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Thursday 20 February 2014


Write Haml in Markdown, Syntax Highlight with Pygments, and Pretty Print the output HTML, in Ruby.


gem install post-modern


title: My Post
tags: a, b, c

Here's a table of stuff:

@@@ haml
      %th Column A
      %th Column B
      %td Item A
      %td Item B

This table is:

1. written in Haml
2. compiled to html, along with the markdown
require 'post-modern'

post ="docs/")
  :title     => "My Post",
  :tags      => ["a", "b", "c"], 
  :format    => "markdown", 
  :keywords  => [], 
  :slug      => "my-post", 
  :file      => "", 
  :published => false
  :content   => %{
<p>Here's a table of stuff:</p>
      <th>Column A</th>
      <th>Column B</th>
      <td>Item A</td>
      <td>Item B</td>
<p>This table is:</p>
  <li>written in Haml</li>
  <li>compiled to html, along with the markdown</li>
If you have github style code blocks (3 backticks with lang surrounding code), it will be run through the pygments syntax highlighter (requires python). It's really easy to then use Guard to watch as files change, and update your records by parsing the content with this。
