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Monday 17 February 2014


This repository contains the code behind Bookmarkly, a bookmark organizer built with Backbone.js in the browser and Node.js on the server with data persisted to MySQL.
Some features:
  • Add bookmarks with a bookmarklet, Chrome extension or through the site
  • Saves URL, title, description, tags with autosuggest and a screenshot
  • Bookmark grid view resizes with the window and loads more bookmarks on scroll
  • Can import bookmark files exported from IE, Chrome, Firefox and Delicious
  • No page reloads at all, so moving between pages is near-instant and smooth
  • Combines and minifies all the JS source and view templates automatically when the server starts


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install Node.js and NPM
  3. Install Redis (for session storage)
  4. Install dependencies: npm install -d
  5. Create a MySQL database with the 3 tables in schema.sql
  6. Edit the configuration section of server.js to point to your database
  7. Run node server.js and browse to http://localhost:3000
If you get an error from express on launch, you may need to npm install connect@0.5.10
