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Thursday 29 March 2012


OpenCms 8.0.2 OpenCms是一个专业级别的开源网站内容管理系统。OpenCms可以非常容易的帮助建立和管理复杂的网站而无需专业的HTML知识。当使用一个复杂 的模板引擎来规划站点,它提供一个类似于我们熟知的office应用的所见即所得编辑器来帮助使用者创建内容。OpenCms是一个完全开源的软件,它不 需要任何许可费用。OpenCms基于JAVA和XML语言技术,因此它适合完全融入到现有的系统内部。OpenCms可以非常好的运行在一个完全的开源 环境中(例如:Linux、Apache、Tomcat、MySQL). 当然,也可以很好的运行于商业环境下(例如:Windows NT、IIS、BEA Weblogic、Oracle DB)。


解压这个zip文件,会出现一个opencms.war文件,用unzip  opencms.war命令解压这个war文件。然后访问,按屏幕的提示去做即可。
"Validating Database Server Configuration
MySQL system variable 'max_allowed_packet' is set to 1048576 Byte (1MB).
Please note that it will not be possible for OpenCms to handle files bigger
than this value in the VFS.
Error while checking the server configuration!
*Your 'max_allowed_packet' variable is set to less than 16777216 Byte
The required value for running OpenCms is at least 16MB.Please change your
MySQL configuration (in the my.ini or my.cnf file)."
max_allowed_packet = 16M然后重启mysql即可。(改为比16M更大的值,比如50M更好).安装好之后的cms地址为,登录地址为,默认的用户名为Admin,注意不是admin,密码为admin,请登录后,点击preferences页面里的user data标签栏,进行密码的修改。


Install OpenCms using the Setup-Wizard

Start the Setup-Wizard by pointing your webbrowser to http://localhost:8080/opencms/setup/. Depending on your configuration, you have to replace localhost with your servername. The port 8080 is only used if you start Tomcat in standalone mode.
Follow the instructions of the OpenCms Setup-Wizard. It will set up the OpenCms database and import all available modules into the system. For normal installations with MySql and Tomcat running on the same server, all default settings will fit your needs. If you are using different database users, be sure that they exist before creating the database tables and importing the modules.
Important: Make sure you disable all popup blockers and enable Javascript for the server URL you installed OpenCms on. Otherwise you will not be able to log in to the OpenCms Workplace.

Now your system is ready

Now your system is ready to use. You can login with username: Admin and password: admin. Please change this password as soon as possible. The login URL of OpenCms in a default configuration is: http://localhost:8080/opencms/opencms/system/login/.

Security issues

Finally after you have installed OpenCms you should have a look at the security settings.
First change the Admin user password of OpenCms by calling the user preferences (the "checkbox" icon in the top menu on the main screen of the Workplace).
Then you can add a password to the MySQL database. Enter the following commands at the MySQL command line.
use mysql;
insert into user values ('localhost', 'opencmsuser', password('XXXXX'),\
insert into db values ('localhost', 'opencms', 'opencmsuser',\
flush privileges;
Make sure you replace opencmsuser and opencms with the name of your user and database in case you have changed them on the setup wizard.
Don't forget to add the new user and password to all connect strings of the database in your file. Only the new user can now connect to the OpenCms tables. For more information see the MySQL documentation。

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