- 删除或更改应用程序 = appwiz.cpl
- 添加设备 = devicepairingwizard
- 蓝牙文件传输 = fsquirt
- 计算器 = calc
- 证书 = certmgr.msc
- 关于Windows = winver
- 系统组件 = comexp.msc
- 操作中心 = wscui.cpl
- 更改计算机性能设置 = systempropertiesperformance
- 证书备份与还原向导 = credwiz
- Data Execution Prevention = systempropertiesdataexecutionprevention
- 字符映射表 = charmap
- ClearType Tuner = cttune
- 颜色管理 = colorcpl
- 系统管理员工具 = control admintools
- 添加或删除程序 = appwiz.cpl
- 命令提示符 = cmd
- 系统组件 = dcomcnfg
- 注册表编辑器 = regedit
- 注册表编辑器= regedt32
- 计算机管理 = compmgmt.msc
- 计算机管理 = compmgmtlauncher
- 添加硬件向导 = hdwwiz
- 高级用户帐户 = netplwiz
- 授权管理 = azman.msc
- 备份和还原 = sdclt
- 设备管理器 = hdwwiz.cpl
- Device Pairing Wizard = devicepairingwizard
- Digitizer Calibration Tool = tabcal
- 更改打印机设置 = printui
- Connect to a Projector = displayswitch
- 控制面板 = control
- 创建文件夹共享向导 = shrpubw
- Change Data Execution Prevention Settings = systempropertiesdataexecutionprevention
- 创建系统修复光盘 = recdisc
- DirectX 诊断工具 = dxdiag
- 磁盘管理器 = diskmgmt.msc
- 显示器 = dpiscaling
- Connect to a Network Projector = netproj
- Display Color Calibration = dccw
- Display Switch = displayswitch
- DPAPI Key Migration Wizard = dpapimig
- Driver Verifier Manager = verifier
- Infrared = irprops.cpl
- 安装或卸载显示语言 = lusrmgr
- Internet Explorer = iexplore
- 网络连接 = ncpa.cpl
- Pen and Touch = tabletpc.cpl
- 本地安全策略 = secpol.msc
- People Near Me = collab.cpl
- Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizard = msdt
- 性能监视器 = perfmon.msc
- 磁盘清理 = cleanmgr
- 磁盘整理 = dfrgui
- Performance Options = systempropertiesperformance
- Phone and Modem = telephon.cpl
- Internet 选项 = inetcpl.cpl
- iSCSI Initiator Configuration Tool = iscsicpl
- iSCSI Initiator Properties = iscsicpl
- 语言包安装器 = lpksetup
- 日期与时间 = timedate.cpl
- 恶意软件删除工具 = mrt
- Microsoft 支持诊断工具 = msdt
- Default Location = locationnotifications
- 设备管理器 = devmgmt.msc
- 本地组策略编辑器 = gpedit.msc
- 本地用户与组 = lusrmgr.msc
- Location Activity = locationnotifications
- 放大镜 = magnify
- MSN Messenger (如果已经安装) = msnmsgr
- NAP Client Configuration = napclcfg.msc
- 讲述人 = narrator
- 音量混合器 = sndvol
- 声音记录器 = soundrecorder
- 系统配置 = msconfig
- Windows Media Player = dvdplay
- 系统内在诊断 = mdsched
- 系统信息查看器 = msinfo32
- 备份或还原用户名和密码 = credwiz
- 同步中心 = mobsync
- 任务管理器 = taskmgr
- Windows Mobility Center(适用于手提电脑) = mblctr
- Windows Picture Acquisition Wizard(需要安装扫描工具) = wiaacmgr
- Windows PowerShell = powershell
- System Configuration Editor = sysedit
- Private Character Editor = eudcedit
- Windows PowerShell ISE = powershell_ise
- 远程协助 = msra
- 磁盘修复 = recdisc
- 计划任务 = taskschd.msc
- 防火墙 = firewall.cpl
- 带高级安全选项的防火墙 = wf.msc
- 系统日志 = journal
- Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Management = tpm.msc
- 激活Windows = slui
- Windows Anytime Upgrade Results = windowsanytimeupgraderesults
- 写字板 = write
- 文件格式查看器 = xpsrchvw
- 传真与扫描 = wfs
- 关闭或开启Windows功能 = optionalfeatures
- Windows Script Host = wscript
- Phone Dialer = dialer
- Power Options = powercfg.cpl
- New Scan Wizard = wiaacmgr
- 记事本 = notepad
- ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32
- Manage Your File Encryption Certificates = rekeywiz
- System Properties (Hardware Tab) = systempropertieshardware
- Math Input Panel = mip
- Microsoft Management Console = mmc
- ODBC Driver Configuration = odbcconf
- 鼠标属性 = main.cpl
- 虚拟键盘 = osk
- 画图 = mspaint
- 系统属性 = sysdm.cpl
- 系统还原 = rstrui
- 平板 PC 输入面板 = tabtip
- SQL Server Client Network Utility = cliconfg
- 粘滞便笺 = stikynot
- Ease of Access Center = control access.cpl
- EFS Rekey Wizard = rekeywiz
- System Properties (Advanced Tab) = systempropertiesadvanced
- Windows Update Standalone Installer = wusa
- WMI Management = wmimgmt.msc
- System Properties (Computer Name Tab) = systempropertiescomputername
- System Properties (Remote Tab) = systempropertiesremote
- Encrypting File System Wizard = rekeywiz
- 事件查看器 = eventvwr.msc
- Fax Cover Page Editor = fxscover
- Set Program Access and Computer Defaults = computerdefaults
- Share Creation Wizard = shrpubw
- File Signature Verification = sigverif
- 字体查看器 = fontview
- 游戏控制器 = joy.cpl
- Windows 7入门 = gettingstarted
- IExpress Wizard = iexpress
- Presentation Settings(适用于移动电脑) = presentationsettings
- 系统硬件属性 = systempropertiesprotection
- 打印管理 = printmanagement.msc
- Printer Migration = printbrmui
- 远程桌面连接 = mstsc
- Resultant Set of Policy = rsop.msc
- SAM Lock Tool = syskey
- 屏幕分辨率 = desk.cpl
- Securing the Windows Account Database = syskey
- 资源管理器 = resmon
- Windows Media Player = wmplayer
- 资源管理器 = perfmon /res
- 文件夹共享 = fsmgmt.msc
- 截图工具 = snippingtool
- Printer User Interface = printui
- Protected Content Migration = dpapimig
- 系统服务 = services.msc
- 地区和语言 = intl.cpl
- Remote Access Phonebook = rasphone
- 系统声音 = mmsys.cpl
- Windows CardSpace = infocardcpl.cpl
- Windows Disc Image Burning Tool = isoburn
- 事件记录器 = psr
- 程序和功能 = appwiz.cpl
- Windows Easy Transfer = migwiz
- 资源管理器 = explorer
- User Account Control Settings = useraccountcontrolsettings
- Utility Manager = utilman
- Windows DVD Maker = dvdmaker
- Version Reporter Applet = winver
- Windows 更新 = wuapp
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Monday, 25 March 2013
160多条Windows 7的 “运行”命令(大部分适用其他版本的windows)