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Monday 4 June 2012



1. 原理


In cryptography, obfuscation refers to encoding the input data before it is sent to
a hash function or other encryption scheme. This technique helps to make brute force
attacks unfeasible, as it is difficult to determine the correct cleartext.



2. 解决方案
牛人Bruce Leidl为openssh写了个很给力的补丁。它可以在创建加密SSH连接时将握手信号(handshake)进行混淆处理。这样一个加密的握手信号就可以骗过怪物所用的深度包检测设备,顺利完成使命,进而保证了网络的安全性与稳定性。

make install



useradd -s /usr/sbin/nologin golengssh



ssh -Nfx -D 7070 -z yuanjin -p 443


# This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See
# sshd_config(5) for more information.
# This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin

# This ssh daemon is meant to be run separately from the regular
# non-obfuscated sshd. A single user account is enough for this purpose.
# You should make sure this user does not have shell access, by changing
# the shell to /usr/sbin/nologin.
# sudo useradd -s /usr/sbin/nologin golengssh
AllowUsers golengssh

# To set up a SOCKS proxy, execute an obfuscated-openssh client like so:
# The client will now be running a SOCKS proxy on localhost:7070 and forwarding
# all traffic to the ssh server port 443. User will need to configure web browsers and
# such to use the SOCKS proxy.
Protocol 2
ObfuscatedPort 443
ObfuscateKeyword yuanjin
#Port 22

SyslogFacility AUTH
LogLevel ERROR
LoginGraceTime 2m
PermitRootLogin no
StrictModes yes
MaxAuthTries 6
MaxSessions 10
PermitEmptyPasswords no

AllowAgentForwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding yes
PrintLastLog no
TCPKeepAlive yes
ClientAliveInterval 60
ClientAliveCountMax 3
PidFile /var/run/
#MaxStartups 10
#PermitTunnel no
ChrootDirectory /home/golengssh

# no default banner path
#Banner none

[1]Secret Handshake for Iran


例如,反审查和匿名服务提供商Tor就发现许多他们的“网桥节点”——用来帮助用户重定路由的位于世界各地的私人服务器——对中国用户来说,在几个 小时内甚至几分钟内就失效了。Tor项目的执行主任安德鲁‧鲁曼(Andrew Lewman)说用户告诉他,其他翻墙软件如无界浏览(Ultrasurf)和自由门(Freegate)也出现了类似的问题。“有人试图接入,接着出现 一个奇怪的扫瞄,然后节点就失效了,”鲁曼说:“我们经常观察到奇怪的现象,但这个却是个不平衡的怪现象,而且只来自于中国。”
鲁曼认为中国互联网服务公司可能正在测试一个新系统,不仅仅是阻挡IP地址或者某些网页,而是通过一个类似探头的东西在用户试图连接到加密网络之前 确认用户要接入什么服务。“就好像我告诉太太要和朋友去打保龄球,她事先给保龄球馆打电话来监视我到底在干什么,”鲁曼这样比喻道。“它在证实你要访问的 是不是你正在请求访问的地址。”
但是鲁曼说Tor程序开发员们目前还无法确定这个探头如何能区分用户是在加密登入Tor服务器还是加密登入某银行或电子商务网站,因为理论上两者都 是把网络信息流打乱成无法辨认的加密信息。鲁曼指出:无论如何中国政府无法阻挡所有的加密连接,比如大公司的虚拟专用网(VPN),“如果富士康和苹果断 了线,那可就是大问题了。”
中共政府不止嗅探通往美国的加密连接,据位于林雪平大学中心(Linkoping University)的瑞典国家超级计算机中心的IT安全管理员列夫‧尼克松(Leif Nixon)说,他一年之前就在其服务器上独立地发现了这个现象——当中国学生或研究人员试图通过SSH加密隧道登录该中心的系统时会引来奇怪的网络扫 瞄。本月初他将自己的发现贴在了博客上。

