Here is a list of the tools we provide as well as some examples of
other tools you could install yourself (without needing root access):
Tools Available on All Nitrous Boxes
Development Tools
- C
- C++
- Perl
- PhantomJS
- Python (isolated environments with virtualenv only on Python box)
- Ruby (version control with RVM only available on Ruby box)
- Golang
- automake
- Heroku Toolbelt
- Parse Command Line Tool
Possible to Install Yourself (Just examples, you can do more)
- Clojure
- Dart
- Haskell
- Erlang
- Scala
System Tools
- git
- hg
- build-essential
- wget
- curl
- base-files
- base-passwd
- binutils
- bzip2
- file
- gnupg
- whiptail
- util-linux
- tsconf
- unzip
- unison
- ack-grep
- traceroute
- psmisc
- openssl
- update-motd
- man-db
- getopt
Image Manipulation Tools
- ImageMagick
Text Editors
- nano
- emaccs23-nox
- vim-nox
Remote Sessions
- tmux
- screen
Ruby/Rails Box (Additional Tools)
Development Tools
- Node.js (version control with NVM)
- Ruby (version control with RVM)
Node.js Box (Additional Tools)
Development Tools
- Node.js (version control with NVM)