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Sunday, 30 September 2012

Exploit Shield

“A brand-new security program looks like it puts a bullet in the head of many major software exploits, a complicated feat that could turn the world of computer security on its ear.” CNET

A new company called ZeroVulnerabilityLabs says that it has solved the Gordian knot of exploits, slicing through the complicated, Hydra-headed problem with a single stroke from a software weapon it calls ExploitShield.
Available exclusively today from, the first ExploitShield Browser Edition beta (download) appears to stop all manner of exploits, from those affecting browsers directly to browser plug-ins like PDF readers, Flash, and Java, to Microsoft Office components, to a handful of media players. The potential for raising the level of computer security here is huge, as a vast number of threats are actually mutations of malware, sold in kits like BlackHole, exploiting the same security holes in the same security programs.
The Windows-only ExploitShield is freeware for individuals and non-profits, part of ZeroVulnerabilityLabs’ attempt to prove that the technology is so important that it’s worth giving away. The company is working on a licensed version for businesses, although they don’t have a timeline for its release yet.”cnet
Ive tried out this software and so far so good its not noticeable that its even running and is suppose to protect from many attack vectors  is what it looks like very simple to use

full article