通过Obfuscated ssh避免ssh连接不畅的问题
很快就发现Obfuscated ssh就是一个现成成熟的方法。首先下载Obfuscated ssh,登录到境外linux服务器上后,下载:
wget -O ofcssh.tar.gz
tar zxvf ofcssh.tar.gz
cd brl-obfuscated-openssh-ca93a2c
make install
/usr/local/sbin/sshd -t -f /usr/local/etc/sshd_config
这就安装成功了,上面一句就是直接运行的命令,其实也就是提示了Obfuscated ssh的安装位置以及配置文件的位置。
cp /usr/local/sbin/sshd /usr/sbin/sshd_ofc
cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_ofc_config
sed -i "s/Port /#Port /g" /etc/ssh/sshd_ofc_config
sed -i "s/UsePAM /#UsePAM /g" /etc/ssh/sshd_ofc_config
echo "ObfuscatedPort 2201" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_ofc_config
echo "ObfuscateKeyword yourkeyword" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_ofc_config
就是直接使用标准sshd的配置,但将原配置中的端口及UsePAM注释掉,增加支持混淆的sshd的端口为2201,混淆密码为 yourkeyword 。当然这里这个端口不要与已经在运行的标准sshd的端口一样。
/usr/sbin/sshd_ofc -f /etc/ssh/sshd_ofc_config
然后,在本地的Windows下使用putty设置进行ssh tunnel,结果发现putty不支持Obfuscated ssh。这里我们还得去下一个支持Obfuscated ssh的putty版本--potty,在这里下载: 
c:\tools\putty\potty -N -ssh UserName@Server -P 2201 -pw password -C -z -Z yourkeyword -D
通过几小时的测试,使用Obfuscated ssh后,我这本地的体验又恢复到没被干扰前的状态了。

Obfuscated ssh

Since the performance of Great LAN is so frustrating, I have to use some new approaches to evade censorship.
Although with ssh I can circumvent most of the censorship, but the DPI equipment interferes my ssh connection all the day. This is terribly annoying.
Rather than reconnect ssh without cease, I finally deployed a obfuscated ssh and enjoying it now.

Here is obfuscated ssh deploy instructions for debian/ubuntu.

If you are using debian, here is self-starting method for debian.

If you are using ubuntu, here is self-starting method for ubuntu.

Some notable security information:
1. Vulnerability Summary for CVE-2012-2110
2. OpenSSL ASN.1 vulnerability: sshd not affected

The following is settings of client (For Windows)
You can simply download the PoTTY client for windows, and use the following command to connect your obfuscated ssh server.

Usually the above command is work.
Since the obfuscated ssh client PoTTY has not yet auto-reconnect feature.
I can only use batch to implement this feature.
Place following 4 batch files to the PoTTY directory.
(Of course you need to fill out the highlighted lines)

CheckConn.bat keeps checking the tcp connection status in order to confirm whether the ssh connection is disconnected.
So, run CheckConn.bat , then PoTTY will reconnect on connection failure.
At last. Compared with regular ssh's handshake, the obfuscated ssh's is apparently different.
regular ssh handshake:

obfuscated ssh handshake:

  1. Jay
    2012年11月7日 01:37 | #1
    Surfing Google Chrome 23.0.1271.60 Google Chrome 23.0.1271.60 On Mac OS X 10.8.2 Mac OS X 10.8.2请问,当我输入
    # /usr/sbin/sshd_ofc -f /etc/ssh/sshd_ofc_config
    PEM_read_PrivateKey: mismatch or unknown EVP_PKEY save_type 408
    Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
    我确定编译安装都没问题,配置也都是按照你的Sample来的,系统是 Ubuntu 12.10

    • dzf
      2012年11月8日 09:18 | #2
      Surfing Firefox 14.0.1 Firefox 14.0.1 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64If you get error message : 'Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key' when restarting ssh,
      you need to create new ecdsa key with following command
      ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key -N ''
      then restart the sshd service
      service ssh restart
      However, if you get 'unknown key type ecdsa' when using ssh-keygen. Then your ssh probably not support ecdsa algorithm...
      Try to use rsa algorithm instead.

  2. 刚子
    2013年2月3日 16:14 | #3
    Surfing Google Chrome 23.0.1271.95 Google Chrome 23.0.1271.95 On Windows XP Windows XP跪求centos 服务器的配置啊,怎么能联系到您?

    • dzf
      2013年2月3日 23:53 | #4
      Surfing Firefox 18.0.1 Firefox 18.0.1 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64Here is obfuscated ssh deploy instructions for CentOS, which is very similar to Debian/Ubuntu.
      yum update
      yum -y install gcc
      yum -y install make
      #yum -y install zlib-devel #CentOS x86
      yum -y install zlib-devel.x86_64 #CentOS x64
      #yum -y install openssl-devel #CentOS x86
      yum -y install openssl-devel.x86_64 #CentOS x64
      wget -O ofcssh.tar.gz
      tar zxvf ofcssh.tar.gz
      cd brl-obfuscated-openssh-ca93a2c
      make install
      Configuration is the same as Debian/Ubuntu.

  3. 2013年2月11日 15:37 | #5
    Surfing Firefox 18.0 Firefox 18.0 On Mac OS X 10.8 Mac OS X 10.8问一下客户端只能用potty么,用openssh能连 obfuscated ssh server么

    • dzf
      2013年2月11日 16:40 | #6
      Surfing Firefox 18.0 Firefox 18.0 On GNU/Linux GNU/LinuxOf course, because putty and openssh does not support the -Z parameter.

