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Thursday 26 July 2012


还记得年少时的梦吗 像朵永远不凋零的花
Do you remember our dreams when we were young? It's like a flower that never withers.
陪我经过那风吹雨打 看世事无常 看沧桑变化
It's with me through that stormy weather, see how things happen, how it change, and how it gets old.
那些为爱所付出的代价 是永远都难忘的啊
Those price we payed for love, is always memorable
所有真心的 痴心的话 永在我心中虽然已没有他
All the truthful and sincere words will always stay in my heart, although I don't have him/her anymore
走吧 走吧 人总要学着自己长大
Just let it go and let's go, we will have to learn to grow up on our own
走吧 走吧 人生难免经历苦痛挣扎
Just let it go and let's go, there will always be bitterness and struggles in our lives
走吧 走吧 为自己的心找一个家
Just let it go and let's go, let's find a home for our hearts
也曾伤心流泪 也曾黯然心碎 这是爱的代价
Although we cried, our hearts break, but this is the price we have to pay for love
也许我偶尔还是会想他 偶尔难免会惦记着他
Maybe I will think of him/her some times, I will miss him/her some times
就当他是个老朋友啊 也让我心疼 也让我牵挂
just see him/her as an old friend, it hurts my heart
只是我心中不再有火花 让往事都随风去吧
But there's no more fire in my heart, just let the things pass with the wind
所有真心的 痴心的话 仍在我心中虽然已没有他
All the truthful and sincere words will always stay in my heart, although I don't have him/her anymore。