Goblet is a fast, easy to customize web frontend for git repositories. It was created because existing alternatives are either not very easy to customize (gitweb), require C programming to do so (cgit), or are tied into other products, such as bugtrackers (redmin, github). Goblet is currently in alpha status, so not all goals have been met yet. Contributions are welcome, the most useful contribution is using it and reporting all issues you have. If you want to see goblet in action, you can find a running instance on git.kaarsemaker.net. If you like what you see, proceed to read docs/install.rst and enjoy! Should you hit a problem installing or using goblet, please report it on github. Reports about uncaught python exceptions should include full backtraces. If the repository triggering the bug/issue is public, please include a link to the repository and the link to the bug so I can reproduce it.
from https://github.com/seveas/goblet
Goblet - git web viewer In my search for git web interfaces, most ones I found were ugly (gitweb), unmaintained (Gitalist), closed source (Github) or tied into other products, such as issue trackers or complete project management tools (redmine). I wanted a git web interface that looked better and was easier to customize than gitweb, but still remained just a web interface. And thus Goblet was born. It's open source, built on libgit2 and flask and should be easy to customize. Design-wise, it borrows quite a bit from github. Given that I'm a lousy designer, this is probably a good idea. Example If you want to see Goblet in action, go to http://git.kaarsemaker.net Installing goblet Goblet is currently in alpha status, and the only supported install option is via git. Clone the repository at git://github.com/seveas/goblet.git to get the code. $ pip install http://seveas.net/git-hub $ git hub clone seveas/goblet $ cd goblet $ git submodule init $ git submodule update Most dependencies for goblet are easy to install pip install flask jinja2 pygments markdown chardet docutils whelk But libgit2 and pygit2 need to be compiled from source. On an Ubuntu system, the following should suffice to download them from github, compile them and install them into /usr/local. $ sudo apt-get install cmake xz python-all-devel $ git hub clone libgit2/libgit2 $ pushd libgit2 $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake --build .. $ sudo cmake --build . --target install $ popd $ git hub clone libgit2/pygit2 $ pushd pygit2 $ python setup.py build $ sudo python setup.py install $ popd $ sudo ldconfig Running goblet Inside your goblet checkout, run this command to see if all is working: $ python -mgoblet This should start a development server that listens on http://localhost:5000. You should see the goblet repository listed. If the directory containing the goblet repository contains other repositories, these will show up as well. This dev server should not be used to open up access from the outside world, instead it's better to run goblet under wsgi. You need to install uwsgi and the python plugin. Under Ubuntu: $ sudo apt-get install uwsgi-core uwsgi-plugin-python Then you can run the uwsgi app as: $ uwsgi --plugins python -s /tmp/uwsgi_goblet.sock -w goblet:app When using virtualenv, you need to tell uwsgi to use your virtualenv: $ uwsgi --plugins python -s /tmp/uwsgi_goblet.sock -w goblet:app --venv /home/dennis/web/venv/ -C -p 5 Once the wsgi app is running, you need to configure your web server to connect to it. I use nginx as frontend and configure it as follows, modify to taste: server { server_name git.kaarsemaker.net; listen 80; root /usr/share/nginx/www; index index.html index.htm; location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/uwsgi_goblet.sock; } location /static/ { alias /home/dennis/goblet/goblet/static/; } location /snapshots/ { internal; alias /tmp/goblet; } } Configuring goblet Goblet can be configured like any flask app can: define your settings in a configuration file and pass the name of that file to the app as an environment variable. The variable name is GOBLET_SETTINGS, and besides flask's builting configuration variables listed at http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/config/, there are only two settings that are needed: REPO_ROOT: the path to a directory containing all your repositories CACHE_ROOT: where goblet should store snapshots of cache repositories CLONE_URLS_BASE: the root urls where people can clone your repositories An example configuration is shipped in the example_config file. One particular setting to note is USE_X_ACCEL_REDIRECT. Under nginx, X-Sendfile (as used for the snapshots) does not work, so you need to set both USE_X_SENDFILE and USE_X_ACCEL_REDIRECT. The CACHE_ROOT path should also match the root in your /snapshots/ location. Configuring repositories No per-repository configuration is required, but some data from .git directories and the .git config is used if it is available. description A description for a git repository is read from .git/description owner The owner of a repository is read from the goblet.owner configuration variable or the file's owner on the filesystem clone urls The clone urls will be generated from the CLONE_URLS_BASE setting and the repository name. If you want to override the clone url, you can set the goblet.clone_url_$protocol variables.
from https://github.com/obsoleter/goblet