  4. dzf fans
    2013年3月15日 13:46 | #7
    Surfing Firefox 19.0 Firefox 19.0 On Windows XP Windows XPif you encountered the ssh-host-key cannot load error, please regenerate it follow the steps below, it may fix it.
    Step # 1: Delete old ssh host keys
    Login as the root and type the following command:
    # /bin/rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
    Step # 2: Reconfigure OpenSSH Server
    Now create a new set of keys, enter:
    # dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
    Sample output:
    Creating SSH2 RSA key; this may take some time ...
    Creating SSH2 DSA key; this may take some time ...
    Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd

      • I have deployed obfuscated SSH on several VPS and routers, but none of them is subject to interference from WHYGAAAFBBBWhat. At least, they are working properly so far.
        Did you install some services that it is very easy to identify by GoGoFireWork on the same IP? Like pptp vpn.
        Obfuscated SSH is theoretically a private protocol, as long as the ObfuscateKeyword is not compromised.
        "overcome this" ...... change your VPS IP?
        Or...change your port to a SSL service port, like 563,636 ...

    1. Xw.Y
      2013年3月18日 15:46 | #10
      Surfing Google Chrome 25.0.1364.172 Google Chrome 25.0.1364.172 On Windows 7 x64 Edition Windows 7 x64 EditionThank you for the post. very useful.

    2. dzf fans
      2013年3月19日 18:22 | #11
      Surfing Firefox 19.0 Firefox 19.0 On Windows XP Windows XPI found that lots of nodes in Japan have being messing by openGameFamidWyou, the nodes only set up apache server on them will also be interrupted once someone is connecting to. From this perspective of view, it's not ofc-ssh's fault, it's safe :-) and thanks for your explanation.
      I've fixed it by switching my node's IP, say goodbye to Japan and say hello to the world :-)
      By the way, there is another version of ofc-ssh on github at "", does this version work?

      • dzf
        2013年3月20日 11:14 | #12
        Surfing Firefox 19.0 Firefox 19.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64Glad to hear you solved the problem.
        The aligo version of ofc-ssh is based on OpenSSH6.1p1, which is newer than brls.
        And as mentioned in his blog
        and his post
        , that version supports MAC.
        But I have not tested that version.

        • dzf fans
          2013年3月26日 17:40 | #13
          Surfing Firefox 19.0 Firefox 19.0 On Windows XP Windows XPThere was a host_key issue while connection to sshd via PoTTY, someone feeded that back to aligo, and he has fixed it. His latest version of ofc-ssh seems work properly from another user's prespective of view.
          Fight for freedom, and thank you DZF & aligo, you're bravo!

    3. Thanksforyourhelp
      2013年3月21日 08:43 | #14
      Surfing Google Chrome 25.0.1364.172 Google Chrome 25.0.1364.172 On Mac OS X 10.7.4 Mac OS X 10.7.4Thanks. Since the hiGirl-ifF-wwWill came out, I kind feel insecure about some softwares from Chinese, although I am Chinese too, really sucks! I would rather believe Hong-Kongnese or Taiwanese at this point, am I crazy?!! sad. I knew the new version of openSSH client support Obfuscated SSH too, your article is good if you can add some about how to do from Mac or Linux with openSSH client, would be great.

      • dzf
        2013年3月21日 17:37 | #15
        Surfing Firefox 19.0 Firefox 19.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64"I would rather believe Hong-Kongnese or Taiwanese (software)", Agree.
        I don't have a Mac, so I don't know how to use SSH on Mac.
        But, on Linux, there are many ways to run SSH proxy. You can install proxychains and obfuscated ssh and autossh, etc.
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get install proxychains
        sudo sed -i '/^socks4/d' /etc/proxychains.conf
        sudo sed -i '/^socks5/d' /etc/proxychains.conf
        sudo sed -i '$a socks5 1080' /etc/proxychains.conf
        ssh -N $User@$ServerIP -p $Port -v -i id_rsa -C -D 1080 -z -Z yourkeyword
        proxychains firefox

    4. aaviskaar
      2013年4月14日 21:47 | #17
      Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Windows 8 x64 Edition Windows 8 x64 EditionHi
      Thanks for your great blog 1st.
      But I am facing one problem, when i try to run the connect using Potty.
      I am getting an "server unexpectedly closed connection" message.
      What should I do
      Thanks in advance

