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Friday, 24 November 2017

Configure Secure Web Proxy: client side

The post is under continious construction, and will be updated whenever new better/easier methods are brought to my attention. If you know other good methods, or if you want to translate this to another language, please let me know via github issues, or at Any feedback is much appreciated.

Ways to start using Secure Web Proxy on client side:
  • Set up system-wide proxy. Most browsers use system proxy by default.


Open Menu (upper right corner) → Preferences → Advanced → Network → Settings
Choose Automatic proxy configuration URL, and paste the following:
Don’t forget to substitute for, and don’t lose HTTPS%20 before and ";} after.
You can also check “Do not prompt for authentication if password is saved” for convinience

Google Chrome/Chromium

  1. Use extension, for example SwitchyOmega. This extension guides user through setup, and here’s mine for reference:
    SwitchyOmega Setup
    Then in upper-right corner you can switch between “Direct” connection and your proxy:
    SwitchyOmega Switch
  2. Alternatively, you can pass --proxy-server="" (substitute sfrolov.iofor to google-chrome. In Linux/MacOS you can call google-chrome --proxy-server="". In Windows/macOS you can right click on icon and set up passing aforementioned string as argument.

Proxy Auto-Config (PAC) File

Remember that you first have to generate PAC file. ForwardProxy plugin for Caddy web server does that automatically.

PAC on Android

Open Wi-Fi settings → hold/tap on currently used Wi-Fi and choose “Modify Network” → In Advanced options set proxy to “Proxy Auto-Config” → Set PAC URL to whereever your PAC file is, for example,

PAC in Firefox

Open Menu (upper right corner) Preferences → Advanced → Network → Settings → Set Automatic proxy configuration URL to whereever your PAC file is, for example,
You can also specify full path to local PAC file.

PAC on Windows 7

Unless you are sure that you need PAC file, I’d recommend to specify just a proxy
Control Panel → Network and Internet → Internet Options → Connections → LAN settings → Check the “Use automatic configuration script” and specify url or path to your PAC file.

PAC on macOS

System Preferences → Network → Choose needed network and click “Advanced…” → Proxies → Check “Automatic Proxy Configuration” and specify url or path to your PAC file.

System-wide proxy set up

Windows 7 system wide proxy

Control Panel → Network and Internet → Internet Options → Connections → LAN settings → Check “Use a proxy server…” and paste your “” in Address and “443” in port. Don’t lose “https://” in Address, Windows likes to remove it when you open LAN settings window again.



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