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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Backup Your WordPress site to Google Drive


In this Guide I’ll  show you how to use the free wordpress plugin “Google Drive for WordPress” to backup your WordPress  site regularly or manually and how to store those backups on Google drive.

Install The Plugin

Download Google Drive plugin, then in your WordPress admin, visit “Plugins” > “Add New” > “Upload” and upload the file.
Activate the plugin and you will see a new menu item called “Configure Google Drive”

Configure The Plugin To get Access To Your Google Drive

Open ” Google Api Console” in new tab so you can create Authorize client Id.

Click Create Project, Then give the project name for example “Wplift Backup” and Logo image url to show next to your project.See below.
Create client Id: Click “Next” Then the application type “Web Application” and then click more option so you able to select both
“Authorized Redirect URIs” Given by the plugin and you can find it in the plugin admin page it will be some thing like “”.
Authorized JavaScript Origins” Which is your site address.
Click create account id then get the “Client ID” and “Client secret” as seen in the example below.

Then paste the Ids in to the plugin admin page and click “Allow Access” see below.

Configure The Plugin

Now after authorize the plugin to use Google drive as remote backup storage you need to configure the plugin to select the type of backup you wish to have if it “Files only ” Database only” or both.
1: Backup Setting, there you can see the plugin setting whatever you need to receive E-mail notification if the backup done or not,BackUp Schedule ( Schedule an automatic backup on your google drive) and finally the time of next Schedule.

2: Database Setting, Where you can chose if you want to include the database in the backup or not, Exclude some tables and not include them in the database backup, Select number of database backup you want to keep in Google drive from one to three or manage old database by “Download,Move or Delete”.

3: Manage Files, Like said before in the database setting you can exclude some files from the backup process, Set Backup Limit and Manage old backups.

One Time Backup

This option allow you to do manaul backups and you can also test if the plugin work for you or not by click”backup now” after clicking the button it will show ” Processing” and after the plugin finish the job you will receive a notification E-mail with the backup info.

Check backups on Google Drive

After successful backup you can manage your backup files in your Google Drive account it will be some thing like the example below.