    5. aaviskaar
      2013年4月17日 23:44 | #19
      Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Windows 8 x64 Edition Windows 8 x64 EditionHi thank you for your quick response. I myself has done some debugging practice and get the following things
      ssh -p 1234 -vvv ip
      OpenSSH_5.9p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010
      debug1: Reading configuration data /usr/local/etc/ssh_config
      debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0
      debug1: Connecting to [] port 1234.
      debug1: Connection established.
      debug1: permanently_set_uid: 0/0
      debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa type -1
      debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -1
      debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_dsa type -1
      debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_dsa-cert type -1
      debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_ecdsa type -1
      debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_ecdsa-cert type -1
      ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
      Please note that my /etc/hosts.allow has the following entry sshd: ALL
      and /etc/hosts.deny has none but the default values.
      We don't want the public key thing we just want to login with username and password like you have explained in this blog.
      My system is Debian 6-64bit.
      Please suggest me what should I do to make the server working.
      Thanks in advance.

      • dzf
        2013年4月18日 22:52 | #20
        Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64Hi,
        aaviskaar. You probably still use system's ssh client, which dose not supports obfuscation. And obviously you have not add the -z parameter. So, ssh handshake is unsuccessful. You need to use a new ssh client that supports obfuscation.

    6. aaviskaar
      2013年4月18日 11:13 | #21
      Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Windows 8 x64 Edition Windows 8 x64 EditionHi
      Again I am adding some new information please look at them and help us in resolving the issue.
      We used PoTTY with the following command.
      PoTTY.exe -N -ssh user@ip -P 1234 -pw password -C -z -Z keyword -D
      We changed the port number to 9998( also tried with 1080)
      Now the problems are-
      Sometimes the server works I mean a connection is established,but very rarely I have been able to do so for once only. During that time socks proxy 2 worked fine.
      Most of the time, the PoTTY window opens with nothing and after a few minutes one error message is being showed saying "Server unexpectedly closed network connection"
      The problem should not be an ISP or firewall issue because using the same ISP and firewall we are able to setup Tunneling once from the same PC.
      We have also tried with different ISPs and from different countries but again we failed and got the same error message.
      The 1234 port is open in the server for outside access.
      What should be the problem and what to do for fixing it?
      Again thanks in advance for your kind help.

      • dzf
        2013年4月18日 23:08 | #22
        Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64Hi,
        Can you get reply by using the Ping command? If so, then telnet to your server by running "telnet ServerIP 1234" command. If telnet is successful, then the obfuscated ssh server may work properly.
        Otherwise, your obfuscated ssh server or your network between server and client should be something wrong.

    7. Aaviskaar
      2013年4月28日 10:40 | #23
      Surfing Firefox 16.0 Firefox 16.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64Hi,
      Thank you for your reply. We have fixed the issue. Though it is not a valid reason, but it worked with plonk.exe without any issues and we are currently using it. Thank you for your kind help.
      We are using the following command now
      plonk -P 1234 -l user -D 1080 -N -z -Z keyword xx.xx.xx.xx
      it asks for the password for a the user, we type it and it works fine. Though I want to ask you that is there any way to embed the password in the plonk command like you have used with PoTTY? I have searched for plonk manual but didn't found it anywhere.
      Secondly I want to create the tunnel from a LAN gateway(Maybe windows or Linux) so that the gateway accepts requests from all ports and sends it through the tunnel. Is it possible? Linux or Windows, both solutions are OK.
      If possible please help us in doing it.
      Thanks for your great blog again, this is the only one blog available for step by step obfuscated ssh support.

      • dzf
        2013年4月29日 09:45 | #24
        Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x641.
        PoTTY Link: command-line connection utility
        Mr. Hinky Dink's build, Aug 26 2011 23:23:10
        Usage: plonk [options] [user@]host [command]
        ("host" can also be a PuTTY saved session name)
        -V print version information and exit
        -pgpfp print PGP key fingerprints and exit
        -v show verbose messages
        -load sessname Load settings from saved session
        -ssh -telnet -rlogin -raw -serial
        force use of a particular protocol
        -P port connect to specified port
        -l user connect with specified username
        -batch disable all interactive prompts
        The following options only apply to SSH connections:
        -pw passw login with specified password
        -D [listen-IP:]listen-port
        Dynamic SOCKS-based port forwarding
        -L [listen-IP:]listen-port:host:port
        Forward local port to remote address
        -R [listen-IP:]listen-port:host:port
        Forward remote port to local address
        -X -x enable / disable X11 forwarding
        -A -a enable / disable agent forwarding
        -t -T enable / disable pty allocation
        -1 -2 force use of particular protocol version
        -4 -6 force use of IPv4 or IPv6
        -C enable compression
        -i key private key file for authentication
        -noagent disable use of Pogeant
        -agent enable use of Pogeant
        -m file read remote command(s) from file
        -s remote command is an SSH subsystem (SSH-2 only)
        -N don't start a shell/command (SSH-2 only)
        -nc host:port
        open tunnel in place of session (SSH-2 only)
        -z obfuscate key exchange (SSH-2 only)
        -Z keywd obfuscate with keyword (SSH-2 only)
        -sercfg configuration-string (e.g. 19200,8,n,1,X)
        Specify the serial configuration (serial only)
        So, -pw parameter will meet your demand.
        Do you mean that you want to use SSH like using VPN?
        If so, there are some ways to do it.
        In Windows, you can use Proxifier to proxy any ports and any applications you want, and even global proxy.
        In Linux, usually use ProxyChain.
        sudo apt-get install proxychains
        sudo sed -i '/^socks4/d' /etc/proxychains.conf
        sudo sed -i '/^socks5/d' /etc/proxychains.conf
        sudo sed -i '$a socks5 1080' /etc/proxychains.conf
        ssh -N $User@$ServerIP -p $Port -v -i id_rsa -C -D 1080 -z -Z yourkeyword
        proxychains firefox

