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Sunday 3 March 2024


QR Designer是一款开源的二维码设计项目,可以给二维码中间添加各种图案、文字、图像、同时支持更改背景颜色等操作, 生成的QR 码不会图案破坏内容完整性。项目基于Vue和Javascript编写。遵守MIT开源协议。运行环境需要安装Node 16+。

> npm i
> npm run generate
> npm run start



QR designer web app with a novel method of designing qr codes that does not take advantage of error correction 

QR code designer

This is a QR design web app that you can use to create QR codes that have arbitrary designs in the middle section. Compared to other qr designs, this does not take advantage of error correction that QR codes use, but rather deterministically turns some pixels in the code pattern on or off without affecting what the QR code is pointing to.


The designer is a Nuxt v2 app, statically generated. It had been part of a larger app that I have separated it from. There may be references to and lying around; those were the domains I had that the app was being served from.

There are some prerequisites to making QR codes with the designer.

In order to maximize designer space, the url that the QR codes links to is expected to be exactly 25 characters long from the set of alphanumeric characters - 0–9, A–Z (upper-case only), space, $, %, *, +, -, ., /, :

When I had the and domains, it would direct to HTTPS://SW.INK/${QR_ID} where QR_ID would be a 10 alphanumeric-character long id set as part of the link shortening process.

If you want to change this you would do it in components/Design/QRGroup.vue at line 138.

Installing and running

Node version 16 is expected.

> npm i
> npm run generate
> npm run start



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