- Anonymous Email in Seconds
Mailnesia is a fully featured disposable email provider. Just like a real email service but without any password or the ability to send mail. Features at a glance:
- Automatically visits registration/activation links in emails, completing any registration process instantly
- Alternate mailbox names (aliases) for extra anonymity, use any name you want
- Alternative domain names (all mail is accepted regardless of domain name)
- Displaying HTML emails correctly including attached images, files
- Multiple encodings supported: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian etc
- RSS feed for every mailbox
- New emails appear as they arrive, without needing to refresh the page
- Fast, easy to use interface
- Translated to 10+ languages
This repository contains the source code of Mailnesia. What it includes:
- The website including everything: images, CSS, JavaScript etc
- The email receiving server
- Additional utilities for maintenance, testing etc
- How to set up the SQL tables
What is not included:
- Configuration for web server, database server or any other external utility
- Scripts to start and monitor the website/RSS/email server processes
Architecture overview
Mailnesia is made with the perl programming language. It runs on Debian GNU/Linux. Nginx is used as web server, PostgreSQL as database server. Redis in-memory key storage server is used to store banned email addresses and IP's and other settings.
- Custom SMTP server implemented in perl using AnyEvent::SMTP. Event based, using only one thread.
- Website implemented using AnyEvent::FCGI and Mojolicious, powered by Nginx web server.
- Emails are stored in a PostgreSQL database
- Hosted on a virtual private server with SSD storage
Required Perl modules with versions are listed in the file 'cpanfile'.
The required Perl modules can be installed with the
script: cpan Privileges::Drop AnyEvent::SMTP::Server AnyEvent::HTTP Encode::Detect::Detector HTML::Entities Compress::Snappy Encode::CN Encode::EBCDIC Encode::JP Encode::KR Encode::TW Encode::HanExtra CGI::RSS MIME::Base64 AnyEvent::FCGI Mojolicious
Or using the Debian package management for those that are available:
apt-get install libcommon-sense-perl libcgi-fast-perl libcgi-pm-perl libemail-mime-perl libio-aio-perl libdbi-perl libdbd-pg-perl libhtml-scrubber-perl libredis-perl libcaptcha-recaptcha-perl libtext-multimarkdown-perl libfilesys-diskspace-perl libhtml-template-perl liblib-abs-perl libprivileges-drop-perl libanyevent-http-perl libev-perl
Or using cpanm:
cpanm --installdeps /directory/where/you/cloned/
Some modules might require compilation of C source code; these packages will take care of that:
apt-get install autotools-dev g++ gcc dpkg-dev cpp fakeroot gdbserver libalgorithm-merge-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl libalgorithm-diff-perl libdpkg-perl libltdl-dev libltdl7 libpython2.6 python2.6 libreadline6 libsqlite3-0 m4 make manpages-dev patch python2.6-minimal g++-4.4 libstdc++6-4.4-dev gcc-4.4 binutils cpp-4.4 libc6-dev libc-dev-bin libmpfr4 libgmp3c2 libgomp1 linux-libc-dev
Setting up Redis
In /etc/redis/redis.conf:
Port 0
unixsocket /var/run/redis/redis.sock
unixsocketperm 777
Setting up PostgreSQL
Using password-less "trust" authentication for mailnesia PSQL user
In pg_hba.conf:
local mailnesia mailnesia trust
Create mailnesia user / database
- as root: su postgres createuser mailnesia (superuser: Y)
- createdb mailnesia
- as any user: psql -U mailnesia
Create tables
arrival_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
email_date varchar(31) default NULL,
email_from varchar(100) default NULL,
email_to varchar(100) default NULL,
email_subject varchar(200) default NULL,
mailbox varchar(30) NOT NULL,
email bytea
Partitioning is used, the key being the id because that's the only value that needs to be unique in the whole table across the partitions. This is the "master" table from which all of the partitions inherit. This contains no data so no indexes are required. The creation of partitions and modification of the insert trigger is handled by the utility
The insert trigger that calls the trigger function defined in to redirect all writes to the latest partition:
CREATE TRIGGER insert_emails_trigger
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE emails_insert_trigger();
The purpose of partitioning is to make it easy to discard old data. Instead of
DELETE FROM emails WHERE ( EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM current_timestamp - arrival_date) / 3600)::INT > ?;
, it's as simple as DROP TABLE emails_5;
. The latter causes almost no disk activity compared to the former, which can run for minutes, and cause performance issues.mailbox_alias
This table holds the alias names for mailboxes.
CREATE TABLE mailbox_alias (
mailbox varchar(30) NOT NULL,
alias varchar(30) NOT NULL UNIQUE
ALTER TABLE mailbox_alias ADD CONSTRAINT lowercase_only CHECK (LOWER(alias) = alias);
This table is for statistics only, contains the number of emails received each day and the combined size of them.
CREATE TABLE emailperday (
day date default current_date UNIQUE,
email integer DEFAULT 0,
bandwidth integer DEFAULT 0
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