      • aaviskaar
        2013年4月29日 20:48 | #25
        Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Windows 8 x64 Edition Windows 8 x64 EditionHi
        Thanks for your great reply.
        First one worked for us. Thanks again.
        Secondly, we don't need an VPN exactly, Actually what we want is that, for our LAN, it is not a good idea to allow the users to connect from their PC's as they are not technically so much good.
        What we want to do is that,we will have a local gateway with internet connection. in one interface it will listen to requests from all ports and in the other interface it will create a obfuscated SSH tunnel, using that tunnel it will send all network traffic received from the other hosts.
        We can use windows or Linux.
        Will proxychain work in this configuration or I have to use something else. Please answer this question.

        • dzf
          2013年5月1日 13:02 | #26
          Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64Hi,
          Do you mean that all LAN users use that local gateway to connect your local server first, and then the local server run a obfuscated ssh client and setup a NAT service?
          I never done that before.
          But, a alternative method is running a obfuscated ssh client( -D ) in your local server, then all LAN users connect the server's socks proxy. LAN users can use Proxifier(Windows) or Proxychains(Linux) to proxy applications without proxy setting options.

          • Aaviskaar
            2013年5月1日 13:14 | #27
            Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Windows 8 x64 Edition Windows 8 x64 EditionThanks for your reply first.
            Yes all LAN users use that local gateway to connect my local server first, and then the local server run a obfuscated ssh client and setup a NAT service. This is exactly what I want.
            Theoretically it is possible with iptables, but I do not know it will work or not. However with the -D option i will try to setup a local proxy and then I will use NAT to redirect all traffics to that server.
            I will let you know if it works or not.
            I have some VOIP devices that can not use a proxy so I have to setup a gateway.
            However if you have any suggestions please suggest me.
            You have helped us very much.
            Thanks Again

    8. Amir
      2013年4月30日 22:14 | #28
      Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Windows 8 x64 Edition Windows 8 x64 EditionHi Thanks for your great blog first
      We have successfully installed the SSH+using your guide in Debian 6.07 and using it now. But when we tried to install it in Debian 6.05 and Ubuntu 12.04 we got some issues. We installed all dependencies and configured as you have said. But when we try to start the server using the command
      /usr/local/sbin/sshd -f /usr/local/etc/sshd_config
      It works perfectly with Debian 6.07, it do not show any output but the port starts listening and we can do SSH+ tunneling
      But when we use the same command with Debian 6.07 and Ubuntu 12.04 we do not get any output like the above one but the SSH+ service is not started. We have also done port scanning but the port for SSH+ is not opened.
      What should we do to solve this issue.
      Thanks Again

      • dzf
        2013年5月1日 11:37 | #29
        Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64Hi,
        run "netstat -an", can you see sshd_ofc binding to the port 1234?
        If so, then the SSH+ service is working properly. you need to check the firewall and iptables settings if they block the port 1234.

        • Amir
          2013年5月1日 13:04 | #30
          Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Windows 8 x64 Edition Windows 8 x64 EditionThanks for your reply. After testing many things with different versions of Ubuntu and Debian we figured out that the problem was not with the OS.
          SSH+ server is working with ports starting from 1025 to 1234 but when we try to use any port after 1234 it do not work. The netstat -an or nmap do not show any open port for SSH+
          When we start the server with any port exceeding 1234 as Obfuscated port then the server starts without any error but the port is not opened. Though it is not a firewall issue as far as I know,I have tried with opening the port on firewall then started the server. the port is opened as per nmap scan result but the server didn't listened on the port.
          please help us in fixing the issue.

