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Friday 6 May 2016


新浪科技讯 北京时间7月4日上午消息,雅克布·阿佩尔鲍姆(Jacob Appelbaum)等信息安全研究员发布的最新报告显示,美国国家安全局(NSA)能跟踪哪些用户访问了采用Tor加密系统的网站。
Tor的全称是(The Onion Router),用户通过Tor可以在网上进行匿名交流。
此外,这一系统的目的似乎并不完全是为了跟踪Tor加密服务。一条规则是对访问过Tor网站,以及搜索过Tails信息,访问过存放Tails信息网站的用户进行标记。这样的网站中包括Linux Journal。
Tor uses a variety of different keys, with three goals in mind: 1) encryption to ensure privacy of data within the Tor network, 2) authentication so clients know they're talking to the relays they meant to talk to, and 3) signatures to make sure all clients know the same set of relays.
Encryption: first, all connections in Tor use TLS link encryption, so observers can't look inside to see which circuit a given cell is intended for. Further, the Tor client establishes an ephemeral encryption key with each relay in the circuit; these extra layers of encryption mean that only the exit relay can read the cells. Both sides discard the circuit key when the circuit ends, so logging traffic and then breaking into the relay to discover the key won't work.
Authentication: Every Tor relay has a public decryption key called the "onion key". Each relay rotates its onion key once a week. When the Tor client establishes circuits, at each step it demands that the Tor relay prove knowledge of its onion key. That way the first node in the path can't just spoof the rest of the path. Because the Tor client chooses the path, it can make sure to get Tor's "distributed trust" property: no single relay in the path can know about both the client and what the client is doing.
Coordination: How do clients know what the relays are, and how do they know that they have the right keys for them? Each relay has a long-term public signing key called the "identity key". Each directory authority additionally has a "directory signing key". The directory authorities provide a signed list of all the known relays, and in that list are a set of certificates from each relay (self-signed by their identity key) specifying their keys, locations, exit policies, and so on. So unless the adversary can control a majority of the directory authorities (as of 2012 there are 8 directory authorities), he can't trick the Tor client into using other Tor relays.
验证:每一个Tor中继都有一个公开的解密密钥,叫做“onion key”。每一个中继每个星期都会重新生成它的“onion key”。Tor客户端建立路径时的每一步它都会要求中继使用onion key证明自己,这样第一个节点就不能决定客户端接下来的路径。因为是Tor客户端选择路径,所以Tor的“分布式信任”得到了保障。没有任何一个单独的节点可以知道客户端从哪里来,到哪里去。
调度:客户端怎么知道哪些是中继?怎么知道中继是真的中继?每个中继都有一个长期的公共签名密钥叫做“Identity Key”。每个中继目录都会有另外一个密钥叫做“目录签名密钥”。中继目录提供一个已知中继列表,并且有着所列出中继的Identity Key,地点,出口政策等等。所以除非监控者掌握大部分中继目录的控制权(2012数量为8个),他并不能欺骗用户使用他精心设计的“中继”。



