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Sunday 10 June 2018




tinyproxy is a small, efficient HTTP/SSL proxy daemon released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). tinyproxy is very useful in a small network setting, where a larger proxy like Squid would either be too resource intensive, or a security risk. One of the key features of tinyproxy is the buffering connection concept. In effect, tinyproxy will buffer a high speed response from a server, and then relay it to a client at the highest speed the client will accept. This feature greatly reduces the problems with sluggishness on the Internet. If you are sharing an Internet connection with a small network, and you only want to allow HTTP requests to be allowed, then tinyproxy is a great tool for the network administrator.


To install this package under a Unix derivative, read the INSTALL file. tinyproxy uses a standard GNU configure script (basically you should be able to do:
 ./configure ; make ; make install
in the top level directory to compile and install tinyproxy). There are additional command line arguments you can supply to configure. They include:
--enable-debug  If you would like to turn on full
   debugging support
--enable-socks  This turns on SOCKS support for using
   tinyproxy across a fire wall.
--enable-xtinyproxy Compile in support for the XTinyproxy
   header, which is sent to any web
   server in your domain.
--enable-filter  Allows tinyproxy to filter out certain
   domains and URLs.
--enable-upstream Enable support for proxying connections
   through another proxy server.
   Allow tinyproxy to be used as a
   transparent proxy daemon
--enable-static  Compile a static version of tinyproxy

 Options for file locations etc.
    --with-stathost=HOST Set the default name of the stats host
--with-config=FILE Set the default location of the
   configuration file
Once you have completed your installation, if you would like to report your success please execute the script in the doc directory. This will send an email to the authors reporting your version, and a few bits of information concerning the memory usage of tinyproxy. Alternatively, you could just send an email stating the version, whichever you prefer.


If you are having problems with tinyproxy, please submit a bug to the tinyproxy Bug Tracking system hosted by SourceForge and located at:
You may also wish to subscribe to the tinyproxy-user mailing list. To do so please visit:
for more information on how to subscribe and post messages to the list.
Please recompile tinyproxy with full debug support (--enable-debug) and include a copy of the log file, and any assert errors reported by tinyproxy. Note that tinyproxy will output memory statistics to standard error if compiled with debugging support so you might want to redirect the output to a file for later examination. Also, if you feel up to it, try running tinyproxy under your debugger and report the error your received and a context listing of the location. Under gdb you would run tinyproxy like so:
 gdb tinyproxy

 (gdb) run -c location_of_tinyproxy_conf -d 2>/dev/null
Now access the port tinyproxy is on until you receive a break in the gdb. You can now type:
 (gbd) l
to produce a context listing of the location of the error. Send a copy to the authors.

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