          • dzf
            2013年5月1日 13:30 | #31
            Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64"SSH+ server is working with ports starting from 1025 to 1234", How is this possible??
            I have deployed many obfuscated SSH services on several VPS and routers, I used the port from 9xx to 3xxxx, and they are working properly so far.

            • Amir
              2013年5月4日 14:56 | #32
              Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Windows 7 x64 Edition Windows 7 x64 EditionYeah it sounds strange, even i am unable to believe this. However i have rented some other VPS and the port issue is resolved there. We are able to use any open ports here.
              I have another question for you, suppose I have a SSH+ and SSH server running in the same system. How can I find the active SSH+ users in a particular moment?
              I also want to know the failed login attempts of SSH+, the IP details of logged in users etc.
              Thanks in advance

              • dzf
                2013年5月4日 23:05 | #33
                Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64Get list of online SSH(SSH+) users:
                netstat -an|grep :22
                Failed login attempts of SSH(SSH+):
                cat /var/log/secure|awk '/Failed/{print $(NF-3)}'|sort|uniq -c|awk '{print $2"="$1;}'
                cat /var/log/auth.log|awk '/Failed/{print $(NF-3)}'|sort|uniq -c|awk '{print $2"="$1;}'

    9. John
      2013年5月6日 15:50 | #34
      Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Windows 8 x64 Edition Windows 8 x64 EditionDear Sir
      I am able to setup some SSH+ servers for my friend who lives in a country where everything is blocked, the credit goes to your blog.
      But unfortunately for last few days we are facing connection drop issues on SSH+. After a 2-5 minutes session the ssh+ connection drops saying FATAL ERROR: NETWORK ERROR: SOFTWARE CLOSED CONNECTION ABORT.
      However we are able to use ssh+ from my country without any problem and connection drop issue. I think the government has found some way to detect ssh+ packets. At the same time Psiphon 3 is also not working. We have played with ports but that didn't worked. Even we changed ssh+ to 22 and ssh to something else. It is working from my country but not from his country. I think the firewall inspects the packet pattern not the port.
      What will be our next step to fool the new inspection technique.
      Your help will be greatly appreciated.
      Thanks in Advance

      • dzf
        2013年5月6日 17:34 | #35
        Surfing Firefox 20.0 Firefox 20.0 On Ubuntu x64 Ubuntu x64Hi,
        Psiphon is blocked in many country because too many people use Psiphon.
        SSH+ is theoretically a private protocol, as long as the ObfuscateKeyword is not compromised.
        You can change your port to a SSL service port, such as 443,563,636 ...
        Or you could consider using obfsproxy, ShadowSocks, etc.
        Of course, no matter what technology you use, if your proxy services have too many users or too much traffic, your proxy services will be blocked. It's just a matter of time.

    10. max
      2013年9月17日 01:31 | #36
      Surfing Google Chrome 28.0.1500.95 Google Chrome 28.0.1500.95 On GNU/Linux x64 GNU/Linux x64Hi, Sir.
      I have added SELinux support and set 'UsePAM yes" for my obfuscate openssh, because I think it would provide as much as security of official openssh-server.
      But I suffered error like "Sep 16 16:30:53 xxx sshd_ofc[11002]: Failed publickey for user from port 6287 ssh2" and selinux error "Sep 16 17:03:47 xxx sshd_ofc[11188]: fatal: ssh_selinux_getctxbyname: Failed to get default SELinux security context for user (in enforcing mode)" from /var/log/secure
      I want to secure my obfuscate ssh server as much as possible, rather than giving up most security feature (selinux, pam, etc) just for obfuscated ssh connection.
      Do you have any idea how to achieve it ? I'm looking forward to any hints on how to do that.
      Thank you!

      • dzf
        2014年2月20日 17:43 | #37
        Surfing Internet Explorer 11.0 Internet Explorer 11.0 On Windows 8.1 Windows 8.1Sorry for my late reply.
        I have been quite busy over the past few months.
        When run ./configure, there are some pam options disabled.
        ./configure | grep pam
        checking pam/pam_appl.h usability... no
        checking pam/pam_appl.h presence... no
        checking for pam/pam_appl.h... no
        checking security/pam_appl.h usability... yes
        checking security/pam_appl.h presence... yes
        checking for security/pam_appl.h... yes
        PAM support: no
        Then I read some source code, I found this
        /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
        /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
        #define HAVE_PAM_PAM_APPL_H 1
        in "" file.
        And the pam_appl.h is missing.
        To get pam_appl.h, just run "apt-get install libpam0g-dev" in debian or "yum install pam-devel" in centos, then you can get it in /usr/include/security/pam_appl.h
        Then add pam_appl.h to brl-obfuscated-openssh-ca93a2c/security/pam_appl.h
        #define HAVE_SECURITY_PAM_APPL_H 1
        #define HAVE_PAM_PAM_APPL_H 1
        Hope this may help you.

