from the application being sandboxed
- SandboxToys2 - allows to monitor files and registry changes in a sandbox
- Sbiextra - adds additional user mode restrictions to sandboxed processes
Sandboxie 是一款可以为电脑隔离潜在风险的经典老牌沙盘工具,他会在你的电脑上创造出一个虚拟的软件运行环境,而这个虚拟的”沙盒环境”与电脑真实系统完全隔离,在沙盘中运行的软件会被牢牢的限制在沙盘中,从而不会影响到以外的内容。
游戏多开、软件多开、病毒隔离,这款神器终于免费了! (Sandboxie原理示意图)
Sandboxie 沙盘工具除了用于对未知软件的隔离测试,我们还可以通过他对软件或者游戏进行多开。
Sandboxie 本是一款收费的软件,近期Sandboxie 官方宣布将其完全免费使用了!并且未来可能开源,目前在官方下载最新版本已经无需激活,安装即可使用,默认解锁所有功能。
Sandboxie 免费开源个人维护正式版
Sandboxie 本身提供了简体中文语言支持,所以上手使用还是非常简单的。在安装好 Sandboxie 之后还会有一个向导教程,带你一步一步使用它。
你可以通过 Sandboxie 界面上的菜单来启动任意程序,也可以在 Windows 资源管理器上,对任意 .exe 可执行文件或软件的安装包上点右键,在菜单中选择「在沙盘中运行」来让 Sandboxie 启动它们。
启动后,Sandboxie 会给运行在沙盘环境的应用标题前后加上 # 号,像 [#] 软件名 [#] 这样。同时当鼠标移动到沙盒应用窗口的边缘时,它还会用一个黄色的框来框住它的窗口,辨识度非常高。基本上,只要看到黄色框你就能放心地对软件进行各种骚操作而不必担心它会对系统造成影响了。
Sandboxie 也预置了一些常用功能,比如可在 Sandboxie 沙盘里启动网页浏览器 (更彻底的保护隐私不留痕迹);也能在沙盘上运行 Windows 资源管理器,并像影子系统一样对硬盘里的文件进行各种删除移动拷贝,关掉沙盘后一切恢复如初等等。
Sandboxie 的用途:
Sandboxie 真的非常实用,用法很多用途也很广泛。比如有系统洁癖的朋友可以用来保护系统不被程序留下的垃圾困扰;喜欢玩耍软件的同学可用来测试各类程序,避免中毒、保护隐私等。
你还可以借助 Sandboxie 的沙盘的恢复重置特性来实现“软件免费无限试用”;甚至让一些限制较多的程序比如「微信实现双开」、游戏多开等等,当然大家还可以多想一些有创意的新玩法。这样一个神器现在完全免费了,绝对可以成为每一个玩家们的装机必备工具。
所谓沙盒,其实就是为运行中的程序提供的隔离环境,程序在沙箱中运行时会与所在的宿主操作系统隔离,从而避免威胁当前系统,一般主要就是用于测试具有安全风险的程序。目前市面上同类工具确有不少,在Windows 10 1903(仅专业版和企业版)版本中,微软开放了一个内置的沙盒,可方便我们测试不确定的程序。要开启沙盒,首先确定电脑硬件支持:
具体开启方式也相当简单,在控制面板——>程序和功能——>启用或关闭Windows功能,勾选Windows 沙盒。
重启电脑后便可在开始菜单中找到并启动沙盒。从功能上来讲,Windows 沙盒相当于一个轻量级桌面环境,与一般的沙盒工具相比,它其实就相当于一个独立的虚拟机,功能与现有系统基本无异,可用于测试安装各类应用程序,即便是带有破坏力的病毒程序,在沙盒中运行也不会感染到当前系统,关闭沙盒后,下次启动就是全新的系统。
最强虚拟机,Vmware Workstation
Vmware Workstation是性能强大的虚拟机,通过它可以安装目前主流的操作系统,它支持最新的Windows 10,并且支持 DirectX 10 和 OpenGL 3.3,可在运行 3D 应用时提供更顺畅和响应速度更快的体验。
Vmware虚拟机可以创建一个真正完整的操作系统,是完完全全独立于系统之外,而且兼容性极强,基本无需担心程序在系统中不可运行,并且它性能强大,可以自定义配置硬件,包括CPU、内存、3D加速它甚至还支持虚拟网络构建功能,无论是易用性还是专业性,Vmware Workstation绝对当之无愧的行业老大。
在Vmware安装了一个Windows 10专业版,系统设置与我当前的操作系统保持一致,包括常用软件、基本设置几乎是完全复刻。创建后,建立一个初始干净的系统快照,今后无论测试多为复杂专业的程序,无论是安装多少工具,在不需要时可一建还原到初始状态,保证虚拟机系统的纯净。