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Sunday 16 February 2014


Matvre is an open source blog theme not tied to any CMS or framework (that means you'll need to do a little more than drag-and-drop to get it working on Wordpress, Octopress, or whatever). If you like Svbtle, Obtvse, and Simvla, you'll love Matvre.


  1. Edit the HTML/CSS/JavaScript the way you like.
  2. Open it in a browser. It's a website.
  3. Hack it and jimmy it into Wordpress.
Octopress users: The octopress folder contains the code to install Matvre as an Octopress theme. Some customization may be required but here's how to do it:
  1. Rename folder to 'matvre'
  2. Drop the folder into your Octopress theme's folder located at octopress_install/.themes so the full path should be /path/to/octopress/.themes/matvre
  3. In your Octopress folder run rake install['matvre']
The theme will then install and you're all set. Just set up your Octopress settings how you like and make any content changes as necessary (some data may be hardcoded in the theme that you may not want).


To poke fun at all the hype over Svbtle, Obtvse, Simvla, and the rest. I'm a big fan of them all but I think sometimes the hacker community and even the developers of those projects, can take the ideas surrounding their platforms a little too seriously. And I also think Svbtle is kind of all hype.
