Current version is 1.5
Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
It's hard to maintain the original implementation as there is too much unused code in it. It also embeds the ss-local source. It's crazy to maintain dependencies of ss-local. So it's hard to update the ss-local version.
Now I just copied the ss-local from homebrew. Run ss-local executable as a Launch Agent in the background. Serve PAC js file as a file URL. So there is only some source code related to GUI left. Then I will rewrite the GUI code in Swift.
- Mac OS X 10.11 +
- XCode 8.3+
- cocoapod 1.2+
From here
- Use ss-local from shadowsocks-libev 3.0.5
- Could Update PAC by download GFW List from GitHub.
- Show QRCode for current server profile.
- Scan QRCode from screen.
- Auto launch at login.
- User rules for PAC.
- Support for AEAD Ciphers
- HTTP Proxy by privoxy
- Over kcptun. Version 20170322
- Export/Import configure file.
- An advanced preferences panel to configure:
- Local socks5 listen address.
- Local socks5 listen port.
- Local socks5 timeout.
- If enable UDP relay.
- GFW List URL.
- Manual specify network service profiles which would be configure the proxy.
- Could reorder shadowsocks profiles by drag & drop in servers preferences panel.
- Configurable global shortcuts for toggle running and switch proxy mode.
Different from orignal ShadowsocksX
Run ss-local as a background service through launchd, not as an in-app process. So after you quit the app, the ss-local maybe be still running.
Added a manual mode which won't configure the system proxy settings. Then you could configure your apps to use socks5 proxy manual。
from https://github.com/shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG
cd downloads
cd downloads
unzip ShadowsocksX-NG.1.5.1.zip -d /applications/
然后设置浏览器的socks5代理服务器的地址为127.0.0.1:1080 ,浏览器即可翻墙。
当然,你不修改 “本地socks5监听端口“的值1086也行,只需设置浏览器的socks5代理服务器的地址为127.0.0.1:1086 ,浏览器即可翻墙。
ShadowsocksX-NG跟ShadowsocksX不同,使用 ShadowsocksX-NG时,本地监听的端口可以任意修改,只要是未被占用的端口都行。而使用ShadowsocksX时,本地监听的端口只能设为1080.
from https://github.com/yichengchen/ShadowsocksX-R/releases
https://github.com/qinyuhang/ShadowsocksX-NG-R/releases/download/1.4.3-R8/ShadowsocksX-NG-R8.dmg (此程序支持设置http proxy)
from https://github.com/qinyuhang/ShadowsocksX-NG-R/releases
ShadowsocksX-NG-R: Shadowsocks(R) Client for MacOS.
- 下载地址:releases
Current version is 1.4.8
Continuesly release under 1.4.8
Next Generation of ShadowsocksX with SSR support.
After Download Please check the GPG signature!
First get My pub key and import the Pub key
gpg --import pubkeys.txt
Then verify the signature
Place the
and .dmg.sig
file together in a directorygpg --verify {drag the ShadowsocksX-NG-R8.dmg.sig into your terminal}
It's hard to maintain the original implement. There are too many unused code in it. It also embed ss-local source. It's crazy to maintain depandences of ss-local. So it's hard to update ss-local version.
Now I just copy the ss-local from home brew. Run ss-local executable as a Launch Agent in background. Serve pac js file as a file url. So there are only some souce code related to GUI left. Then I rewrite the GUI code by swift.
- macOS 10.12 +
- Xcode 11.1+
- cocoapod 1.8.4+
- SSR features!
- Ability to check update from GitHub.
- White domain list & white IP list
- Use ss-local from shadowsocksr-libev 2.5.6
- Ability to update PAC by download GFW List from GitHub. (You can even customize your list)
- Ability to update ACL white list from GutHub. (You can even customize your list)
- Show QRCode for current server profile.
- Scan QRCode from screen.
- Import config.json to config all your servers (SSR-C# password protect not supported yet)
- Auto launch at login.
- User rules for PAC.
- Support for OTA is removed
- An advance preferences panel to configure:
- Local socks5 listen address.
- Local socks5 listen port.
- Local socks5 timeout.
- If enable UDP relay.
- GFW List url.
- ACL White List url.
- ACL GFW list and proxy bach CHN list.
- Manual spesify network service profiles which would be configure the proxy.
- Could reorder shadowsocks profiles by drag & drop in servers preferences panel.
- Auto check update (unable to auto download)
Different from orignal ShadowsocksX
Run ss-local as backgroud service through launchd, not in app process. So after you quit the app, the ss-local maybe is still running.
Add a manual mode which won't configure the system proxy settings. Then you could configure your apps to use socks5 proxy manual.