    11. 2013年12月17日 20:14 | #38
      Surfing Google Chrome 31.0.1650.63 Google Chrome 31.0.1650.63 On Mac OS X 10.9.0 Mac OS X 10.9.0tanks Bro, i reallly is useful

    12. Rainier
      2014年8月17日 20:52 | #39
      Surfing Google Chrome 36.0.1985.125 Google Chrome 36.0.1985.125 On Windows 7 x64 Edition Windows 7 x64 Edition这个potty用上以后,流量只要一大就会断线,目测potty有bug

    13. moot
      2015年2月21日 06:08 | #40
      Surfing Safari 8.0.3 Safari 8.0.3 On Mac OS X 10.10.2 Mac OS X 10.10.2If you get these errors

      # /usr/sbin/sshd_ofc -f /etc/ssh/sshd_ofc_config
      PEM_read_PrivateKey: mismatch or unknown EVP_PKEY save_type 408
      Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
      Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key

      Comment these lines in your sshd_config.

      #HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
      #HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key

    14. rabebo
      2015年2月28日 22:23 | #41
      Surfing Internet Explorer 11.0 Internet Explorer 11.0 On Windows 7 Windows 7Hello Sir,
      At first I would like to thank you for your great blog the instructions are clear and very helpful.
      I have tried to make a ssh+ connection on two different ISPs
      The first one Potty gives a black screen for 1 minute then it says: Software caused connection abort
      Plonk is the same: FATAL ERROR: Network error: Software caused connection abort
      When trying to ping in that ISP we get an ip address but no received packages so I guess that the DNS is working fine.
      -The second ISP, potty connects successfully then after a while a message pops up :
      “server sent disconnect message
      type 2 (protocole error):
      received oclose for nonexistent channel 3145224”
      When I checked the auth.log that time I get:
      “channel_by_id: 0: bad id: channel free
      Disconnecting: Received oclose for nonexistent channel 0.”
      Could you please tell me what to do to solve these problems?
      Thanks in advance

      • dzf
        2015年3月2日 10:38 | #42
        Surfing Firefox 31.0 Firefox 31.0 On Windows 7 x64 Edition Windows 7 x64 EditionHi,
        For the first case, when you running "netstat -an" on your first VPS, can you see
        sshd_ofc binding to the port 1234(or the port you specified) ?
        if not, your configuration on server side may have some errors.
        if so, since you got "Software caused connection abort" and "no received packages", I think the network between your client and VPS may be unstable.
        (Or network is interfered by your Internet Service Provider? )
        The second case, that's some weird. I think you have to check your configurations, including server side and client side.

    15. anonymousz
      2015年4月3日 10:03 | #43
      Surfing Google Chrome 41.0.2272.101 Google Chrome 41.0.2272.101 On Windows 7 Windows 7It is significantly slow when using ofc-ssh.
      How can I imporve the speed?

      • a
        2015年4月3日 14:27 | #44
        Surfing Google Chrome 32.0.1664.3 Google Chrome 32.0.1664.3 On Mac OS X 10.9.0 Mac OS X 10.9.0If you use a very special port for ofc-ssh, perhaps your ISP will lower your traffic priority due to the QoS policy.

        • anonymousz
          2015年4月4日 12:40 | #45
          Surfing Google Chrome 41.0.2272.101 Google Chrome 41.0.2272.101 On Windows 7 x64 Edition Windows 7 x64 EditionThanks.
          After change port to a regular one and enable compression explicitly.
          Speed improved.


          obfuscate six stucked hogs

          这是去年“18大”期间我改了用来翻「那个不能说的东西」的openssh,因为「那个不能言说之物」升级了某些特性可以模糊识别协议的内容并且进行阻 断,其中就包括S(ix) S(tucked) H(ogs)协议。six stucked hogs其实一开始并不是为了-D出一个socket用来翻「说了就会被和谐之物」,只不过有这样的附加功能,但是一旦被X我很多正常工作都不能进行。于 是才有了obfuscate six stucked hogs协议来迷惑「被我找到了之后我要用一根棒球棍使劲把它砸碎的那个东西」。

          obfuscate six stucked hogs的协议最早出自brl(,不过基于是5.2版本的openssh。因为那个版本不能在最新的ML(应该是从Lion开始就不行了)下编译了,于是我拿了最新的6.1p1比照着改了一份,所用协议格式和原来相同,可以互相连接。
          服务端可以在sshd_config里设置ObfuscatedPort和ObfuscateKeyword,分别即是混淆的端口号和混淆用的字符 串。其中混淆的端口号默认和原来ssh指定的相同,或者可以另外配置。混淆用的字符串要与客户端设置相同。然后照常配置ssh剩下的部分即可。
          ObfuscateHandshake yes
          ObfuscateKeyword 混淆用的字符串
          关于协议具体格式可以参考brl的README,除了混淆消息内容,还在tcp包中加了迷惑性的random padding用于防止流量分析识别,应该算是一种比较可持续使用的方式。
          我喜欢通过openssh客户端直接登入。Mac下可以选择的客户端还有secret-socks,支持相同的混淆协议,Win下也有x-wall可用 。


