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Tuesday 22 December 2015


$ git clone
$ cd
$ npm install
$ npm run serve
This will start the development server on http://localhost:8080/en/ and should reload automatically when you make changes but it's all just code and no code is perfect so sometimes you may need to restart it :)
Note: You'll need io.js 2.x or newer as the build system uses some native ES2015 features.


  • Page templates are in /layouts
  • Global styles are in /layouts/css
  • Global static files are in /static
  • All content and localization specific styles are in /locale
    • Initial development usually happens in English: /locale/en
    • /locale/{{locale}}/site.json is where global localization information lives.
    • All content is in Markdown and is per locale.
    • The top of each Markdown file is a block of YAML for page specific localization information that is passed to various templates.
    • The bulk of the Markdown content for each page is referenced as {{{content}}} in the corresponding template