What is it useful for
SocketIO is an abstraction layer over several methods to maintain a connection between the client and the server otherwise said long-polling this includes websockets.Checkout what are websockets?.
Looking for an example application, checkout hivi.mx.
Add djsocketio to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.pyCreate a live.py in an application of your project. django-socketio-alt will discover every live.py that are in applications installed against Django, so becarful with what you do install in production. live.py can start like this:
from socketio.namespace import BaseNamespace from socketio.mixins import RoomsMixin, BroadcastMixin class Namespace(BaseNamespace, RoomsMixin, BroadcastMixin): def emit_to_me(self, event, *args): pkt = dict( type="event", name=event, args=args, endpoint=self.ns_name) self.socket.send_packet(pkt)You can specify a namespace name using the name property like so:
class Namespace(BaseNamespace, RoomsMixin, BroadcastMixin): name = 'chat'If you do not, the default is to use the name of the app, for instance if the app is registred as spam.egg.chat, the namespace's name will be chat. Connection to this namespace in the client will be done using the following code:
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8000/chat');Now everything you need to know is in Gevent SocketIO documentation and for some copy-paste goodness you can have a look at the example application in example directory.
Happy living!
How to run the example application
To run the example app you will need to install gevent-socketio, if you did not pip install django-socketio-alt already:$> pip install gevent-socketioSince the default port for doing websocket is 8000 and the example app use this default you need to run the django project on another port:
$> ./manage.py run the SocketIO thread with the following command:
$> ./manage.py runserver_socketioOpen two windows and start the conversation.