          1. Hdi
            Posted 2013/03/18 at 21:04 | Permalink
            Thanks for this but i have problem on login. After install, when i want to login i get this error “Server’s host key did not match the signature supplied”. I use Potty for login. Can you please explain what i should do exactly!? For quckly i did:
            #make install
            #echo “ObfuscatedPort 2222″ >> /usr/local/etc/sshd_config
            #echo “ObfuscateKeyword keyword” >> /usr/local/etc/sshd_config
            #/usr/local/sbin/sshd -f /usr/local/etc/sshd_config
            Everything went ok and sshd ran without problem
          2. aligo
            Posted 2013/03/19 at 11:21 | Permalink
            Hi Hdi
            I can’t try potty to login cause i dont have a windows now.
            Could you try the patched openssh client to login, if you complied it from my code, `/usr/local/bin/ssh -Z keyword …` should works. Also you can pass `-v` to get more debug info.
            Thx for your comment, waiting for your message.
          3. Hdi
            Posted 2013/03/19 at 17:17 | Permalink
            Thaks for reply
            Ok. I installed the obf ssh on another server and did as you told:
            # /usr/local/bin/ssh -Z mykeyword -p 6200
            The authenticity of host ‘[]:6200 ([]:6200)’ can’t be established.
            ECDSA key fingerprint is e7:15:14:51:b9:8f:fa:89:08:41:c3:b2:83:f8:d8:68.
            Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
            Warning: Permanently added ‘[]:6200′ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
            key_verify failed for server_host_key
            This error seems that is look like the same error that happened in Potty
          4. Hdi
            Posted 2013/03/19 at 17:57 | Permalink
            And with -v arg:
            # /usr/local/bin/ssh -v -Z mykeyword -p 6200
            OpenSSH_6.1p1, OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
            debug1: Reading configuration data /usr/local/etc/ssh_config
            debug1: Connecting to [] port 6200.
            debug1: Connection established.
            debug1: Obfuscation enabled
            debug1: permanently_set_uid: 0/0
            debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa type -1
            debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -1
            debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_dsa type -1
            debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_dsa-cert type -1
            debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_ecdsa type -1
            debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_ecdsa-cert type -1
            debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_6.1
            debug1: match: OpenSSH_6.1 pat OpenSSH*
            debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
            debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.1
            debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
            debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
            debug1: kex: server->client aes128-ctr hmac-md5 none
            debug1: kex: client->server aes128-ctr hmac-md5 none
            debug1: sending SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT
            debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY
            debug1: Server host key: ECDSA e7:15:14:51:b9:8f:fa:89:08:41:c3:b2:83:f8:d8:68
            debug1: checking without port identifier
            The authenticity of host ‘[]:6200 ([]:6200)’ can’t be established.
            ECDSA key fingerprint is e7:15:14:51:b9:8f:fa:89:08:41:c3:b2:83:f8:d8:68.
            Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
            Warning: Permanently added ‘[]:6200′ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
            debug1: ssh_ecdsa_verify: signature incorrect
            key_verify failed for server_host_key
          5. Posted 2013/03/20 at 12:52 | Permalink
            Thanks very much for your reply.
            Sorry for the silly mistake i made, it is fixed now, please repull it from github, and let me know the result.
          6. Hdi
            Posted 2013/03/20 at 14:22 | Permalink
            I built it again and yes, it works know
            I tested with PoTTY and it ran too
            Thanks for fixing the problem
          7. Posted 2013/03/20 at 17:14 | Permalink
            : D
          8. Hdi
            Posted 2013/08/08 at 01:22 | Permalink
            Hello aligo
            Whats up man ;)
            I saw that openssh is updated to 6.2. You don’t want to update this package to the new version?
            Thank you
            • Posted 2013/10/26 at 10:42 | Permalink
              Hi Hdi,
              Has been busy and snifu last few months, sorry for reply you so late.
              No chance to follow up new version yet, and now 6.3 is out,I will just up it direct to 6.3 soon. T_T
              And if you use obfuscated ssh for setting a tunnel proxy, there is shadowsocks(
